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Human Time Line 1945 - 2300
1-10MF. Various fleets of the Mutual Defence Treaty 2 members.
(Numbers can also be at the end of MF)
(AL), Atomic Laser
Acropolis. Location of swearing in ceremony for the President of the
United Federation of Planets (UFP). Overlooks the capital of United Federation
of Planets (UFP) based on Earth called Athens.
Alpha Four. Colony in Alpha Centauri established in 1986 by Humans. It is
the first colony outside of Earth’s solar system.
Argie. Pre-industrial planet Humans discovered in 2025. It is similar to
Earth. It is declared a protectorate & forms part of the Peace Protection Zone (PPZ)
Australis. Planet discovered by Humans in 2002. Earth like conditions,
although about the size of Mars. Key feature is a continent that remarkably
resembles Australia on Earth. Major seismic activity restricts settlements to
only one of three continents (ironically not the Australia look alike).
Avakous. Race first contacted via long distance probe in 2168. Discovery
2 contacts the Avakous physically in 2174. A rather peaceful race of 6 billion
spread over four habitable planets. They are approximately 100 years behind
United Federation of Planets (UFP) standard.
Bain. Ex-slave race from the planet of the same name. Member of the
Freedom Federation (FF).
Barrens. Arid habitable planet discovered by Humans in 2010. Never
popular with immigrants.
(BE), Blurgiss Empire.
BigEar. Project to detect & locate signals over extremely long distances
throughout the galaxy.
BigMouth. Project to transmit signals over extreme distances, at
unprecedented speeds, between planets & vessels equipped with the required
BlackStar. Weapon of planetary destruction. Developed & used by the
United Commonwealth of Planets (UCP) & later by the United Federation of Planets
Blurgiss. Generic term applying to the Blurgiss race & the five Honour
Citizens races. Blurgiss race has green skin.
Blurgiss Prime. Home planet of the Blurgiss race.
Blurmon. Location of third Blurgiss colony. Thoroughly vaporised to the
last atom by BlackStar in 2110. No survivors.
Blurqin. Location of second Blurgiss colony
Blurviv. Location of first Blurgiss colony.
Braggah. Ex-slave race from the planet of the same name. Member of the
Freedom Federation (FF). Its troops are infamous for disobeying orders & causing
trouble. Tough soldiers though; will die fighting rather than surrender.
Buckhoo. Ex-slave race from the planet of the same name. Member of the
Freedom Federation (FF).
Capital. Home planet of the Zargah Empire (ZE). Thought to have been
eventually destroyed by BlackStar.
(CC), Cosmic Cup
(CCP), Common Confederation of Planets
(CCPC), Common Confederation of Planets Commission
(CDF), Commonwealth Defence Force
(CESA), Commonwealth & European Space Agency
(CET), Common Economic Treaty
(CHC), Commonwealth Health Commission
(CIP), Coalition of Independent Planets
Clay. Ex-slave race from the planet of the same name. Member of the
Freedom Federation (FF).
Cousins. Pre-industrial planet Humans discovered in 2029. It is similar
to Sierra. It is declared a protectorate & forms part of the Peace Protection
Zone (PPZ)
(CPC), Confederation Planetary Community
(CPS), Commonwealth Police Service
(CRB), Commonwealth Rugby Board
Crusader Class. Powerful Next Generation Weapons/Warships (NGW)
battlecruiser class. More powerful than anything the Blurgiss can develop.
(CSF), Cosmic Soccer Federation
(CSPA), Confederation Securities Police Service
(CT), Century Treaty
(CWCT), Commonwealth War Crimes Tribunal
D1. Dead Planet 1 discovered by Humans in 2003. It becomes the
headquarters for Next Generation Weapons/Warships (NGW). Highly industrialised
for weapons & ship construction.
D2 - D10. Numerous dead planets discovered in the Military Restriction
Zone (MRZ). Some are rehabilitated back to Earth like planets & colonised.
D9. Location of BlackStar test.
(DC), Drey Central
Discovery. Extreme long range scout ship.
Discovery 2. Much improved version of Discovery
Dragon Class. Battleship class built from captured Zargah technology.
Class leader commissioned in 2224. The class ensures victory against the Zargah.
Dreadnought Class. Most powerful battleship built prior to 2200 by Next
Generation Weapons/Warships (NGW). Global in design, its weapons have no blind
Drey. Home planet to a race of the same name. Highly organised, tolerant
& mostly peaceful. Not overly adventurous. Advanced in technology & industries.
Developed Magnetic Space Warp Drive (MSWD) through their own research. Drey have
green skin. Rimward of the Vargary. Humans made first contact with them in 2039.
Member of various treaties with Humans since.
DS2. Dead planet in Freedom Federation killed off by the Blurgiss. No
(DST), Defence Support Treaty
Duel. Small Earth like planet discovered by Humans in 2034. It orbits one
small sun which in turn orbits a much large one. Small population due to high
background radiation & the insanity condition commonly referred to as Looney
Duel Toons. Commonwealth Health Commission (CHC) research on Duel has developed
extremely successful treatments for cancers. Furthermore, the successful planet
rehabilitation program had its origins from studies conducted on Duel.
Duplack. First colony of the Drey.
Earth. Home planet to Human race. Capital of various regimes over this
period. Billions of inhabitants. Extremely diverse in industry, culture,
traditions & academia. Very prosperous as a result.
(EC), Earth Commonwealth
Eden. Earth like planet discovered by Humans in 1989. Colonised by Humans
year later. Quickly grows to rival Earth in population size & prosperity.
(EDF), Earth Defence Force
Enigma2. Technology that decodes about 50% of coded signals intercepted.
Has about a 25 light year range.
(ESA), European Space Agency
Evduc. Second colony of the Drey
(FF), Freedom Federation
Fin. Planet similar to Omega discovered further along the galactic rim by
Humans in 2130. It is rich in scarce minerals & elements. Small mining colony
First Contact. First occasion when contact is made between races &
communication is attempted.
(FPA), Federal Police Agency
FreeStars. Powerful Next Generation Weapons/Warships (NGW) frigates.
Equal to early Blurgiss cruisers.
(FTM). Free Trade Market
Gollare. Ex-slave race from the planet of the same name. Founding member
of the Freedom Federation (FF).
(GR), Grand Republic
(GS), General-Secretary of the Earth Commonwealth
Hippa. Ex-Honour Citizen race. Member of Hi-Lang-Ja Republic (HR)
Honour Citizens. Second Class citizens with special privileges of the
Blurgiss Empire. There are five races.
(HR), Hi-Lang-Ja Republic
Human. Young race originating on Earth. Jokingly referred to by the
Vargary as enlightened barbarians. Highly advanced in technology, industry,
culture & academia. Impatient, adventurous, adaptable & above all contradictory,
Humans have spread out across know space in their billions. They did not develop
Magnetic Space Warp Drive (MSWD) themselves, but gained it from captured
Blurgiss technology. They are an unknown equation in all things: they can
champion the most righteous noble causes, while nefariously destroying entire
planets in the name of that cause. They established the Freedom Federation (FF)
while liberating the slave races, settled the Morab & Kullon survivors on one of
their planets named Phoenix, & are the main force behind the United Federation
of Planets. Paradoxically they developed & used BlackStar, thereby obliterating
billions of life forms. Billions of their race have been sacrificed to ensure
their (& allies) continuing freedom.
(ICBM), Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile [3501km +]
InComFt. Innocence Combined Fleet.
Inloy. First colony of Lyonies Federation.
Indorra. Acronym for Intelligent Network Detection Of Radioactive
Re-Analysis. An extremely accurate tracking system. It has a range of 100 light
years. Tracks the magnetic signal of any ship using their Magnetic Space Warp
Drive (MSWD) engines.
Innocence. Local name Terra. Pre-space flight planet Humans first
discovered in 2011. Declared a protectorate [Innocence Protection Zone (IPZ)]
until they achieve Magnetic Space Warp Drive (MSWD).
Insufferable, UDF. Invincible Class battlecruiser commissioned in 2213.
Its mission from D1 NGW to Lyonies was the most important in the history of the
United Defence Forces (UDF). The success of this mission ensured victory against
the Zargah. Sadly the ship & its crew were lost when experimental weaponry
destroyed the ship in 2214.
Integration Period. A short period of time in United Federation of
Planets (UFP) history at the end of the 23rd Century. This period of 13 short
years from 2287-2299 witness a dramatic time of expansion for the UFP. Previous
friends & enemies (Freedom Federation, Wazzen-Quotos Union, Hi-Lang-Ja Republic,
Grand Republic, & the Coalition of Independent Planets) apply & are granted full
membership to the UFP.
Invincible Class. Battlecruiser class rapidly developed to combat the
Zargah. Early models were plagued with malfunctions. A variant became the
extremely successful Victory Class battleship.
Inward. Galactic direction meaning heading towards the galactic core.
(IPZ), Innocence Protection Zone
(IRBM), Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile [1000km - 3500km]
(ISA), International Space Agency
(ISS), International Space Station
Jaffona. Ex-Honour Citizen race. Member of Hi-Lang-Ja Republic (HR)
(JFT), Joint Friendship Treaty
Jovaous. Ex-slave race from the planet of the same name. Member of the
Freedom Federation (FF).
Kullon. Ex-slave refugees from the planet of the same name. Planet killed
by Blurgiss. Survivors resettled on Phoenix.
(LF), Lyonise Federation.
Lill. Ex-slave race from the planet of the same name. Founding member of
the Freedom Federation (FF).
Locus. Sierra like planet discovered by Humans in 2058. It has four
moons. Never popular with immigrants.
Lonclu. Second colony of the Lyonies Federation.
Looney Duel Toons. Insanity caused on Duel due to exposure to almost
constant sunlight. The Commonwealth Health Commission (CHC) does have a
successful treatment.
Lyonies. Home planet to a race of the same name. Very peaceful,
honourable & polite race. Highly advanced in technology & industries. Developed
Magnetic Space Warp Drive (MSWD) through their own research. General public are
easily terrified by violence. Their armed forces are small. Their personnel must
endure a long period of training to repress their natural fright of violence. As
a result, their forces are the most disciplined & professional of any race.
Humans made first contact with them in 2007. Member of various treaties with
Humans since.
Mars. 4th planet in Earth’s solar system. Small population, but heavy
industries produce unlimited goods for trade.
(MDT), Mutual Defence Treaty
(MDT2), Mutual Defence Treaty 2
Morab. Refugee ex-slave race from the Blurgiss Empire (BE). Their planet
is dead. Survivors resettled on Phoenix.
Motel10-3. Planetary location of second peace talks.
(MSWD), Magnetic Space Warp Drive
(MRZ), Military Restriction Zone
(NGW), Next Generation Weapons/Warships
Nirvana. Third of the rehabilitated planets in the Military Restriction
Zone (MRZ). Opened for colonisation in 2125.
Nolange. Ex-Honour Citizen race. Member of Hi-Lang-Ja Republic (HR)
(NPE), Nuclear Propulsion Engine
Nummia. Ex-slave race from the planet of the same name. Member of the
Freedom Federation (FF).
Omega. Planet, somewhat resembling Sierra, out towards the galactic rim.
Discovered by Humans in 2013. Rich in scarce minerals & elements. Mostly mining
colony. Small population.
Pacifica. 85% water planet discovered by Humans in 1996. Never been a
popular destination for immigrants due to severe weather.
Papa50. Solar system where the first peace talks were held. Not far from
Papa50-3. Planet where diplomatic base was built for peace talks.
Parliament-Upon-Epsilon. Rehabilitated planet D6, originally called
Epsilon. Established as the new capital of the United Federation of Planets (UFP),
during the "integration period", in 2292. Modelled on Earth's Mediterranean
region. Commonly referred to as Epsilon by most UFP citizens.
Peacemaker. The ultimate development of the BlackStar missile.
Model #1 was employed against Zargah convoys, while Models #2 & #3 were employed
against Capital.
Phoenix. First of the rehabilitated planets in the Military Restriction
Zone (MRZ). Opened for colonisation in 2062. Becomes refugee planet for Morab &
Kullon races. Has small Human population as well.
(PPZ), Peace Protection Zone
(PPZT), Peace Protection Zone Treaty
Quotos. Ex-Honour Citizen race from the planet of the same name. Member
of the Wazzen-Quotos Union (WQU)
Renaissance. Second of the rehabilitation planets in the Military
Restriction Zone (MRZ). Opened for colonisation in 2090. Immigrants are mostly
Saturn Prime. Discovered by Humans in 1998. Similar to Sierra, but has
planetary rings. Named after Saturn in Earth’s solar system which has beautiful
planetary rings. Major tourist destination.
Saviour. Code name of unknown race of enormous war-station that
intervenes in 2211.
Second Age/Era, The. A period of human history of significant
achievements. Conjunctionally dated 1945 - 2250. Many historians argue
1982-2300. The Humans & their allies, the Vargary, Lyonies & Drey, suffered
great hardship while achieving a united, free & prosperous federation. But these
few centuries belonged to the Humans. It was they that ensured our future. Their
efforts & sacrifices were the foundation of our current civilisation - The
Federal Galactic Commonwealth of Planets.
(SG), Secretary-General of the United Commonwealth of Earth
Sierra. Second habitable planet discovered by Humans in 1992. Although
somewhat arid, millions of Humans populate it.
(SLBM), Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile. [2500km +]
Space Pirates, The. Nickname first applied to the Australian contingent
of the Commonwealth & European Space Agency (CESA) in 1954. Later in 1990, it
becomes the generic nickname applied to the entire agency, after it is revealed
that CESA stole vital data from the United States (USA) space program.
(SRBM), Short Range Ballistic Missile. [250km - 999km]
(UCE), United Commonwealth of Earth
(UCP), United Commonwealth of Planets
(UCPBR), United Commonwealth of Planets Reserve Bank
(UDF), United Defence Forces
(UEPS), United Earth Police Service
(UEX), United Earth Explorations
(UFP), United Federation of Planets
(UHS), United Health Service
(UK), United Kingdom
(UN), United Nations
(UPX), United Planetary Explorations
(USA), United States of America
(USSR), Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Utopia. Earth like planet, albeit going through its Jurassic period.
Discovered by Humans in 2018 & colonised immediately. Some of its dinosaurs are
extremely deadly. It has strict environmental codes. 50% of the planet is closed
National Park, while another 25% is protected Nature Reserves. The remainder can
be used by Humans.
Vargary Prime. Home planet to the Vargary. Reasonable, humorous & mostly
peaceful race. Individuality is important to them. Diverse in culture &
academia. Respond to both emotional reactions as much as logical argument.
Developed Magnetic Space Warp Drive (MSWD) through their own research. Highly
advanced in technology & industry. Humans made first contact in 1995. They have
been loyal allies ever since.
(VF), Vargary Federation
Victory Class. UDF battleship class built from captured Zargah
technology. Extraordinary improvement in weaponry. Variant of the Invincible
class battlecruisers. Vulnerable from rear attack.
War-Station. Code name applied to enormous space vessel operated by
Saviour. It is the size of Earth’s moon & has unprecedented firepower.
Wazzen. Ex-Honour Citizen race of the planet of the same name. Member of
the Wazzen-Quotos Union (WQU).
Wongon. Ex-slave race from the planet of the same name. Member of the
Freedom Federation (FF).
(WQU), Wazzan-Quotos Union
Zargah. Nefarious race located more than 1000 light years from Earth.
After destroying Discovery 2 in 2180 at first contact, the Zargah launch a
dreadful war against the United Federation of Planets (UFP)

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