Movie Premiere of Wrong Turn 4
by Steve Payne
says: what if Air Force One Crashed in West Virginia? Please note that
the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of
the author(s).
On November 10th, 2010:
on this day the movie "Wrong Turn 4: No Escape" premiered in cinemas
across North America.
Directed by Rob Schmidt, and written by Alan B. McElroy,
the plot reprises the now familiar life-or-death struggle of an inbred,
idiot-like family of rednecks living beyond the fringes of human
These human animals are monstrous and frightening and
remain that way through the length of the movie.
In the first reel, George W takes to the cockpit and when Air Force One
crashes the entire Bush Family are stranded in the vast forests of West
Virginia. And Three Finger, One Eye and Saw Tooth finally face their
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