Triumph of the Reagan Democrats by Steve Payne
says: what if Charlton Heston had quit acting to run for the Senate in
1969? Please note that the opinions expressed in this satirical post do not
necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
In 1981,
Please click
to Digg our site.the fortieth US President Ronald Reagan welcomed
the dawn of a new era of responsible Federal Government by receiving
Senator Charlton Heston and other leading members of the Conservative
Democrat caucus for round table discussions at the White House.
The Democrat Party had drifted leftwards and embraced liberalism after the
assassination of John F. Kennedy. And naturally, both of the former Union
leaders were increasingly disillusioned with the party during the sixties
and seventies.
Due to their lower middle class origins, neither family had directly
benefitted from the welfare dollars of the New Deal during the thirties.
And from their shared position of initial skepticism, they had nurtured a
common conviction that the "Great Society" of Lyndon Johnson had
mistakenly created a ballooning bureacracy which had delivered
disappointing results for the "Average American".
Of course due to their own celebrity status neither would consider
themselves a part of that group of people. Nor were they intellectuals who
could bond easily with their fellow writers and academics amongst the
neoconservatives who were led by the Editor of Public Interest,
Irving Kristol.
Instead, Reagan was understandably keen to exploit Heston's public image
which had lent authority to his political activitism. In fact Heston had
struggled with the deeply personal decision to quit acting and run for the
Senate in 1969. Reagan on the other hand, had experienced less of a
dilemma. In his final role for the 1964 movie "The Killers", he been
miscast as the villain. A lacklustre performance had finally brought the
curtain down on his acting career.
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site. Except from his obituary on the New
York Times Web site - He [Charleton Heston] served as president of the
Screen Actors Guild from 1966 to 1971, following in the footsteps of his
friend and role model Ronald Reagan. A registered Democrat for many years,
he was nevertheless selective in the candidates he chose to support and
often campaigned for conservatives. In 1981, President Reagan appointed him
co-chairman of the President’s Task Force on the Arts and Humanities, a
group formed to devise ways to obtain financing for arts organizations.
Although he had reservations about some projects supported by the National
Endowment for the Arts, Mr. Heston wound up defending the agency against
charges of elitism. Again and again, he proved himself a cogent and
effective speaker, but he rejected suggestions that he run for office. “I’d
rather play a senator than be one,” he said.
Steve Payne, Editor of
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