Secret Muslim by Eric Lipps
says: what if Barack Obama was an archbishop in an America which was
still a British colony? muses Eric Lipps. Please note that the opinions
expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On July 24th 2004,
Chicago's Archbishop Barack Obama was arrested in Boston at a conference
of the North American archbishops of the Anglican Church, which was
attended by the highest officials of the British Empire's established
church from every province of the United Commonwealths of America, and
detained pending questioning as to suspected leanings toward the Muslim
faith of Britain's arch-enemy, the Ottoman Empire.
Obama was the son of a North American-born mother and a native of British
East Africa who had emigrated to the Sandwich Islands. The elder Obama and
his wife, née Ann Stanley Dunham, separated in 1960 and divorced in 1964.
Personally, I'd say that OTL's Obama operates on
the following creed: "There is no God, and Obama is His Prophet." -
reader's commentThe younger Obama then spent years with his mother
in Indonesia, where he encountered Muslims for the first time at school.
Under the policies of Britain's colonial authorities, Muslims in Indonesia
were permitted education alongside Anglicans, as were Catholics and Jews,
a practice considered dangerously radical by many old-line conservatives
faithful to the spirit of England's first Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell.
That exposure would form much of the basis for the charges of religious
disloyalty brought against the younger Obama at his trial before the
Inquiry in November of 2004.
"Sounds like he may be able to push for Reform of a
tyrannical Church, perhaps a new Martin Luther" - reader's commentAlthough
formally acquitted of the charge of secret Muslimhood, Obama would be
stripped of his office and placed on the Inquiry's index of suspect
persons, subject to routine surveillance. In 2008, the surveillance would
be lifted and Obama would be removed from the Inquiry's watch list,
allowing him to apply for a position as a theology professor at Chicago's
prestigious King Henry University. An appeal to ecclesiastical authorities
to restore his clerical rank was ongoing as of September 2010.
says in our history, Obama, then an Illinois state legislator running
for election to the U.S. Senate, delivered the keynote speech at the
Democratic National Convention in Boston. That speech is widely credited
with launching him as a national political figure and making possible his
run for the presidency in 2008. The charge that he is a "secret Muslim",
unfortunately, is not confined to some parallel universe but is made by many
of his conservative foes in our world. No evidence has ever been provided
that this charge is any truer here than in the Archbishop's timeline.As for
his academic career, in this more secular world Obama has taught as a law
professor at the University of Chicago. To view guest historian's comments
on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Eric Lipps, Guest Historian of
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