Skin Comes off the Bench by Brian Visaggio
says: what if George Bush wasn't a higher flyer after all?
muses Brian Visaggio. Please note that the opinions expressed in this post
do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
In 2010: it was announced on
this day that Supreme Court Justice George H.W. Bush, age 85, will retire
from the bench after twenty-three years on the court.
Following the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941,
Bush decided to join the US Navy, becoming the youngest naval aviator at
just eighteen. His lanky physique earned him the nickname "Skin".
Attending Yale after the war, he played as the star
pitcher on their baseball team (a sport his eldest son would eventually run
as MLB commissioner), and eventually graduated in 1948 with a Bachelor's in
After a career in the oil industry, in 1966 was elected to the House of
Representatives, beginning a long life of public service inspired by his
father, Senator Prescott Bush eventually taking on the jobs of Ambassador to
the United Nations and Director of the CIA, culminating in an unsuccessful
campaign for the Republican nomination in 1980.
Selected as Reagan's running mate, he impressed his former rival as an
intelligent and capable thinker, well-versed in constitutional principles,
eventually culminating in the President nominating the sitting VP to the
bench itself after the retirement of Justice Lewis Powell. Proving a
thoughtful and serious jurist, he served through four presidents, including
his own successor as vice president, Orrin Hatch.
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