Royal Thumbs Up by Steve Payne
says: who else do we need at this moment other than "the unique, the
complex, the extraordinary and irreplaceable Princess Diana"? Please
note that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the
views of the author(s).
September 24th 2010,
Please click
to Digg our site.on this day at the international athletes village
in Delhi, a positively beaming Prince Charles was pleased to report that
the royal couple had enjoyed an excellent night's sleep interrupted only
by their tremendous excitement for the 2010 Commonwealth Games.
The Games Village was located on the floodplains of Yamuna which had been
flooded by the River Delhi during the recent monsoon season. The
unavoidable result was a series of catastrophic construction delays which
had threatened the whole event. Worse, the last minute urgency to throw
labour at the problems had raised the spectre of security threats, as had
the temporary accomodation for athletes in nearby hotels.
"So this takes place in an AU where their marriage
went well? That would take Diana (and likely Charles) being a very
different person. " - reader's commentsAdvanced parties of the
commonwealth nations described the state of the Games Village as
uninhabitable, drawing an unfortunate comment that the accomodation would
be to Indian, rather than Western standards.
A number of athletes withdrew their participation, with the full support
of elected politicians who raised unhelpful questions about the original
decision to run the Games in Delhi. Members of the organising committees
added further unnecessary emotion by suggesting that last minute rushes
were a way of life in "[you] afforded us the
strength to move forward" - her brother Earl SpencerIndia, and
suddenly, the divide between the haves, and the have nots appeared wider
than ever. Ironically, the condition of the accomodation would have been
considered palatial to the Indian masses who live in crushing poverty due
to the unfair trade policies of Western Governments.
Fortunately, the situation was transformed by the arrival of the one
person with the emotional intelligence to bridge that gap, the "Queen of
Hearts" Princess Diana. Walking freely amongst the poorest members of
Indian society, and delighting so many with the warmth of her touch, we
remembered at last that perhaps after all we really had turned the page of
history. Click
to watch the Eulogy on Youtube
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Steve Payne, Editor of
Today in Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on
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differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
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