World War Three, Parts 1 to 7 by Raymond Speer
says: what if the Cold War turned hot over Cuba Missiles Crises? Please
note that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the
views of the author(s).
Part 1: On October
15th, 1963, the Prime Minister of Canada John Dieffenbaker
announced at a televised session of the Parliament at Ottawa that "the
heavily damaged United States is in need of radical and all-inclusive aid or
else many more millions shall die in the second year of the post-nuclear
As a consequence, Dieffenbaker stated that Canada would claim the territory
once possessed by the United States of America and would rehabilitate that
land "back to a standard of civilization".
"the heavily damaged United States is in need of
radical and all-inclusive aid or else many more millions shall die in the
second year of the post-nuclear apocalypse" - John DieffenbakerSecret
records kept confidential until 2006 reveal that Dieffenaker first announced
plans to annex territory of the USA on October 24, 1962, less than ten hours
after the United States and the Soviet Union had a nuclear exchange of
missiles and bombs over the Soviet Union's installation of missiles in Cuba.
From his command center at Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, Dean Rusk (once
secretary of state, who had proclaimed himself president only eight days
earlier) denounced the proclamation and its planner. "The United States even
now is bigger and more successful by any measure to our neighbor to the
north. We shall remain independent of Canada and decide our own destiny".
"The United States even now is bigger and more
successful by any measure to our neighbor to the north. We shall remain
independent of Canada and decide our own destiny" - Dean RuskOver in
Great Britain, where London is an immense burned swath of radioactive
rubble, King Charles III announced the retirement of Prime Minister Harold
McMillan, who has been replaced by the Conservative majority in the UK
Parliament by the Earl of Home, the Foreign Secretary. The British
Government endorses self-government for the United States, though it
conceded that Canada's "resources and organization" will require that Canada
will take a primary role in the rebuilding of Europe and North America.
In East Europe, shelled horribly by nuclear weapons as late as November 4,
1962, the remnants of the Warsaw Pact govern the area out of Prague,
Czechoslovakia. The Ministers of the Warsaw Pact have made no statement on
the Canadian threat to seize the United States.
Nebraska Governor Morrison has created the North Plains Agricultural
Association, from the Great Lakes to the Rockie Mountains and from Canada to
Kansas, and has credited that measure with preventing famine conditions in
the northern Great Plans. Morrison is going to Ottawa within the week to
confer with Dieffenbaker and his people.
Businessman Walt Disney in California distributed a television broadcast in
color that said that he hoped there would be no difficulties arise between
Prime Minister Dieffenbaker's plans and the EPCOT project. Disney's plan for
the Experimental Project for a Community of Tomorrow is supposed to bring
America back to full productivity within 25 years, starting in California.
Part 2: in a project which
took four months of planning and two months of digging in the still
radioactive "ground zero" of Washington DC, the United States Armed Forces
unearthed the remments of the underground A-bomb shelter of the White House
on October 6th, 1963.
"It was not planned or built well," wrote an Army colonel who surveyed the
site. "None of the Red missles landed closer than three miles to the White
House and yet iit looks as if three-quarters of the whole suffered
catastrophic collapse on October 24, 1962". Autopsies of recovered bodies
show that twenty-one survivors sped their demise with cyanide capsules,
indicating that their air had become barely breathable within hours.
"[WHITE HOUSE SHELTER] was not planned or built
well"Dental records have helped identify the body of John F. Kennedy.
His autopsy indicates that his death was due to the collapse of the ceiling
atop him, likely within minutes of the detonations. "The president's body
was hugging his brother at the time they both died," said one mortician.
"None of the Red missles landed closer than three
miles to the White House and yet iit looks as if three-quarters of the whole
suffered catastrophic collapse on October 24, 1962"On the previous
day, October 23, 1962, Secretary of State Dean Rusk had been ordered to
travel to an Air Force shelter in Colorado. President Kennedy had told him
that someone had to explain to history what had happened to the world.
Lyndon Johnson, Kennedy's Vice President, had made telephone calls to Texas
predicting his imminent arrival in his home state on October 23. Despite an
intensive search, not a trace has ever been found of an evacuation plane for
Lyndon Johnson.
Neither the Speaker of the House or the President Pro Temp of the US Senate
(last known alive on October 24) agreed to go timely to a secure area. It is
presumed both of those senior citizens died when Washington DC was atomized.
Part 3: Dean Rusk was first
sworn in as President when the experts digging out the White House bomb
shelter identified the body of President Kennedy in the arms of his dead
brother, Robert. Today, at noon Mountain time, October 12th, 1963
President Rusk was sworn again into office before a television audience of
the whole nation.
Also sworn in was Vice President Robert McNamara, who had spent the time of
the nuclear exchanges aboard Air Force mobile command centers. So far as is
known, VP McNamera is the second seniormost Cabinet officer to have survived
World War Three.
A new member of the Cabinet is Governor Nelson Rockefeller, who survived the
erasure of Albany, New York, in the Governor's Bunker and who has won praise
for his reestablishment of New York State government. Rockefeller has been
entrusted by President Rusk with foreign affairs and hopes that he shall
revitalize trade.
An early priority is to establish better relations with Canadian Prime
Minister Ernest Dieffenbaker. Canada escaped any nuclear explosions on its
soil and it is known that the Prime Minister believes that will greatly
increase his country's influence over the world.
Part 4: The Canadian
representative to the American refugee capital in Cheyenne Mountain,
Colorado, was expelled by President Dean Rusk today October 15th,
1963, following the Prime Minister's declaration that Canada's full
strength and attention was needed to save the United Sttaes from a fatal
calamity later this year.
"the Prime Minister forgets that there is still more
left of the United States after World War Three after the missiles than
there ever was of Canada" - Dean Rusk"I wish the situation was less
urgent," said Prime Minister Dieffenbaker. "I would enjoy Mr. Rusk's attempt
to build a comic opera statelet in his little cave, if it wasn't for the
millions in North America who would die for his failure to tend to essential
In his press conference, President Rusk says that "the Prime Minister
forgets that there is still more left of the United States after World War
Three after the missiles than there ever was of Canada, Our best figures,
confirmed for me by Vice President McNamara, is that we had 180 million
Americans in October 1962 and that we lost 25 million in the Third World
War. The relatively few of us that died outnumber the Canadians alive
Secretary Rockefeller predicts that "our Canadian cousins will renounce
their dreams of conquest and apologize for ever having them". Further, the
Secretary of State promised to "continue unstinting aid to our allies, such
as the free men of South Vietnam".

Part 5: On October
30th, 1963. In the Cabinet of Prime Minister Dieffenbaker , dissent
has focused on Defense Minister Douglas Harkness since October 22, 1962.
Then, two days before the launches of the missles, President Kennedy had
approved an escalation of the NORAD measurement from five (peace) to three
(enhanced awareness) on the way to fiive (war). Not that anybody noticed in
Washington DC, but the Prime Minister was infuriated that Canada was
supposedly an equall partner to America in NORAD but no one consulted
Canada's Defense Minister, Colonel Douglas Harkness, thought the issue was
too trivial to deserve a major debate on the eve of atomic war. Accordingly,
the Minister did not make a fuss and even persuaded Dieffenbaker to consent
to upping the NORAD scale to two (imminent war) on October 24, 1962,
The Prime Minister would remember that Harkness did not obey him immediately
previous to World War Three, but hesitated from dismissing Harkness for fear
of the support that man had among Tory backbenchers. In Dieffenbaker's
opinion, an unwillingness to follow their leader was surely the most
dysfunctional trait of Canadian Conservatives.
Harkness and other Cabinet members had been consulted by the Prime Minister
some what. Dieffenbaker had mused that "an expansion of authority" was
necessary to kickstart "the reconstruction of the continent and the
rehabilitation of the populace". But before October 15, 1963, the Prime
Minister had not stated that his plans involved Canadian mastery over the
Dieffenbaker had run a General Election only four months before the Third
World War and attained a slight edge over rivals (116 Con., 100 Lib., 30
Social Credit, 19 New Democrats and 1 Independent). Although the world had
changed dramatically since June 1962, the Prime Minister had felt no need to
hold a new General Election.
Before the Third World War, Canada had thought of building a jet interceptor
for its defense, but the Arrow was estimated to cost nine million American
dollars apiece, ten times the cost of a competing American jet, the F-104.
The Liberals and later the Conservatives had agreed the Arrow was too
expensive and ordered from the US contractor, Boeing, the BOMARC, an
unmanned missle supposed to be cheap enough to scatter profusely over
No one ever accused "Dieff the Chief" of proceeding carefully with a master
plan. The PM's style was to announce a great project all by itself and fail
to consider whether his new ambition might have side effects on other
In BOMARC's case, the system was not promised to be effective unless the
missiles were capped with nuclear warheads. The problem was that another
Dieffenbaker enthusiasm was that Canada would lead the world in refusing to
put atomic warheads on BOMARCs. Defense Minister Douglas Harkness thought
any expenditure on non nuclear BOMARCS would be a wasteful absurdity.
Unfortunately, the shadow defense minister for the Liberals made the same
observation, rousing suspicion in the Prime Minister that Harkness was in
treacherous contact with the Opposition.

Part 6: October
30th, 1963 on this day, Douglas Harkness (pictured,
right)confronted Dieffenbaker directly at a Cabinet session. Ostensibly, the
question was whether BOMARC ought to be acquired if it did not have nuclear
warheads. Within minutes, Dieffenbaker was shouting at Harkess that this
matter was really a vote of confidence in his leadership.
"It is more like a referendum on your sanity," a long-frustrated Harkness
shouted back. "Are you crazy or simply a backstabbing bastard?"
Diieffenbaker announced that he had total confidence in the people of
Canada. "I''ll be awarded the greatest majority ever when they get the
chance to repudiate you and your friend Pearson". Shaking his fist at
Harkness, the PM said he would see the Governor General by lunch and resign.
Thereupon half the Cabinet said they would join their chief in resignations.
When the Cabinet meeting broke up into small groups, a secretary noted that
(if verbal assertions of quitting were enough) three quarters of the Cabinet
(including all major officers) had quit office. Meanwhile, the Prime
Minister was on the phone and in meeings all that day, trying to hold a
majority together in the House of Commons.
dozen members of the North Plains Agricultural Association visited Ottawa
today, asking Parliament to work with willing American allies as partners
for the reconstruction of the continent.
They had an audience with Liberal leader Lester Pearson (pictured, left),
who told them that the Liberals acknowledged American independence and would
work closely with President Rusk in any policy that would be followed.
News filtered through the capitol that controversy had rocked a Cabinet
meeting on the BOMARC issue and that the Government had split on it.
Tomorrow would be the test on whether the Government would fall....
Part 7: the Prime Minister
opened the day's proceedings on October 31, 1963 by
disparaging the need to make a decision on the BOMARC. "The simple truth is
that there are presently no foreigners capable of attacking Canada," said
the Prime Minister. "Argument over whether BOMARC should be nuclear or
non-nuclear is absolutely inessential now. The fact is that it is not needed
and its expenditure shall be excised from the budget."
Douglas Harkness confirmed to the House that he had resigned from the
Cabinet and that the House needed to decide on Dieffenbaker's leadership.
"There are no enemies to the revival of our continent's health system and
economy. Why then is it projected that a Prime Minister will need a
dictator's powers to fulfill the reform?"
Liberal leader Pearson moved the vote of confidence, which Dieffenbaker
failed, 149 to 116. The date of the next federal election was set two
months away.
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site for
Part 1 and
Part 2.
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Raymond Speers
Guest Historian of
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