Death of an Everyman
President by John P. Braungart and Steve
says: the Bush Curse continues when Dubya chokes to death on the
pretzel... Please note that the opinions expressed in this post do not
necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
In 2002, January 13: on this
day at the White House, U.S. President George W. Bush choked to death on a
pretzel while watching an NFL Miami vs. Baltimore play-off game on
Shortly afterwards, his wife Laura Bush entered the suite from an
adjoining room to find their dogs Barney and Spot standing over him.
Mistakenly thinking that the President had just fainted, the First Lady
subsequently told a top aide, Karen Hughes that she was surprised that
"they [the dogs] were looking at him a little funny". Because although he
was unconscious, the President's physical injuries consisted merely of a
scrape and bruise across his cheek and lower lip, injured by his glasses
when he fell from the couch.
US Air Force Dr. Richard Tubb was summoned, and following an examination,
it was discovered that a food morsel had becomed lodged in the President's
throat. Although the pretzel was dislodged by the Heimlich manoerve, the
food morsel had stimulated a nerve, decreasing the president's heart rate
and causing him to fatally lose consciousness. Determined, but
unsuccessful efforts to resuscitate Bush followed, and the President was
declared dead at 18.05 pm EST.
Shortly after being sworn in as Dubya's successor, Dick Cheney sounded out
senior members of the GOP, and the Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush swiftly
emerged as a leading candidate. However his pledge to carry on the "Bush
legacy" was overshadowed by the so-called "Bush Curse" with many
Republicans pointing to the tragic misfortune that had befallen their
father when he
died on the tennis court in 1985.
Cheney's own legacy would be shaped by two surprisingly progressive
pieces of legislation in the fields of gun safety and LGBT.
says this story is based upon a
discussions group post from John P. Braungart and the incident is
described on the
web site.
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Steve Payne and John P. Braungart
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