The Zero Curse by Eric Lipps
says: what if Ronald Reagan had been a victim of the so-called
"zero-curse" muses Eric Lipps? Please note that the opinions expressed in
this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
March 30th 1981, President
Ronald Reagan was shot and fatally wounded by former mental patient John
Hinckley, who had decided to assassinate him as a way to impress the actress
Jodie Foster, on whom Hinckley had developed a fixation after seeing her in
the movie Taxi Driver.
Reagan became the eighth victim of the so-called "zero curse," in which
U.S.presidents elected in years ending with zero died in office. The
others, in order, were:
- William Henry Harrison, elected 1840, died 1841 of
pneumonia after only a month in office
- Abraham Lincoln, elected 1860, assassinated 1865
- Grover Cleveland, elected 1880, assassinated 1881
- William McKinley, (re)elected 1900, assassinated 1901
- Warren Harding, elected 1920, died 1923
- Franklin Delano Rooseelt, elected 1940 (3rd term), died
1945 (fourth term; cerebral hemorrhage)
- John F. Kennedy, elected 1960, assassinated 1963.
Vice-President George Herbert Walker Bush was sworn in as the
forty-first U.S. President March 31. His would be a troubled presidency,
assailed from left and right alike. Only the Democrats' unwise choice of
the colorless Walter Mondale as their nominee in 1984 would enable him to
secure a second term.
In the 1990s, speculation would run rampant as to what would happen to the
winner of the approaching 2000 election.
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
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Eric Lipps
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