Temporary Immunity by Steve Payne
says: what if Bill Clinton had been granted temporary immunity? Please
note that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the
views of the author(s).
On May 27th 1997:
on this day the US Supreme Court announced a constitutional decision which
barred Paula Corbin Jones from proceeding with her lawsuit against Bill
Clinton for his personal conduct before he was President.
Somewhat suprisingly the former Vice President, Supreme Court Justice
George H.W. Bush voted against the 8-1 decision. Because in barring any
private civil damage lawsuit from proceeding against the President until
leaving office, the ruling supported Clinton's appeal that as a matter of
prudence, even if not as a matter of constitutional law, such trials would
interfere with the President's duties.
Of course the granting of temporary immunity last hardly longer than the
swearing in of Al Gore. And the tsunami of private lawsuits almost certainly
contributed to Clinton's heart attack in 2005.
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