Dreams of Self-Government
by Steve Payne
says: what if Bobby Jindal declared his candidacy at the Southern
Republican Leadership Conference in April 2010? Please note that the
opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the

In 2012, in the Q&A session
that followed a campaign speech in Texas promoting greater self-government
for the States, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal wisely refused to comment on
the recent appearance of Davy Crockett on the $100 dollar bill.
For the February 2011 issue, Treasury Secretary Timothy
Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke had selected the Whig
President, rather than the earlier and badly received design which included
a monstrously sized image of Benjamin Franklin and the Liberty Bell. The
decision marked the full rehabilitation of Crockett's reputation since the
low point of the nineteen-sixties when budding history scholars such as Jeff
Long likened the defenders of the Alamo to the Nazis labelling them
"ignorant trigger-pulling white trash".
Of course Jindal was attempting to dodge the delicate
patriot issues which had featured in John McCain and Barack Obama's 2000 and
2008 campaigns. McCain of course had come a cropper in the South Carolina
Primary by making an unguarded remark about the Confederate Flag. And
Michelle Obama had spoken of how her husbands' campaign had made her feel
proud of the country for the first time.
Instead of getting drawn on the patriot issue, Jindal promised a new focus
on the Constitution encouraged by the Tea-Partiers, accompanied with a
return to the Reagonomics of the late nineteen seventies. Because during his
successful run for the White House in 1976, Ronald Reagan promised to return
$90 billion in welfare expenditures and programs to the states. And in his
1980 re-election the Gipper warned that the federal government showed signs
of having grown beyond the consent of the governed. Jindal had aligned his
own programme to this initiative by refusing to take all of the Louisiana
allocation of the 2008/2009 bail-out funds arguing instead that they would
create a huge deficit and unnecessary taxes.
says original content has been repurposed to celebrate the author's
genius © various unrelated articles in the May 2010 Edition of National
Review Magazine. To view guest historian's comments on this post please
visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Steve Payne, Editor of
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