United Columbia is proclaimed in
Quebec City
by Steve Payne
says: what if revolutionary forces had combined effectively such that
the French-US plot succeeds and "United Columbia" is proclaimed
in Quebec City. Please note that the opinions expressed in this post do
not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
6th July 1797: on this day
the proclaimation of a new state called United Columbia marked the end of
a revolt against the British authorities in Lower Canada.
In which the end of British rule in North America proceeds with apace
Unbeknown to the British, American ring-leader David McLane of Rhode
Island had been masquerading as a Jewish-American horse trader, known in
the Richelieu Valley under the false name of "Jacob Felt".
Accompanied by his French translator Charles Frechette, McLane had not
been trading horses, rather he had been hatching a sophisticated plot.
Because a drink mixed with laudanum (opium syrup) was distributed to the
troops in Quebec garrison, putting them to sleep, so that they could
easily be overwhelmed by McLane's five hundred Canadian rebel
But McLane's actions were only a small part of a larger plan formed by
the new revolutionary governments of France and America. The previous
year, the Olive Branch had sailed from France to America carrying
twenty-thousand muskets and twenty-four pieces of artillery to arm
Vermonters and French Canadians for the uprising. And fifteen thousand
Vermonters had massed at the US border, led by the well-known radical
and separatist Ira Allen (pictured). Known as the "Metternich of
Vermont", Allen travelled to France in 1795, and obtained French
army intervention for seizing Canada.
says, considerable amounts of source material have been repurposed
from the source articles from the April-May
2009 Edition of Canadian Beaver Magazine, "Hanged drawn and
quartered: the people of lower Canada recoiled in horror as British
authorities set out to make a gruesome example of an American
agitator" by Andre Pelchat and Wikipedia.
Steve Payne
Editor of Today in
Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on Facebook
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