Young Filmmaker Dies of Heart
by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present a new story from Jeff Provine's
excellent blog This
Day in Alternate History Please note that the opinions expressed in this
post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On July 17th 1976,
George Lucas, best known for his directing triumph in the film American
Graffiti, died after complications from a stress-induced heart attack. He
had been working on his new project, a science fiction film entitled Blue
Harvest, something of a Flash Gordon adaptation. After his previous
science fiction film THX 1138 won the National Student Film Festival, he
championed his new project, serving as writer, director, and producer in
many sittings, consistently fighting with Fox Studios to keep funding
secure. While the film would never be completed after his death, he had
imagined it as something world-changing.
Lucas had just returned to San Francisco from reviewing his film company
Lucasfilm’s special effects unit (“Industrial Light and Magic”) that had
spent half of its budget and only completed three shots, none of them to
his standards. Depression and stress struck the director hard, and he
arranged to assume control of the special effects himself before returning
home to San Francisco. Upon arrival, he complained of chest pains. His
wife drove him to Marin General Hospital, where he would pass away.
The death of the young is always a tragedy, but life and Hollywood go on.
None can say what his special effects were to do, but our own effects
continued impressively with 1977’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind,
groundbreaking in its own right. Puppetry, miniatures, costumes, and
camera tricks always have been and always will be a great facet of fantasy
says in reality, George Lucas survived his hypertension and vowed to
reduce his workload, perhaps even never to direct again. He would still
guide his special effects team at ILM, eventually growing it so massive and
technologically advanced that it would split into different companies, each
changing the sensation of viewing a film. Skywalker Sound and THX would
serve as incredible new sources for digital sound editing and production.
ILM itself would revolutionize special effects by using computer graphics
for such landmarks as the Genesis Sequence in Star Trek II, the
Stained-Glass Man in Young Sherlock Holmes, and the fully computer generated
character of the Pseudopod in The Abyss. A portion of ILM, Pixar, would be
itself responsible for bringing respectability to using full computer
animation with such films as Toy Story and Up.
Of course, Lucas was also responsible for the creation of two of the
greatest film franchises in history: Indiana Jones with Steven Spielberg and
Star Wars, which very nearly killed him.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
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