Palin rides the Tea Party
Express by Steve Payne
says: what if the Democrats bombed in the mid-term elections? Please
note that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the
views of the author(s).

November 2nd
on this day in 2010, the Republican Party triumphed in
the US midterm elections, seizing not only the forty-one seats required for
a majority in the House, but unexpectedly winning the ten seats needed to
capture the Senate.
Whats your view - will Obama get tea-bagged in
November?Accused by the Democrats of being the "party of no", not a
single House Republican had voted for the stimulus package and not a single
Republican in the House or Senate voted in favour of health reform.
"God help us all" - Reader's CommentBut this
electorally decisive outcome would soon force a change in Republican
Strategy. What would emerge as the nucleus of the 2012 presidential campaign
platform would be the manifesto of the "Tea Party" Movement, the "Commitment
to America".
And the question was whether Sarah Palin could after all
ride the Tea Party Express straight into the White House, and afterwards,
honour that commitment?
says Wikipedia quotes~ the Tea Party movement is a United States
populist movement that emerged in 2009 through a series of locally- and
nationally-coordinated protests. The name "Tea Party" is a reference to the
Boston Tea Party of 1773 - a protest by American colonists against taxes
imposed on them by the British government, and against the colonists' lack
of direct representation in the British Parliament. Tea Party protests have
sought to evoke themes, images and slogans similar to those used during the
pre-revolutionary period in American history . To view guest historian's
comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Steve Payne, Editor of
Today in Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
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