Tomorrow is Just Another Day
by Steve Payne
says: what if circumstances favourable to white supremacists in the
Southern states enabled the movie "Gone with the Wind"
to be more faithful to Margaret Mitchell's novel? Please note that the
opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of
the author(s).
14th December 1939: with
the Union and Confederacy on the verge of entering World War Two on
different sides, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer released the explosively
controversial movie Tomorrow is just another day. Even the title
was sufficiently provocative, igniting a furious debate about multi-racial
aspirations for equal citizenship, despite African-American's conspicious
absence from the film (white actors and actresses were "blacked
"There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton
fields called the Old South, Knights and their Ladies Fair, of Master
and of SlavBased on Margaret Mitchell's romantic novel of the
same name, the story presents an unabashedly positive image of the South
during the War of the States Rights.
Mitchell herself acknowledged her inspiration from Thomas Dixon's famous
novel "The Clansman" which was the basis of the film "The
Birth of a Nation". In a letter to Dixon, Mitchell wrote in 1937:
"I was practically raised on your books, and love them very
Of course within five short years of the films release, events would
overtake the Confederacy which was dissolved at the climax of World War
A sharply revisionist account of the same story was presented in 1991
by Alexandra Ripley in the novel "Scarlett" and adapted into a
television mini-series in 1994. Fifty years later, tensions were still
visible, and the mini-series ommited scenes of Atlanta being burnt down
in 1945, and, so it was rumoured, a suggestion to re-title the program
"Gone with the Wind".
says, original content has been repurposed to celebrate the author's
genius © Juddery, Mark. "Gone With the Wind" published in
History Today Magazine, August 2008.
Steve Payne
Editor of Today in
Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on Facebook
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