A Quip Transmuted to Reality
by Raymond Speer
says: what if a quip was transmuted to a reality? Please note that the
opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the
In 2010, June 7th:
Ms. Helen Thomas, a long time journalist aged 90 (an advanced age by human
standards) answered a vague question about Israel ("What about Israel?")
with a cynical and perhaps humorous answer that the imhabitants of that
country should migrate back to "Germany, Poland and America".
That was professed to be tasteless in that Jews (the ethnic group in
question) had been given no choice in the 1940s on their future and that
Israel had been settled by survivors who had luckily emerged from the death
grounds of Poland and Germany, given unceasing support from the people of
America, most of whom were not Jews.
Thomas instantly retired in advance of being fired for that remark and died
soon afterwards, remembered only for that comment. Inside of twenty years,
the Third World War saw the rise of the Caliphate and the Caliph mercifully
let the million Jewish survivors of the Sack of Israel be relocated in
colonies to Poland, Germany and America. The Caliph interpreted Robert's
statement as a serious statement issued by God.
More fear-mongering....lol Congrats to Helen Thomas
for speaking her mind!!!!! And btw only Pseudo-historians who spend more
time playing civilization video games than reading books would come up with
some ridiculous nuclear Islamic Caliphate theory.... ~ reader's comment.
Fully a third of the Israeli survivors took root in
Poland, whose native population had been hard hit by the blood burn virus,
and another third were offloaded to Germany, where thirty cities had been
destroyed in nuclear holocausts. None of those Israeli settlements expanded
in population during the remaining years of the 21st century.
In the United States of America, the Israelis prospered most in the Mountain
and Great Plains States. Considerable anti-Semitism existed in the USA, a
consequence of wide spread American blame on Israel for the damage that
WWIII did on the USA when it got involved in war while backing Israel. But
in large part, the newcomers were welcomed by their new neighbors.
Another nuclear armed war demolished the Islamic Caliphate along with the
Latin American Eco-Patrimony. A dearth of military targets in North America
meant that we extrastellar explorers usually make contact with the Jewish
variety of humans because they are fully some fifty percent of the remaining
humans in North America and Europe.
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
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