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is a posting I had been thinking about after completing 'The Collapse of
the Third Republic' (1969) by William L. Shirer. France in the 1930s
was faced by a great deal of political tension. Like the rest of the
world it was dealing with the consequences of the Great Depression which
had been provoked by the Wall Street Crash of October 1929. This had
led to a slowing of trade, numerous foreclosures of loans and, in turn,
high unemployment. France, in some ways, with its own empire
providing some of the resources it needed and able to produce much of its
own food, was spared the extreme experiences of countries like the USA and
Germany. However, France had other problems. A key issue was
the tension between different perceptions of 'proper' French society. One
side encompassed much of the military, the Catholic Church and Royalists
and others opposed to the whole concept of a democracy and the liberal
attitudes that the Third Republic, established in 1870, seemed to stand
for. To characterise those who had a different view as 'the left' is not
really accurate as it encompassed many centrists and liberals, people who
simply believed in democracy and its liberties as well as more genuinely
left-wing parties including Socialists. Whilst the Communists stood
against the authoritarian 'establishment' opponents of democracy, they too
wanted to see the end of the republic and its replacement by a Communist
dictatorship. In many ways these groupings and the tensions between
them, mirrored the divisions in Spain and was the basis of the Spanish
Civil War 1936-9. These internal tensions naturally were developing
in a broader context with different groups looking to the models of
dictatorships in the USSR, Italy and Portugal, and, of course, after
January 1933, to the Nazi dictatorship.
Despite the economic and political challenges, French democracy was able
to last until June 1940, when defeated by Germany, France was split up:
the Alsace and Moselle departements (i.e. Alsace-Lorraine) were annexed by
Germany; the two most northern departements came under the control of the
German military governor of Belgium; the bulk of northern and western
France came under a occupation regime run from Paris and the southern and
eastern France under the puppet regime of Marshal Petain, based at Vichy
(being the only French town outside Paris that had direct international
telephone connections) until it was occupied by the Germans in November
1942. A strip of this region, along the Alps, was occupied by the Italians
November 1942 - September 1943, then by the Germans. Due to the
German victory the anti-Republicans of the right, were victorious, briefly
and worked to establish the kind of authoritarian, anti-semitic,
nationalistic, Catholic, French society they had yearned for since 1870 or
even 1789.
The conflict between those who supported a liberal Republic and those who
opposed it bubbled up intermittantly. One key incident was the
Dreyfus Affair of 1894-1906 over the wrongful conviction of a Jewish
captain, Alfred Drefyus for spying. Whilst evidence soon came to
light exonerating him, the opposition in military circles to even looking
for the genuine culprit and the anti-semitism that was provoked by the
incident indicated the difference of attitudes within the French political
scene. Such forces, however, had not been able to dent the general
support for the Republic even during the dark days of the First World War.
The economic crisis of the 1930s came after a period of recovery, which
contrasted with the economic difficulties that Germany had faced in the
1920s which had turned its middle classes to look for non-democratic
solutions. However, a series of financial scandals involving ministers
steadily sapped confidence in the political system. Owner of financial
newspaper, Marthe Hanau, was arrested in 1928, went on trial in 1932 and
revealed details of politicians she had bribed. Banker Albert Oustric was
imprisoned in November 1929 for his involvement in financial speculation,
and led to the fall of the government in 1930 when it was revealed the
Minister of Justice, had been involved with Oustric's dealings.
The most extreme case was that of Alexandre Stavinsky, a fraudster and
embezzler. Fleeing in December 1933, he was found shot in January
1934 and later died, the suspicion that he had been killed by the police.
Like Hanau and Oustric, Stavinsky had been close to several politicians
particularly of the Radical-Socialist Party (which, despite its name was a
centrist pro-democracy party) which had been the backbone of many French
governments. Right-wing commentators used the affair to attack the
party and the basis of democracy in France which seemed to allow such
corruption. The Stavinksy Affair led to the resignation of left-wing
(Cartel des Gauches, i.e. 'group of the lefts') government of Camille
Chautemps at the end of January 1934; it had been in power since May 1932,
a very long time in Third Republic politics. However, two weeks' later,
the next government, the more centrist one of Édouard Daladier was also
forced out by the rioting discussed below. The conservative, Gaston
Doumergue, came into office though only until November 1934. He was
followed by Pierre-Étienne Flandin, serving until June 1935, though he
would go on to serve briefly as Vice-Premier and Foreign Minister in the
Vichy Regime.
With the depression, traditional middle class supporters in France began
to be more sympathetic to anti-Republican sentiment, partly fearful of the
rise of Communism and the increasing rights of working people. The
Republic was weakened by its system, not really addressed until the Fourth
Republic was dissolved in 1958, that allowed easy overthrow of
governments. While particular individuals were often in ministerial
posts, the government was often in turmoil and during crucial periods,
France was often without a government; the state effectively run by the
civil service in the interim. In such a context it is unsurprising
that people began to look to models such as that of Fascist Italy which
appeared to give a modern dimension to the kind of authoritarian regime
that many in France had long dreamt of.
Given that dictatorship came to the neighbouring, formally
democratic states of Italy in 1922, Germany in 1933 and Spain in 1939 and
nearby Portugal from 1932, it does not seem impossible that France could
also have gone this way. The most likely date for an overthrow of
democracy appears to have been the 6th February 1934. Demonstrations
and rioting had become increasingly common, especially in Paris.
These had increased in 1934 over the financial scandals, outlined
above, involving politicians.
On the evening of 6th February, following the dismissal of notably
right-wing Paris police prefect, Jean Chiappe, a wide range of right-wing
extremist groups took to the streets of Paris and sought to storm the
parliamentary buildings. In the face of this, many politicians fled.
Those involved included the royalist group Action Française (60,000
members), pro-capital Jeunesses Patriotes founded in 1924 (90,000
members), Italian-funded fascist group Mouvement Franciste founded in 1933
(10,000 members), fascist group Solidarité Française (claimed 180,000
members, may have had less than 80,000; 15,000 marched in Paris) founded
in 1933; the conservative war veterans group UNC (Union Nationale des
Combattants - 900,000 members) and notably the Croix-de-Feu (60,000
members by 1934), founded in 1926 as a veterans' group but with a broader
membership from 1931 onwards. Its membership rocketed to 400,000 by
1935, in large part due to these riots. The Communist ARAC (Association
Républicaine des Anciens Combattants) was also present and probably
seeking to overthrow the Republic but with a Communist rather than Fascist
state as its goal.
The different groups gathered across Paris and most marched towards the
Place de la Concorde, on the North bank of the River Seine, so across the
water from the Palais Bourbon which housed the National Assembly.
UNC members marched on the President's palace and the Croix-de-Feu forces
came along the South bank and surrounded the Assembly building rather than
storming it; they were sharply criticised for this. It does appear
that 6th February marked a clear phase in the organisations development.
Despite its broadening recruitment and establishment of dispo, i.e. para-military
units, the leader Lieutenant-Colonel François de la Rocque, was beginning
to move towards becoming a more mainstream conservative party. He had
broken with François Coty, who had long funded the group, in 1930.
Coty went on to found the Solidarité Française, a more overtly Fascist
group. De la Rocque's ambivalent attitude to Fascism can be seen in his
formation of the political party PSF in 1936 when the right-wing leagues
were banned. The Vichy regime used PSF rhetoric but the group
dissolved in 1940 and de la Rocque died in 1946.
The inaction by the Croix-de-Feu was often blamed for the failure to
overthrow the republic on the evening of 6th February. Police
blocked access across the Concorde Bridge so that most of the groups could
not reach the assembly building. They opened fire and made baton
charges into the crowd leading to 16 deaths and 2000 people being injured.
If the Croix-de-Feu had become violent then they would have either seized
the Palais Bourbon or have attacked the police from behind so opening up
the Concorde bridge to the other groups to storm across. Similarly
if the Croix-de-Feu had been sent to the North bank and one of the Fascist
groups had come along the South bank, history could have been very
Would seizing the National Assembly on the evening of 6th February have
truly ended French democracy? Fighting actually broke out inside the
assembly with right-wing politicians seeking to use the rioting as an
excuse to physically attack the government; prime minister Daladier
was defended by other deputies of the National Assembly. I imagine,
if para-militaries had breached the building then he would have been
removed either by them or by the right-wing politicians. Of course, the
government could have fled to another city. This had happened before
in French politics. The government of Daladier, who had been a
popular prime minister did resign on 7th February, but again, this was
something very common and though he was replaced by more conservative
Doumergue, by 1937 a Popular Front government of left-wing parties was
elected to office.
With ructions both inside and outside the parliament building it seems
that if these activities had been linked by either the Croix-de-Feu or
some other grouping storming into the Palais Bourbon, not only would the
Daladier government have fallen but democracy would have be under threat.
One could certainly imagine a politician, perhaps the ambitious if
ineffective Flandin, stepping forward to declare a state of emergency and
someone being given emergency powers. President Albert Lebrun, was
pretty ineffective as became very apparent in 1940 when Petain and his
supporters brought the republic to an end. Petain was not
politically active in 1934, but some other general might have been
encouraged to step in to run the state during its 'emergency' as was to
happen in 1940 and 1958. In these circumstances, what seems likely
is that parliament would have been purged of its left-wing and even
centrist deputies, as was achieved steadily during the Battle of France in
1940 until only conservatives and extreme right members remain who would
be likely to give a democratic gloss to the suspension of democracy, just
as they would in 1940.
This may have not been the kind of coup d'etat that the rioters had
anticipated. They are likely to have wanted a move to a clearer form
of dictatorship with one of their leaders at the head. Perhaps de la
Rocque would have been persuaded to step into such role and would have
accepted knowing that if he did not then the risk was that someone more
radical, and even in Italy's pay, would take up the role instead.
This would not necessarily have disappointed the extreme right-wing
groups, who may have remembered that though he came to office in 1922,
Mussolini's dictatorship was not really established fully until 1925 and
similarly, Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933, when Germany had
effectively been governed by presidential decree since 1930, even though
elections continued, it was the president rather than a government who was
making legislation.
In terms of dictators, it seems that Pierre Taittinger (1887-1965) would
have been a front runner. He was a deputy for the 1st arrondisement
of Paris 1924-40, (whist also being mayor of Saint-Georges-des-Coteaux,
1919-37); later head of Paris city council under the Germans 1943-4, and,
crucially, head of the Jeunesses Patriotes, which despite being formed
primarily of university students, had finance from industrialists and was
one of the largest groups at the riots. The advantage of Taittinger
was that he was both a deputy, so feasibly prime minister, but also head
of an extreme right-wing group so would have been backed, it is imagined,
by the rioters. Given that so many governments of the Third Republic
were cobbled together rather than deriving much power from the electoral
results, it seems that with a 'rump' parliament with left-wingers being
excluded on some technicality (perhaps the presence of the ARAC on the
evening of 6th February, making it appear as if the right-wing groups had
been defending the state from an attempted Communist coup) then Taittinger
could have appeared to come to power legitimately. No doubt his
cabinet would have welcomed the extremists in parliament and possibly
outside 'experts', perhaps Coty, Marcel Bucard (1895-1946; head of the
Mouvement Franciste) and de la Rocque, perhaps won over by a 'bloodless'
coup. Chiappe would have probably been immediately re-appointed to
his position and quite likely would have begun rounding up left-wing para-militaries.
What we know of Taittinger's views, he was an enthusiast for Italian
Fascism but more virulently anti-semitic than Mussolini's regime proved to
be. During the German occupation, Taittinger benefitted personally
from assets seized from Jews; his brother-in-law, Louis Burnouf, ended up
controlling 27 former Jewish businesses given to him by the Vichy regime.
Consequently, we would have seen France develop in a way familiar not only
in Germany but in states like Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia,
later Slovakia and Croatia as German allies. There would have been
an end to democracy, probably initially suspended during the period of
'crisis' and then through alterations to the constitution. Given the
support that Taittinger would have attracted it is likely that the
Catholic Church's role would have grown as it was to do so in Austria at
the time and in Spain when it fell under General Franco; the
secularisation of the 20th century would be rolled back. Many of the
policies of the regime would be those which we saw under the Vichy Regime,
whose slogan 'Travail, Famille, Patrie' (Work, Family, Nation) was taken
from a Croix-de-Feu slogan. Certainly Jews would have faced
increased discrimination of the kind witnessed under the Vichy Regime and
as was coming into force in Germany. Socialists and Communists are
likely to have been imprisoned or exiled to remote French colonies.
What is interesting is that France could easily have become one of the
strongest Fascist powers at the time. Its armed forces and empire,
at the time, were far greater than Italy and Germany's combined.
Hitler though he had been in power for a year by February 1934 was not yet
secure in his position and would not really manage this until June-August
1934 with the Night of the Long Knives which purged the SA as an internal
rival, won Army backing to the Nazi regime and saw the death of President
Hindenburg which allowed Hitler to become head of state as well as head of
government. At the time Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler were not
on good terms. The state visit of Hitler to Italy in June 1934 was
not a success and in July 1934 Mussolini moved troops to the Brenner Pass
into Austria to prevent the Germans exploiting the failed National
Socialist coup in the country. It seems that with a Fascist France a
different alignment may have developed. Hitler would have thrived
without Italian backing, but it certainly would have shifted the
development of the alliance which would be involved in the Second World
War. Would Hitler have tried to woo Taittinger instead of Mussolini?
One major difference would occur in terms of Spain. The civil war
broke out in July 1936, France was divided between those who backed the
elected Republican government and the insurrectionist Nationalists led by
General Franco. In many ways the two sides reflected similar divisions in
France. France like Britain retained a rather ambivalent attitude to
the conflict, not assisting the elected government. France
participated in the farcical non-intervention procedures that were
supposed to stop weaponry reaching either side, whereas in fact Germany
and Italy were supplying troops and weaponry to the Nationalists and the
USSR allowed the Republicans to buy weaponry from them. Fascist
France is likely to have intervened as actively as Fascist Italy, not
least to give some outlet for the right-wing paramilitaries, who as the SA
did in Germany, were likely to have become frustrated when the coup had
been achieved and would have become a destabilising force in a regime
seeking respectability. France in our world allowed refugees to flee
over the border. This border is unlikely to have been closed and any
Republicans returned to Franco by the French. It is quite likely,
that with French assistance, Franco would have won sooner. This
would have meant that by 1939 if not earlier, most of western Europe would
be under a Fascist dictatorship. Perhaps Britain would have been
plagued by the kind of disillusion with democracy that plagued France in
the 1930s and itself drifted towards some kind of dictatorship with the
National Government remaining in power indefinitely. Given this
coalition's dominance of the British political scene 1931-45 with no
series rivals, it was not far off that anyway.
During the mid- to late 1930s the focus of French foreign policy was
primarily dealing with the rise in strength of Nazi Germany, prompted and
also restrained by Britain. Britain was quite capable of working
with dictatorships as its interaction with Hitler, Mussolini and Franco at
the time shows. However, the general thrust of its policy was to
restrain the expansion of Germany and the USSR. Fascist France would
not have been opposed to Germany on ideological grounds. The extreme
right-wing in France saw the post-First World War peace treaties as a
failure and are unlikely to have presented any opposition to German
reoccupation of the Rhineland in 1936 or annexation of Austria in 1938.
In fact, these may have occurred sooner.
In many ways it would have made little difference, because, despite the
fact that even as late as early 1940 the French military was stronger than
the German forces it would have faced, the French did nothing after 1923-4
that was effective in limiting destruction of the terms of the Treaty of
Versailles. Without any credible partner on continental Europe,
Britain may not have even become as involved as it did; perhaps like the
USSR it would have been excluded from the Munich Agreement which began the
destruction of Czechoslovakia. Britain, like the USA, may have entered a
period of isolationism, trying to give heart to the few remaining
democracies. Despite having an overwhelming superiority against the
forces defending western Germany, the French military in our world did
nothing but penetrate a few kilometres and then withdrew. In many
ways their 'defeatism' seems to have been pretty much like support for
Hitler's actions, so with a Fascist France this approach would have been
pretty minimal.
With the kind of regime that they liked in force in France, would the
French military have fallen into the pathetic defeatism that they did in
our version of the 1930s? We know that the French army was stronger
than the German invaders in 1940 but terribly misused and that the French
airforce was barely used at all, so would the military of Fascist France
have represented a more confident, stronger defence? It seems
likely. Hilter's dreams always lay in eastern Europe and though he
liked Paris, I believe if he could have fought the USSR without having to
conquer France first he would have done. He may have done a deal
that France got the areas of Belgium that Napoleon III tried to buy.
Germany would have had a free hand in the Netherlands, Flemish Belgium,
Denmark and Norway, partly to keep them out of British control if the UK
had decided to oppose Hitler's expansion; without France it may have given
up. I doubt Hitler would have invaded France simply to get
Alsace-Lorraine back; the forces needed to take the Netherlands and
Belgium would not have impinged on the army he was building to take on the
USSR. What seems most likely in this scenario is the German-Soviet
War would have broken out in June 1940, with Poland having been divided
between the two the previous years. Among the forces invading the
USSR, alongside those from Italy, Romania and other allies of Germany
would have been French forces taking part in the anti-Communist crusade.
Now we begin spiralling off into a whole plethora of outcomes. I
doubt Germany with even additional allies would have defeated the USSR and
perhaps even as early as 1942 the Soviets would have begun rolling back.
Would they have stopped at Berlin or the Rhine or sought to expel all
Fascist regimes from Europe so have continued to Brest or even Cadiz?
Would the UK, not weakened by its jaunt into France in 1940 have invaded
to try to bring some democracy to Europe? I imagine that with
Hitler's declaration of war on the USA, they would have been involved.
If France switched sides quickly enough, would its regime have been
allowed to continue the way Franco's was in Spain and Salazar's was in
Portugal? Certainly there would have been no French zones in Germany
and Austria and France would have been looked on a little uncertainly.
Though the Americans and British were quickly forgiving of Fascists
especially if keen opponents of Communism.
Thus, the outcome by 1944 might have pretty much resembled the one we had
by 1945. Politically France would be a bit different.
Democracy would be seen as having been restored by outsiders, but perhaps,
with the lesson learnt there would be no greater difficulty with it than
was the case with post-war Italy which had not been democratic for far
longer. There would be a huge issue around anti-semitism as it would
have been a policy of a French government itself not simply one that came
about due to foreign invasion. As it was in 1944, effectively the
Fourth Republic simply restored the approach of the Third Republic and it
did not work much better. It was only De Gaulle's more authoritarian
style Fifth Republic that created a firm democracy. Given the
authoritarian regime of Fascist France maybe this approach would have been
unacceptable and so France would have continued to be plagued by political
instability into the 1960s and 1970s.
France almost lost democracy on the evening of 6th February 1934. A
few small differences could have easily seen a coup d'etat. I
believe that a further six years of dictatorship would clearly have been
harsh for those who had to endure it, but ironically would have meant
little different outcome by the time we reached 1945. A key
difference would be how bankrupt democracy would have looked in 1934 with
almost the whole continent under some kind of dictatorship or soon to head
that way. Revival of democracy in France, I believe is important for
the perception of democracy as a whole. It offered an example of a
non-monarchical democracy, secular and liberal in nature that has impacted
on political systems across Europe. France was able to recover in
the post-1945 period because of its reference to the Resistance and it
would have had to focus on a different legend, something more akin to West
Germany's Year Zero, if it was to find a binding tradition. I think
too, without its rather awkward partner of France, Britain's handling of
international politics in the 1930s would look even more appeasing and
pathetic than it even appears in our world.