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This Day in Alternate History Blog
"Forke Tonge" by Stan Brin
February 14th, 2010: on this day
in 2010, Baroness Tonge (pictured), the former opposition frontbencher and
spokeswoman for health, has not responded to press reports that her two
attackers have branded her face with Nazi swastikas.
Lady Tonge was removed from her position last week for suggesting that Israeli
physicians working in Haiti following last months earthquake, used to
opportunity to harvest organs for sale.
"She appears to require a face transplant," a hospital worker said. Lady
Tonge is currently in hospital recovering from a massive beating, administered
by at least two men. She described them as resembling the actors Quentin
Tarantino and Brad Pitt, neither of whom is Jewish. According to the Mail, she
may never walk again.
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