A Distinct Society by Steve Payne
says: what if Quebecers voted for secession in 1980? Please note that
the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of
the author(s).

July 11th 1990,
ten years after the self-declared "distinct society"
seceded from the Canadian Confederation, the break-away Republic of Quebec
stood accused of hypocrisy and its intrinsic right of recognition called
into question by a violent confrontation with the Mohawk first nation in the
town of Oka.
"Quebec has three choices, be canadian, be american
or be a puppet state of america" - readers comment
The disputed burial land had been granted to a religious order by the
Governor of New France in 1717. The order sold the territory in 1936 for
development and vacated the area, under protest by the local Mohawk
in 1961, the City built a private nine-hole golf course, the Club de golf
d'Oka, on a portion of the land and in 1989 the mayor of Oka, Jean Ouellette
announced that the remainder of the pines would be cleared to expand the
private, members-only golf club course to eighteen holes. Without consulting
the Mohawk, he also approved development of sixty luxury condominiums.
All the natives in Quebec should be shipped off to
Labrador "if they wanted their own country so much"All the natives in Quebec
should be shipped off to Labrador "if they wanted their own country so
much".Mohawks reacted by blocking the Mercier Bridge and Routes 132,
138 and 207. Natives from across Canada and the United States then joined
the Mohawks behind a barricade. And then a gunfight began with the Sûreté du
Québec, and a young officer named Corporal Marcel Lemay was shot dead.
Predictably, Quebecois authorities reacted with a wave of nationalist anger,
and the Member of Parliament for Chateauguay said that all the natives in
Quebec should be shipped off to Labrador "if they wanted their own country
so much".
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
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