Victory of the Orange Army by Steve Payne
says: what if the World Cup was being staged in a vastly different
post-apartheid South Africa? muses Steve Payne. The opinions expressed in
this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s). Please note
that this story is dedicated to the real winners of the 2010 World Cup,
fifty million South Africans.
Constand Viljeon
was a putative right-wing leader who warned that there could be "No
Winners" in a Civil War. In our time line, he supported reconciliation,
and on Nelson Mandela's retirement wrote the warm personal message "Go
rest in peace. Go rest in the shadow of a tree at your home"
July 11th, 2010:
on this day in Suidáfrica at the newly built
Constand Viljoen
Stadium in Johannesburg, the "orange army" celebrated a famous home
victory when Bert van Marwijk's (pictured) Netherlands Football Team
defeated Spain 2-1. Listen to Waving Flag on Youtube
"After all those years of subjugation its obvious
that the black mans juju is not as powerful as the white mans juju" -
readers comment
In a country controlled by Dutch settlers and where the majority of white
citizens speak a Dutch dialect called Afrikaans, the success of the Dutch
team had been big news, with fans cheering every shot on goal and booing
every bad referee call. Around the country, cars sported the Dutch flag
throughout the tournament and on game days, whole restaurants were often
filled with fans wearing the color orange, the color of Dutch royalty.
World Cup brought out the inner nationalist in many sports fans and the
emergence of Holland gave many South Africans of Dutch ancestry much to be
proud of. But among many black South Africans, Hollands ties to the
founders of apartheid was a reminder of the continuing racial injustice in
South African society.
"Love is the way. They'll call me freedom like a
waving flag. Accept no defeat" ~ rebel anthemThokozani Khumalo, who
lives in the Tembisa township near Pretoria, said the four remaining teams
were the best but did not hide her feelings that she would rally behind
anyone but Holland.
"If I had juju [black magic] I would make sure that their strikers
would not score even a single goal in the encounter", said Ms. Khumalo. "I
appreciate that FIFA are preaching good message against racism in all
their 2010 FIFA World Cup matches of this beautiful game of soccer, but at
the same time, I hate the idea that we black South Africans are the ones
being made scapegoats by Dutch people [Afrikaners]".
Steve Payne
Editor of Today in
Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In History
That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on
Facebook and Twitter.
Imagine what would be, if history had occurred a bit
differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
explore that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist
superpower, aliens influencing human history in the 18th century and Teddy
Roosevelt winning his 3rd term as president abound in this interesting
fictional blog.
