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Today in Alternate History
Day in Alternate History Blog
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Peace Envoy
says, in this satirical post we semi-seriously ask the question what if
America had voted for the Slattery Report in 1940 and settled a Jewish colony in
Sitka, Alaska? Seventy years later, John McCain sends Sarah Palin to resolve a
very different interracial conflict.
In 2009, on this day US
President John Sidney McCain fulfilled a key campaign pledge by dispatching a
heavy-weight peace envoy to the State of Israel.1
Peace Envoy
By placing his hand in a hornet's nest of problems that dated back to the 1940s,
the President was fully aware that he was risking the prestige of his newborn
administration. In fact, some veteran journalists cynically suggested that
McCain was attempting to assert his authority by tarnishing the reputation of
the Vice President. Because Sarah Palin's dazzling charisma had electrified the
recent campaign, and surely without Palin, McCain would have lost the election
by a country mile.
Yet Palin had her own reasons for optimism. In her sensational third interview
with Katie Couric of CBS News Click
to watch the interview on 25th September 2008, Palin had claimed that she
see Israel from my house
When pressed on her foreign policy experience by Couric, Palin refered to the
trade missions she had sent to Israel as the Governor of Alaska
to watch the interview.
was later to claim that it was during this period of the campaign that it
occured to him that Palin would make an excellent choice for Secretary of State3.
In 1940 the United States voted to implement the
Slattery Report (the
Problem of Alaskan Development), that recommended the provision of land in
Alaska for the temporary refugee settlement of European Jews who were being
persecuted by the Nazis during World War II. In fact the vote was a very close
run thing that could have easily gone the other way if not for the death of US
congressman Anthony Dimond in a car accident.
A temporary independent Jewish settlement was created on the Alaskan coast
despite the protests of the Tlingit Alaska Natives. Sitka's independence has
been granted for only seventy years4 requiring a settlement with both
the Jews and the Tlingit before 2010 was out. It was widely expected that
McCain-Palin would at that point go through with the 'Reversion' of Sitka to the
United States.
says, we have taken a number of liberties with both history and also the
novel The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Michael Chabon (2007) as you might have
1). In OTL Barack Obama announced his plans to send former US Senator George
Mitchell to Israel (in the middle east)
2). Palin claimed to see Russia from her house
3). Barack Obama determined that Hillary Clinton would be an excellent choice
for Secretary of State
4). We extended the sixty to seventy years to coincide with Palin's arrival the
White House, obviously.
Steve Payne
Editor of Today in Alternate History,
a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In History That Never Occurred Today.
Imagine what would be, if history had occurred a bit
differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items explore
that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist superpower,
aliens influencing human history in the 18th century and Teddy Roosevelt winning
his 3rd term as president abound in this interesting fictional blog.

