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Today in Alternate History
Day in Alternate History Blog
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Old Testament Times
by Steve Payne
says, we're grateful to Guest Historian Eric Oppen for originating the
concept of Final Victory at all costs. Also we have repurposed a significant
amount of original background from content from
In 2010, on this day the Prime
Minister of Israel, Ehud Barak (pictured) issued orders to proceed with
Operation Final Victory at all costs. Supported by private contractors with
bulldozers and construction equipment, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) leveled
the city of Gaza over the next forty-eight hours. Gazans were permitted to flee
south to Egypt, creating a refugee crisis of a scale unprecedented since Al
Nakba, the Catastrophe of 1948 or perhaps even the destruction of the
great exceeding city of Nineveh
as described in the Book of Jonah.
Final Victory at all costs
Just a decade before and during his first term of office as Prime Minister,
Barak pursued a final settlement on the basis of the Oslo Agreement
to watch the documentary Why Barak's Offer was Completely Unacceptable.
Prior to his political career Barak served as an officer in the IDF and
following a highly decorated career he was appointed the 14th Ramatkal (Head of
General Staff) in 1995. Barak is also an expert in krav maga, the official IDF
martial art.
Ehud Brog as he was known joined the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in 1959. At
that time he decided to change his name to "Barak", which means "lightning" or
"shine" in Hebrew. He served in the IDF for 35 years, rising to the position of
Chief of the General Staff and the rank of Rav Aluf, the highest in the Israeli
military. During the Yom Kippur War, Barak commanded an improvised regiment of
tanks which among other things, helped rescue paratrooper battalion 890
commanded by Yitzhak Mordechai who were suffering heavy losses in the Battle of
the Chinese Farm.
During his service as a commando in the elite Sayeret Matkal, Barak led several
highly acclaimed operations, such as: "Operation Isotope", the rescue mission to
free the hostages onboard Sabena Flight 572 at Lod Airport in 1972; the 1973
covert mission Operation Spring of Youth in Beirut, in which he was disguised as
a woman in order to assassinate members of the Palestine Liberation
Organization; Barak was also a key architect of the June 1976 Operation Entebbe,
another rescue mission to free the hostages of the Air France aircraft hijacked
by terrorists and forced to land at the Entebbe Airport in Uganda. These highly
acclaimed operations, along with Operation Bayonet led to the dismantling of
Palestinian terrorist cell Black September and a decline in international
terrorism for over 20 years[citation needed]. It has been alluded that Barak
also masterminded the Tunis Raid on April 16, 1988, in which PLO leader Abu
Jihad was assassinated.
Later he served as head of Aman, the Military Intelligence Directorate
(1983-1985), head of Central Command (1986 - 1987) and Deputy Chief of the
General Staff (1987-1991). He served Chief of the General Staff between April 1,
1991 and January 1, 1995. During this period he implemented the first Oslo
Accords and participated in the negotiations towards the Israel-Jordan Treaty of
Elected Prime Minister of Israel on 17 May 1999, Barak gave a campaign promise
to end Israel's 22-year long occupation of Southern Lebanon within a year. On
May 24th, 2000 Israel withdrew from Southern Lebanon. On October the 7th, 2000,
three Israeli soldiers were captured by Hezbollah and then subsequently killed.
The bodies of these soldiers, along with the living Elhanan Tenenbaum, were
eventually exchanged for Lebanese captives in 2004. Barak inaugurated peace
negotiations with the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, which ultimately
proved fruitless. Barak also took part in the Camp David 2000 Summit which was
meant to finally resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict but failed. Barak,
Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, and US president Bill Clinton placed the blame on
Yasser Arafat. Barak claimed he exposed "Arafat's true intentions". Following
the failure at Camp David, the Palestinian al-Aqsa Intifada erupted. Barak also
allowed Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami to attend the Taba Summit with the
leadership of the Palestinian Authority, after his government had fallen.
Immediately after Yasser Arafat rejected the settlement, hardliners seized
control of the Israeli Government and continued to escalate events inside a
vicious, inescapable circle of violence that gripped the region. A former IDF
Chief of Staff, Barak had been drawn into this cold logic against his better
judgment, serving as Defense Minister from 2006-2009. By remaining inside the
Cabinet, he had perhaps hoped to reign in the extreme elements who were now
driving events mercilessly along towards the destruction of the Palestinian
National Authority.
In a press conference later that day, the Prime Minister justified the
destruction by quoting quoting scripture from both the Talmud and the Koran.
Barak stated that a hostile Palestinian population was no longer viable in the
State of Israel because just like Jonah
the whale did swallow him, and he had done acts worthy of blame (Sura 37:142)
Steve Payne
Editor of Today in Alternate History,
a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In History That Never Occurred Today.
Imagine what would be, if history had occurred a bit
differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items explore
that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist superpower,
aliens influencing human history in the 18th century and Teddy Roosevelt winning
his 3rd term as president abound in this interesting fictional blog.

