The Gamer Changer by Steve Payne
says: the number of novels predicting a Christian-Muslim war of the
future makes depressing reading. Could that future have been very different
with perhaps just one decision being taken differently? we wonder. So lets
change the dynamics, and imagine what might have happened if NATO had
approved the use of air-dropped GATOR mines at the Battle of Tora Bora?
Please note that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily
reflect the views of the author(s).
On December 16th 2001,
Osama Bin Laden's attempt to flee to the safety of the unguarded Pakistani
border was thwarted by the use of air-dropped, timed GATOR mines which
sealed his Al-Qaeda forces inside the caves of the Tora Bora area.
Delta Force Commanders had been monitoring his increasingly desperate
radio calls for three days. Clearly under duress, Bin Laden had told his
fighters, "We did not get support from the apostate
nations who call themselves our Muslim brothers""Our prayers were
not answered. Times are dire and bad. We did not get support from the
apostate nations who call themselves our Muslim brothers. Things might
have been different. I'm sorry for getting you involved in this battle, if
you can no longer resist, you may surrender with my blessing".
Bin Laden was right, Islamic countries had universally condemned the
September 11th attacks with public demonstrations of support for United
States in capital cities such as Tehran. And just one week later, a long
missive from Tim Guldimann, the Swiss Ambassador to the Iranian Government
showed up on a fax machine at the State Department. It quickly became
known as "the offer", a proposal to restore a formal diplomatic
relationship between the United States and Iran.
says original content has been repurposed from two books, Dalton Fury,
"The Battle of Tora Bora" and David E. Sanger, "The Inheritance: The World
Obama confronts and the challenges to American Power"
Other Contemporary Stories
Steve Payne
Editor of Today in
Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In History
That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on
Facebook and Twitter.
Imagine what would be, if history had occurred a bit
differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
explore that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist
superpower, aliens influencing human history in the 18th century and Teddy
Roosevelt winning his 3rd term as president abound in this interesting
fictional blog.
