Bush Vetoes Bailout by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present a new story from Jeff Provine's
excellent blog This
Day in Alternate History. Please note that the opinions expressed in
this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
By October 3rd 2008,
Please click the
icon to follow us on Twitter.a vicious cycle of "predatory lending"
following comfortable economic growth in the mid-2000s gave way to one of
the largest economic disasters since the Great Depression. Governments all
over the world faced trade problems, collapsing values, and surging
commodities including oil and food costs. In the United States (often
blamed as the source of this disaster), the main issue was sub-prime
Under legislation to promote home-ownership in the Clinton era, laws
limiting the offers of loans to persons with poor credit were softened. A
housing bubble began, and money from investors quickly followed. Mortgages
were taken up by banks, resold to lending institutions, and parceled out
to securities, some at very high risk. When the growing economy hit an
inevitable stone in the road, mortgages began to default, causing a loss
to investors, causing a withdraw of spending, causing further economic
downturn. With houses pouring onto the market, home prices plummeted. The
stock market dove as well, and unemployment skyrocketed from businesses
forced to downsize.
"Obama managing to avoid a full blown collapse,
atop a miscalculation on this scale by GWB, will pretty much remove the
Republicans from power for a generation at least. Now the real question is
if the US would consider Al-Qaeda worth paying attention to at all." -
reader's commentEconomic bad news seemed to swallow up all news,
even eclipsing military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Famously, Bernie
Madoff and his Ponzi scheme would be one of many examples of the
mishandling of funds that would all but destroy Americans' faith in
business. With an election in November, President George W. Bush called
for decisive action.
On September 21, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson would propose a
plan for some $700 billion in government funds to support mortgage-backed
securities like Freddie Mac, AIG, and Fannie Mae as well as major bankrupt
businesses like General Motors. The original proposal called for nearly
unlimited power as well as freedom from judicial review and oversight.
Americans booed the plan, and it underwent a week-long adjustment through
Congress before becoming the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.
"Loans to "persons with poor credit" (i.e.,
low-income members of minority groups) played only a marginal role in the
creation of the housing bubble. By far more important was the overyuse
(and misuse) of financial derivatives, which fostered speculation at the
cost of a loss of accountability: after a while, no one could be sure
exactly who owned what debt, so "instruments" were traded fpor their
speculative value without regard to the ral money attached to actual
properties. Like all such bubbles, including the Internet bubble of the
nineties, tis one eventually burst. If the Clinton Administration deserves
blame, it isn't for fostering policies allowing more black people to buy
homes but for refusing to take a resolute stand against repeal of the
Glass-Steagall Act, the Depression-era measure aimed at separating
commercial banking from investment banking. The Republican Congress which
pushed through repeal was setting the country up for a repeat of the
banking crisis of the 1930s, which duly arrived. Clinton should have
vetoed it, gone on television to tell the country why, and dared the GOP
to override his veto and accept responsibility for the consequences--but
he didn't" - reader's commentOn September 24, Bush addressed the
nation, describing a disastrous future for the American economy if some
sort of action was not taken. The idea of using tax dollars to invest and
then be returned when the economy was sound came off as good to many until
the President mistakenly left out the word "back" from the phrase, "gives
our economy the flexibility and resilience to absorb shocks, adjust, and
bounce back".
"Would the Michigan Nat'l Guard go up against
militarized union workers?" - reader's commentCommentators on both
sides (liberals looking to knock down Republican votes in November,
conservatives looking to stop the "socialization" of America) descended
upon the word, portraying the "bouncing" of the economy as a clear signal
that nothing was in control. The government would throw desperately needed
money at a problem, and debts would only rise. In a rash of speeches and a
viral video describing its methods against Keynesian economics of feeding
the cycle of boom and bust, the conservative economic ideals of Friedrich
Hayek came to the forefront. Allusions to the works of Ayn Rand began to
resound. "Let 'em Fail" drowned out the calls of "Too Big to Fail".
"I'd hope Michigan would turn into much more of a
stand-off than all-out battle, but it'd essentially have to be a military
crackdown" - author's response Feeling the change in American
opinion, Bush vetoed the bailout bill, sending it back to Congress and
asking for something that "won't pat the back of lazy sleaseballs".
Another bill would be produced by the end of October called the Economic
Solvency Act of 2008. It posed stiffer regulations and granted power to
the FDIC to clean up the mess banks made with harsh penalties, including
criminal investigations.
Wall Street reacted by collapsing. Americans flew into panic, stockpiling
weapons, bottled water, and canned goods. Riots broke out in major
industrial cities, practically tearing Michigan apart and creating
militarized Union workers locking down factories until agreed pay was
given. The 2008 election gave Democrat Barack Obama the White House and a
country on the verge of anarchy. While millions were devastated, his
alleviation programs akin to the WPA and breadlines of FDR kept the
country from total disaster, which was seen in many other countries with
open warfare in Greece and a collapse of rule in Iceland.
The economy has readjusted and begun to rebuild, slowly, upon Hayek
grounds. The Second Great Depression drags on with promises that, one day,
jobs will be plentiful again. In the meantime, savings of whatever is left
are solid upon a gradually deflating dollar.
says in reality Bush and the nation at large approved the Paulson plan
and its promises of an economy that will indeed "bounce back". As future
generations cope with a continual federal deficit and a national debt
looking to cross $14 trillion by the end of 2010, an end to the recession
seems in sight, but unemployment remains depressingly high.
To view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
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differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
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