God Save the Queen Part 3
by Chris Oakley
says: in which Mr Oakley continues his future timeline entitled "God
Save the Queen? - Not This Time". Please note that the opinions
expressed in this satirical post do not necessarily reflect the views of the

June 3rd 2015,
on this day London's Imperial War Museum, running a deficit of over 200
million pounds sterling, closed its doors for good
4th,on this day former British prime minister David
Cameron, his political career in ruins and his personal health beginning to
deteriorate, resigned as head of England's Conservative Party.

June 8th,
Prince Charles of Wales, the former heir to the British throne, stunned
the world by announcing he would abdicate his title to campaign for the
premiership of the newly independent Welsh Republic.
10th,on this day London was plunged into its worst
blackout in nearly 70 years as the result of a transformer overload; the
three-day-long power outage triggered citywide chaos that left 230 people
dead and 68 million pound sterling worth of property damage in the English
17th,on this day the London Times published its final
The demise of the great newspaper, which had been
teetering on the edge of bankruptcy since 2012, was yet another sign of how
badly things had deterioriated in the former United Kingdom on David
Cameron's watch.
Most former Times staffers either found work at other
newspapers or started other publications; the rest found it necessary to
change professions.

June 20th,on this
day London's Millennium Wheel, the controversial landmark which had opened
in 1999 to mark the start of the 21st century, was sold to a Texas-based
private firm in a bid to raise funds for the increasingly cash-strapped
English government.
24th,on this day London was hit with its fifth municipal
employees' strike in as many months as sanitation workers walked off the job
to protest plans to privatize the city's trash collection service.

June 28th,on this
day the former Prince of Wales, Charles Windsor, won election as first
premier of the newly independent Welsh Republic.
1st,on this day Argentina's neo-Peronista regime conducted
its first test launch of a nuclear ballistic missile.
5th,on this day on this day the venerable insurance
company Lloyd's of London went bankcrupt.
says to view guest historian's comments on this thread please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Chris Oakley, Guest Historian of
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Imagine what would be, if history had occurred a bit
differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
explore that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist
superpower, aliens influencing human history in the 18th century and Teddy
Roosevelt winning his 3rd term as president abound in this interesting
fictional blog.
