"Outlaw" by Steve Payne
says: what if Russell Crowe had played the part of Robin Hood as
portrayed by author Angus Douglas in his ingenious novel "Outlaw"? Please
note that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the
views of the author(s).
July 18th 1918,
on this day director Quentin Tarantino's aesthetically violent and
stylistically excessive movie "Robin Hood: Outlaw" premiered in cinemas
across Great Britain.
"He is a dark and violent man. He does, however,
have a code of honour".The director had been captivated by Angus
Donald's novel of the same name, in which rather than being the altruistic
aristocrat of popular myth, the protagonist is portrayed as a medieval Don
Corleone, the "Godfather of Sherwood Forest". "He is a dark and violent
man. He does, however, have a code of honour".
"This would be a movie I'd love to go see" -
reader's commentThe author (formerley a journalist who covered the
war in Afganistan) explored the darker, more violent and much less
palatable figure in the 1450 ballad entitled "Robin Hood and the Monk".
And doubtless the bloodshed and violence reported from the caves of Tora
Bora also influenced the narrative too.
The movie enabled lead star Russell Crowe to recapture the success of
Gladiator, in which he had played Maximus Decimus Meridius, a
single-minded, if perhaps not so ruthless killer.
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Steve Payne, Editor of
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