"Socialist Uprising begins in
Minneapolis" by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present the fourteenth story from Jeff
Provine's excellent blog
This Day in
Alternate History Please note that the opinions expressed in this post
do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
July 20th 1934,
Minneapolis Teamsters were in their second strike of the summer.
The Great Depression had hid the Midwest hard, and laborers were among the
most struggling of Americans to make ends meet. In an effort to better
their position, the teamsters organized themselves into a union. A
constitution had been written, and drivers were organized into different
locals, each representing a type of worker: milk, freight, ice-wagon, etc.
The leadership of Daniel Tobbs created an efficient headquarters staffed
by a women's auxiliary, and they had even allied themselves with the
Communist Party to achieve political clout. The past winter, a strike of
coal drivers had made great progress, and now seemed time to achieve
workers' rights.
In May, the strike began. The teamsters shut down the city, allowing only
farmers to transport their produce directly to grocers. Fighting almost
immediately broke out with the unions and the Minneapolis police trading
blows with clubs and pipes. After a week of carnage, negotiations began,
and Governor Floyd Olson was ready with the mobilized (but not deployed)
National Guard. The unions and their employers came to agreement, and
workers returned to business by the end of the month.
However, it became apparent that they had missed a key point. Warehouse
workers (who had allied themselves with the drivers) were meant to receive
benefits as understood by the unions, but the employers refused to give
them. The strike resumed on July 17.
A new story by Jeff ProvineThe union
leadership decided that, if battle were to escalate, they would be ready.
Guns were stockpiled, but only clubs were allowed until otherwise
provoked. On July 20, the provocation would come as fifty police officers
escorted a single truck into the picketed market. Club-bearing teamsters
made to block the truck's path, and then police opened fire with shotguns
loaded with buckshot. Union workers charged forward to aid the injured,
and the police continued to fire. Within minutes, teamsters from the rear
of the picket came forward with their own weapons. The brawl turned to
Minneapolis descended into a war zone. Olson deployed the National Guard,
but the soldiers expected riot control rather than urban combat. After two
days, the Guard fell back to take up siege of the city. All across the
nation, in Hoovervilles and breadlines, people seemed to come alive to the
sounds of gunfire. Longshoremen all along the West Coast rose up, shutting
down ports. A strike of auto workers in Toledo that had been thought to
have been settled ignited again and began a wildfire that would consume
President Roosevelt watched as his country became engulfed it what
appeared to be civil war. He pleaded for ceasefires over his weekly
addresses, but the words fell on deaf ears. Finally he would call forth
the Army and Marines to join faltering National Guard deployments (many of
whom were beginning to side with the union workers). The action would
cause a reaffirmation of faith in the Federal government among some and
calls for a total separation among others. With the Convention of
Minneapolis, the anarchy would become a revolution.
Violence would tear across the Midwest. Allied with them, but unable to
hold such independence, were the Workers of the West, a mass in California
and the Pacific Northwest that locked down the western part of the
country. Riots shredded New York City during the Thirty Days' Fire, but
neither the Federalists nor the Socialists could gain ground.
The war changed when Stalin offered aid to the rebel workers. Many happily
took up Soviet arms, but many others became suspicious of foreign
entanglement. Following ruptures in the Socialist leadership, desertion
became rampant, and order was gradually restored. FDR began his extensive
projects in the New Reconstruction, which would solve unemployment issues
as many major cities in the Union needed to be rebuilt.
Europe fell into the Second World War, the United States was in no
position to aid their allies. Without the hope of American arms, Britain
fell before the month-long onslaught of the Blitz, and Germany turned
against Russia in a bloodthirsty war that tore apart both countries. In
1944, Japan would conclude its India Campaign and launch new attacks on
the south to secure oil, assaulting the American bases at Manila. The US,
perhaps stronger than ever and sporting a ready government-based
manufacturing system, was the sleeping giant awoken. Aid poured into the
French, Norwegian, and British Resistances, and the Americans mobilized
over a million troops. Stalin kept Hitler occupied by scorched earth,
costing the lives of untold millions of Russians. Even as Hitler took
Moscow in 1943, Stalin fought on with his loyal comrades against
insurmountable assaults.
With the successful testing of the atomic bomb at Trinity Site in New
Mexico, the United States would bring the war to an end in 1947 with a
series of eighteen bombings in Germany and Japan. Stalin seemed hopeful to
emulate the technology, but his nation was too destroyed to seek to match
the capitalist West. Holding the bomb as the highest prize, President
Truman kept the United States as the only superpower, rushing aid to
allies to rebuild, but keeping military dominance to the US. Russia would
struggle, but the death of Stalin in 1956 would lead to a new revolution (rumored
to be backed by American funds).
The earth became nearly uniform in its American capitalism, and the latter
half of the twentieth century would see untold growth. A feeling of
paternalism would come over Americans, and investment would be the new
colonialism. With the United Nations as something of a front, the US would
assume control of every government by means of controled federated
spending. Many would call the Pax Americana the greatest age of the earth,
but others would disagree as the disenfranchised suffered low wages in
September 11, 2001, a great rebellion would emerge throughout the Muslim
world. Capitalism would fall to its knees in a third world war that would
bring an end to American control and a rebirth of leftist and conservative
radicals that would parcel up the devastated nations.
says in reality, the leadership of the teamsters at the beginning of the
July strike called for a new strategy of using no weapons. Unarmed, the
union would face police, who would indeed attack them, calling up much
sympathy from all over the nation. Communism was given something of a
respectable face, but red scares and fear of foreigners would bring about
the eventual suppression of socialist ideals for America.
To view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
Today in Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on
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Imagine what would be, if history had occurred a bit
differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
explore that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist
superpower, aliens influencing human history in the 18th century and Teddy
Roosevelt winning his 3rd term as president abound in this interesting
fictional blog.
