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The War of Mexican Intervention
by Blochead
The POD: A much more ‘thorough’ campaign against Marcos
EZLN command structure is located through bribery of the newspapers that
publish them and some (possibly US assisted) bushwork. In January of 1994, a
Mexican helicopter gunship in Chiapas strafes and kills Subcommander Marcos and
about a dozen other EZLN fighters. Kill is confirmed by Mexican Army regulars.
EZLN, in outrage, begins more radical actions. Suspected contact with the FARC
and possibly financial support out of the newly released Hugo Chavez and his MVR
movement later in the year spurs military action.
Violence intensifies in Chiapas. Mexican Army embarrassed when several
soldiers defect and aid ambushes on Mexican Army troops. Clinton issues a
condemnation of the Zapatistas. But the US does see some effect as the chicano
movement is encouraged in the Southern United States. The US classifies the
Zapatistas as a terrorist group after the Mexican government claims they have
killed negotiators. Zapatistas deny the allegations and continue their
The Zapatista movement spreads outside Chiapas and into major cities. Mexican
Army incapacitated by violent and non-violent protest. Mexican Army declares
martial law in all effected areas and promises to punish any media publishing
EZLN declarations.
The turning point comes when Mexican oilfields are seized in a daring raid in
December. Among them are several American consultants. US demands they be
released while some protest that this group has nothing to do with the EZLN and
is likely FARC attempting to instigate conflict. The raiders say they will
release the hostages on the condition that US halt all trade effected by NAFTA
and remain neutral.
Clinton, knowing the election is coming up, does what he hopes will encourage US
voters. US Navy SEALS are sent in and free all hostages, except for a Mexican
and American who were hit by a ricocheting slug of unknown origin and a
Zapatista bullet, respectively. The US, outraged, makes a joint statement with
the Mexican government that they will classify the Zapatistas as terrorists and
sends over 3,000 US SPECFOR and soldiers into Mexico to assist Federal troops.
The War of Mexican Intervention (or the War of Yanqui Imperialism, depending on
who you ask), had begun.
US troops are deployed into Chiapas and the surrounding territories, using
Mexican intelligence agents to pinpoint targets for precision strikes.
Laser-Guided Bombs are dropped in the dozens during the initial days of the
strike, while US Army Rangers hunt down Zapatistas in the brush. The US Army is
very successful despite some warning that the jungles of Chiapas could become 'a
new Vietnam'.
In retaliation, Zapatistas encourage Chicano groups to revive the brown berets.
They cross the border and in three coordinated strikes, body-armored, assault
rifle toting men seize a Bank and shopping mall in the Los Angeles area. The
LAPD's initial response teams are shredded to pieces at the bank, where, using
two hostages as a shield, an unknown man used a belt-fed machinegun to destroy
entire patrol cars. The LAPD SWAT was called in, and in a coordinated sniper and
assault team strike, killed all 5 of the terrorists. However, the massive
automatic weapon crossfire resulted in the deaths of 3 hostages. At the shopping
mall, the attack was a bit more successful, though had a much more profound
psychological impact. TV crews and security cameras recorded chilling images:
polished tiles smeared with the blood of rent-a-cops, armed gunmen exchanging
shots with the LAPD, and hostages screaming for their lives. No hostages were
killed though a police officer lost his life when a high-powered .308 bullet hit
him in the head. In his honor the 'Schumaker Bill' was passed by Californian
legislation, adding several thousand assault rifles to the inventories of
border-city Police Departments.
Meanwhile, the US began an extensive campaign to track down and prosecute those
involved in the logistics and planning of the act. FBI agents stormed the
barrios, though two suspects (including a drug-lord who'd used his connections
to acquire many of the rifles used in the act) fled to Cuba.
The election year rolled forward, with Clinton promising to uphold the rights of
Latin American citizens and secure Mexico, while Dole argued the NAFTA act was
too damaging to be upheld, essentially through violence. Democrats snapped back
saying that this selfish attitude would only allow Mexico to destabilize more,
and may even increase illegal immigration beyond the rising levels due to a
Mexican flight from dictatorship.
Though it was not the sole campaign issue, Clinton won the election.
The dominant news story out of Southern California is race riots regarding
several arrests and trials from the LA terrorist attacks of the previous year.
OJ Simpson goes relatively unnoticed for quite some time.
On October 17, after the burial of Che Guevera with full military honors, the
Cuban government says they will not hand the suspects unless the death penalty
will be ruled out by the Californian governor. The Californian governor refuses
to make such an agreement and demands that the 'Cuban government hand over these
murderers lest they share in the stain of innocent blood'.
Cuba refuses.
On October 26 the Californian governor says 'America should do anything
necessary to take these terrorists out of Cuba'. The next day, combined with the
Asian financial crisis, the stock market plummets.
The Monica Lewinsky scandal somehow manages to overshadow the Mexican
conflict, if briefly. In an attempt to distract attention and out of complete
frustration with Cuba, Clinton gives Cuba until March 20th to hand over the
The world watches with baited breath.
On March 18th a gunfire exchange takes place at Guantanamo Bay. Cubans say they
saw a Marine crossing the border, Americans say the Cubans fired in error, and
simply returned fire. The gunbattle ends with Cuban forces besieging Guantanamo
Bay. The USS John F. Kennedy, which had ended a 6-month deployment in 1997, was
quickly refitted for duty and called into the Carribbean. The Kennedy began
immediate strikes on Cuba in retaliation. On March 20th a pair of F/A-18 Hornets
kill Castro with a laser guided bomb. Soon after many members of the Cuban army
desert and the US breaks out of Guantanamo, fighting skirmishes with guerillas
and the Cuban army along the way.
By April American forces were at the edges of Havana, where the Cuban diehards
were making their last stand. The USMC, after a massive 'precision' bombardment
by American strategic aircraft, completes the assault. As a PR gesture, cameras
roll as Cuban-Americans and anti-Castro Cuban guerillas raise the Cuban and
American flags in Havana, though the Cuban one is ordered to fly higher. This is
effectively the end of major resistance in Cuba. The rest of the island is
gradually won over by Alberto Franqui, who becomes interim President of the
Republic of Cuba. He promises not to remove the current healthcare given to
Cubans, but makes an agreement to join NAFTA 'in the near future' as he begins
programs to help develop Cuba into a free-market society.
Meanwhile, the rest of the world was shocked by the US invasion. Many agreed
that the downfall of Castro was good, but they condemned the US violence. China
and Russia began vetoing US pleas to help stabilize Cuba or Mexico in the UN.
The African Embassy bombings are met with Operation Infinite Reach, and out of
sheer luck, Osama Bin Laden is presumed killed, as he never appears in any
audiovisual record again. Al-Qaeda never again adopts a rallying symbol. Desert
Fox is also made in response to Hussein.
Socialist guerillas begin flooding into Mexico as Venezuela and several other
nations condemn the US invasion of Cuba.
Republican governorships and senators win every US border state, as
Republicans adopt a new platform of 'non-intervention'. Republicans angry at US
intervention in Mexico are only more enflamed by conflicts in Cuba, Iraq, Sudan,
the Balkans, and Afghanistan.
But it seems the War in Mexico is slowing down. Many of the Zapatistas withdraw
back into Chiapas and the Southern provinces, but increased illegal activity
occurs near the borders. Texas and California deploy National Guard units and
'Minutemen Volunteer Groups' to monitor the border for crossing terrorists. In
California, many illegal (and legal) immigrants are rounded up and arrested, and
then held without trial for months. The Supreme Court rules in Marquez v California
that the Californian government may not suspend habeas corpus and orders
immediate trials for all arrested.
Clinton splits both parties. Anti-War Democrats and many Republicans say that he
is fostering 'American Imperialism.' But many pro-business Republicans and
neoliberal Democrats say that the wars were absolutely necessary to American
security and preserving democracy. The rifts only continue when Bush and McCain
announce their bids for the 2000 Presidency against Al Gore, who is quickly
voted in by Democratic Primaries and nominated. McCain ran as what the Op-Eds
were calling 'Pax Americana moderates'. McCain's position on Mexico was outlined
"[There are] dangers implicit in failing to properly monitor traffic
crossing the Mexican border, and there are certainly dangers in this war. Yet,
Mexico is one of our largest trading partners, and it is in our best interest to
maintain as open a border and as stable a nation as possible. It is a careful
balancing act. [We should] ensure that we are doing everything we can to stem
the flow of illegal drugs and Zapatista terrorists without impeding the flow of
legitimate commerce. I think that it’s clear now the Mexican government needs
our nation's aid to maintain that balance."
As the race begins, in November 30th clashes occur outside the Seattle WTO
conference, many linking it to 'unjust US action in Mexico and Cuba'. There are
no deaths but it illustrates growing anti-American sentiment from the Old Left
and antiglobalizers, who compare the current US Caribbean wars to the Mexican
American War. Rather than gaining territory for slaves, they argue the current
government seeks to gain more territory for 'wage-slaves' and 'economic
As the race continues, Venezuela finds that virtually every anti-war candidate
has been voted out of office. Though the rebellion is calming, Chavez will have
none of it. Venezuela begins a mobilization of troops, and then the Zapatistas
begin a last bid for freedom. Chiapas and other sections of Zapatista controlled
territory hold a vote, and say that they are now the independent People's
Republic of Chiapas. America is not amused, and refuses to recognize the nation.
But the UNSC vote to send peacekeepers is again shut down by Russia and China,
who ironically state the US is undermining the democratic process. The actual
validity of the votes is never revealed but the Zapatistas do enjoy exceptional
The first nation to recognize the People's Republic was Venezuela. The next is
China, which was seeking to solidify their oil partnership. Then a slew of other
socialist nations fall in, all saying a new vote should be conducted with heavy
UN monitoring.
It is scheduled for February of 2000.
The Mexican government and people, which has elected Vincente Fox on a heavy
'United Free Mexico' platform, refuses to recognize the People's Republic but
knows it has virtually no control over the South. They sign a cease fire for the
duration of the vote and demilitarize sections of Mexico, with the UN breathing
down their necks.
The vote goes smoothly, but for all the wrong reasons. With the uprising
virtually every anti-Zapatista has fled the area, resulting in a landslide
victory for the independence ballot.
The United States is outraged, and vetoes every UNSC measure to support the
small nation.
Huge amounts of the Mexican Army from the far South desert, and the Mexican
government, its troops already worn down by attrition, is desperate to raise
enough troops. In late March the Mexican Army launches a last ditch offensive
into disputed territory, but finds it bogged down by guerilla attacks and
unexpected support of the Zapatista guerillas and the newborn Chiapas Army in
disrupting the supply chain. The Mexicans quickly find themselves in the 'DMZ'
with an offensive that, due to a combination of emotionally-fueled and
ill-considered planning, incompetent leadership, and low troop morale, has
driven itself into the jungle and mud with no escape in sight.
The US can do nothing in the DMZ. Cries for air support are heard but never met,
as Venezuela begins shipping air defense into the small nation through the
Yucatan. The Interim Governing Council of Chiapas decries the attack and
requests Venezuelan military support in a 'purely defensive role'.
The two nations reach a standoff. America cannot afford a massive war with
Venezuela, or so many argue. Already the 1998 fervor is slowing down in the
nativist Republicans and anti-war Democrats. Over the summer of 2000, the US
maintains a shaky relationship as an 'aid race' occurs over Mexico. As Venezuela
moves troops into Chiapas, America sends more and more men into Mexico. China
sends humanitarian aid to the new nation but refuses to take part in any
military conflict.
Though a vote in the Organization of American States fails, the US threatens
quarantine on Chiapas. The world protests, saying quarantine on Chiapas is
throwing it to the hungry wolves in the Mexican leadership. McCain wins the
presidential election, and as the curtains close on the tumultuous Clinton
administration, both American and Venezuela prepare for war.
The new 'Chiapas Air Force' (crewed by Venezuelan pilots in Venezuelan planes)
begins shooting down all Mexican aircraft that enter 'Chiapas Air Space'. Both
nations are now ignoring the DMZ, though it is Mexico who is struggling to
reform their military.
McCain's inaugural is a fiery speech about protecting Mexico and promoting
freedom. In April, the unthinkable happens. Over some DMZ Border dispute,
Mexican helicopter gunships 'accidentally' strafe several pro-Chiapas villagers.
This is the last straw for many in the cities, and the pro leftist poor begin
nearly complete rebellion. Fox refuses to leave, and instead calls his forces
into the capital and other major cities to silence the rebellion.
But the Chiapan Republic seems to be eager for blood. They begin an immediate,
full out assault into provinces as far as Vera Cruz. Old, but effective cruise
missiles pound Mexico City, and the Mexican air force finds itself in no
capacity to stand up to PRCAF equipment. The offensive scrambles towards Mexico
City as their goal, where Vincente Fox attempts to flee. His aircraft is
destroyed by Zapatistas using an SA-18 missile.

PRCAF Su-27s scramble to war in the 2001 offensive. Though advanced, the
Venezuelan piloted aircraft couldn’t match up to USAF numbers, training and
America is swift to respond. Within two days the 3rd Armored Cavalry has reached
the battlefront, and utterly obliterates the Chiapan advance. The US Air Force
achieves complete air superiority, and within 24 hours bombs rain on every inch
of Chiapas. However, they do find that the hardcore Zapatistas, as the
Vietnamese, were in no mood to roll over. Guerilla fighting bogs down US forces
in Central Mexico as the US demands immediate Venezuelan troop withdrawal.

US tanks in Central Mexico helped turn the tide of the assault.
Chavez responds by saying they will not withdraw troops from Chiapas until the
US sends its forces out of Mexico. With the Mexican government in shambles,
Northern Mexico throws in the towel. In all US bordering states and Durango,
state governments and the people both vote to become part of the US. Durango is
the last to vote, with the official results being proclaimed in 2002. McCain
heartily encourages the result of the vote. Though he remarks it is saddening
that the Mexican government has failed, he believes the US and Mexico alike
could have significant security and economic gains from the Mexican states
joining the Union. By 2002, Congress passes the 'Southern Ordinance', which puts
each region as a semi-autonomous territory for at least 5 years while
infrastructure is put up and the US bureaucracy is established. Few vote against
the measure, but many say it will help alleviate the immigration problems.
Increased US business activity and new minimum wage laws will not result in the
original US states being swamped with labor, say proponents, and the senate also
offers a plan to naturalize all Mexican illegal immigrants. The US Mexican
Territories all set up measures to help bring US business there, and also
establish special task forces for cleaning out the crime and corruption left
over from the old government. Ultimately, a homogenization begins. With the
former border porous, many Mexicans go home to try and take advantage of US
businesses setting up in former Northern Mexico, while many Americans are drawn
to Mexico by cheaper land prices and a growing infrastructure. Though the US
will likely have to condense some of the territories into larger states, many
are optimistic.
Texas governor Bush now finds himself under intense scrutiny for his support of
the militias, who now have no border to guard and are angry about Mexican
integration, along with many other nativists. Many see their political careers
going down as pro-war and pro-integration politicians get the victories they
have been campaigning for. Many will need to make adjustments to their policy if
they hope to survive upcoming elections. With the 2008 elections still an option
for many politicians, it seems that the new Mexican states may hurt their
chances of the Presidency if they states still have bitter memories of
The US negotiates an uneasy peace with the Republic of Chiapas. There is no
demilitarized zone, but the US keeps its forces farther from the borders of the
tiny nation. However, warns McCain, if any new military equipment is shipped to
Chiapas, the US will begin punitive strikes and quarantine. Venezuela responds
that any action against Chiapas is an action against the Venezuelan state, and
MERCOSUR begins discussing the idea of a mutual defense clause to their economic
pact. With Argentina in the throes of depression, it seems a leftist leaning
candidate is inevitable. Already Hugo Chavez is being hailed by some as the 'Man
Who Stood up to the Superpower', and Venezuela continues its military buildup.
The US blocks deals everywhere it can, but falls short of preventing the Chinese
and some other nations of pushing their deals through. In retaliation, US
diplomats abroad send similar messages. You trade weapons technology with China,
and sooner or later they will end up in use against the US. And Colombia
responds to its neighbors' armament purchases with its own military buildup.
F-15 and F-16 fighters, new attack helicopters, and more are imported by the
But not all nations are content with US hegemony. Along with Venezuela and
Argentina, Brazil moves further into the anti-US camp. Lula da Sila, the newly
elected Brazilian President, has been campaigning hard left, (and unlike in the
OTL) is committed to following it. The EU, where many had touted the democratic
votes as grounds for Chiapan independence, still tastes those bitter statements
in their mouth while the Mexican states, including Baja California del Sur in
the most recent vote, decide to become part of the US.
The initially bright future proposed by eager congressmen doesn't seem to play
out as it was expected to. With a midterm election coming up, and knowing the
slightest stain of legislative failure will taint their careers, the Southern
Ordinance is amended. The minimal integration time is quadrupled, and all
Mexican citizens will have to be fully naturalized and will not be given a 'free
ticket' in. But on the economic front, the slump Mexico has seen since the
beginning of the rebellion is starting to slow. With US companies now paying the
full minimum wage or more, a Mexican middle class is slowly arising. Though they
are not as well paid as their American counterparts, they are a distinct
departure from the usual 'sweatshop outsourcers' American companies are
portrayed as. This new class, as it integrates, will be a deciding force in the
internal votes, one that keeps the Mexican territories on a strong path to US
integration, territorial or otherwise.
In the US itself, Latin culture starts to make a comeback after being pummeled
by nativist propaganda. Latin Americans, who will soon be the largest minority
in the US, try to celebrate their culture without the politics of the Chicano
movement. American military technology starts to take a new shape as well. The
Rapid Deployment Force concept seems to get a thorough workout in Mexico, where
the RPG becomes a symbol of Congressional inadequacy. McCain urges Congress to
approve new types of anti-RPG and improved armor for the 2003 budget. An
interesting survivor of the fray is the M1 Abrams, which proves to be quite
effective in central Mexico. With the heaviest armor available and new
anti-personnel canister rounds, many step back from a 'The MBT is Dead' policy.
The US defense budget shows no signs of slowing down with the possibility of a
conventional war in the near future.
America had cast a lazy eye on the Mideast for a long time. Now, their
concern for Latin America had allowed far too many things to go on without
control. Iran's nuclear ambitions were exposed, and when Pakistan was shown to
be involved in possible technology trade, SAARC nearly burst at the seams. China
continued to support both nations, angering both Israel and India. Iran, at the
time, was looking to solidify its connections with other Islamic nations,
forming a prospective 'Central Asian Cooperative Group' after heavy negotiations
with Azerbaijan, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Afghanistan conceded 'homelands'
where Shiia Muslims could live freely, and Iran would cut off arms support of
these rebel factions. The nations acknowledged they had common interests, and
moved to integrate with SAARC.
But things did not quite go as planned. India and Russia were outraged. The
pseudo-alliance that composed of BRIC was falling apart. The problem was only
intensified after US-Chinese negotiations over Chiapas. China agreed to cut off
arms sales to MERCOSUR if the US would loosen some restrictions on trade. The
US, looking to step down from the brink of trade war and eager to weaken the
leftist triumvirate of Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina obliged. Brazil, now
alienated, continued to buy up from Russia.
Russia itself was continuing to fight hard in Chechnya. The US had not yet felt
the backlash of Islamic fundamentalism. But Turkey and Russia were. Turkey, a US
friendly secular Republic, stood at a vital three way junction between East,
West, and politically, America. With prospective EU membership talks, it looked
as if Turkey had a bright future.
And then, on November 18, a series of bomb blasts rocked Istanbul. It was an
attack that symbolically struck at the link between Europe and the secular
nation of Turkey. Europe backed away as it watched smoke plume on the other side
of the Bosphorous. Working ruthlessly and efficiently, Turkish Intelligence
tracked down attacks to Syrian groups. It was a throwback to 1998, and it was
hoped this conflict would end the same. It wasn't the case. Syria demanded the
Turks back down in December as troops massed on the border, and conducted its
own 'investigation'. Turks were outraged, and as Kurdish rebellion reached the
verge of outbreak in Turkey, Ankara demanded for the final time that they hand
over every involved man. They refused.
For the second time in about half a decade, a nation was to be invaded for its
complicity to terrorism. Though the links were more definite, it was a trend
that disturbed many. A 'vigilante justice' that transcended national borders had
been seen in Cuba, and soon crashed down on Syria. Turkish fighters were the
first to strike the blow. Appeals for peace by the EU were met by American
condemnation of Syria as bombs fell in Damascus. Turkey made strong initial
advances due to its well-planned blitzkrieg, but Turkey didn't want to
completely occupy the nation. They deliberately kept their advance paced, hoping
to get concessions out of the shaken government The US asked both nations stand
down as Egypt offered to again mediate peace talks. None of that had much
effect. Syria was effectively decapitated, the President not making any
confirmable statement. It was generally assumed the Syrian military was calling
the shots. When Turkey massed armor for a breakthrough under a helicopter and
fighter combined arms assault, the end of the year Syria was running out of
Midterm elections in the US resulted in no significant shift of power. The US
funds were continually based on lowering the national debt, slowly phasing in
Mexico, and maintaining the American hegemony in Latin America.
The year began with horror. On New Year's Day Syrian military commanders
authorized Chemical weapons release. A few SS-N-3B cruise missiles were still
intact, and on January 2nd VX gas ravaged four cities in Southern Turkey. Along
the line, FROG-7 and other rocket platforms launched Sarin and mustard gas into
Turkish lines. The attack had no logic, only the anger and frustrations of
Syrian military commanders. Over 18,000 civilians were killed by the VX attacks,
but Turks were well trained in NBC warfare and managed to respond quickly. Soon,
Syria was under Turkish military occupation. Military commanders who were
suspected to be involved with WMD release were given quick court martial and
quicker execution.
Iran is outraged, and demands immediate Turkish withdrawal, and offers to have
CACG Bloc troops 'peace-keep' in the area. UN attempts to replace Turks with
international peacekeepers are vetoed by the US.
Problems only increase when MERCOSUR is found to be harboring a nuclear weapons
development program. Lead by Argentina and Brazil in a joint rather than
competitive program, as pursued in the 1970s, the US demands they immediately
cease the program. MERCOSUR responds defiantly that they require them to defend
from US invasion. Combined with the Iranian and North Korean programs, the IAEA
warns the world about the rapid increase in nuclear proliferation.
In the US, McCain wins another term. He pushes increased funding for FEMA after
the horror of chemical use in Turkey and the threat of a nuclear armed MERCOSUR.
As a part of the increased FEMA funding, New Orleans and other Gulf of Mexico
areas receive funding for increased defense against natural disasters as well as
the possibility of a US-MERCOSUR war.
[January through March 2006]
When Russia and China seem to withdraw themselves from the war, the world
declares peace, if erroneously. Like in many major wars and crises before,
America had exhibited restraint. But that restraint could only be held for so
The final straw was the confirmation in January 2006 that Iran and MERCOSUR were
trading uranium and nuclear technology. America gave no declaration of war.
McCain took advantage of the 60 day limit to launch a giant air-sea blitzkrieg
on South America. The USS Ohio, which had been pre-positioned in the South
Atlantic for this occasion, was the first to fire, loosing hundreds of Tomahawk
Cruise Missiles over MERCOSUR air defense and early warning installations with
deadly accuracy. Despite their new equipment, MERCOSUR still lacked the
personnel quality of a first world military fighting force. Soon on the
follow-up were B-2 Spirit bombers which bombed Resende and every other known
MERCOSUR nuclear facility. The following day, Congress voted to declare war,
with McCain saying 'operational secrecy' was necessary for the pre-Declaration
attacks. World War III had begun in earnest.
[South American Front]
MERCOSUR was caught completely off guard by the initial attacks, and within 24
hours their air forces were in ruins. Initial strikes had destroyed many major
airbases, and though there was still some capability, the US was quickly
beginning a round-the-clock bombing campaign on strategic targets. Panama
announced its decision to ban canal access to MERCOSUR, and Colombia promptly
began an offensive into Venezuela.
The internal strain in MERCOSUR was most evident when Paraguay's government
voted to secede and offered neutrality. Uruguay promptly followed. But within
the 'triumvirate' of hardliners, political dissent was hardly someone else's
problem. In Venezuela and Argentina, US Allied nations began supply of
resistance groups. Conventional efforts were effective, more so in Venezuela
than Argentina. The Colombian 1st Division spearheaded the assault into
Venezuela under a fairly effective air cover. The Colombian Air Force also
scored a decisive victory against their Venezuelan counterparts east of San
Cristobal, allowing Colombian forces to advance relatively quickly. The Chilean
army made excellent progress, but with significantly less US Air support, they
faced what was probably the best-equipped and most competent armed force of the
In Mexico, Chiapas was quickly subjugated by the USMC. With no support from an
embattled MERCOSUR, their professional army was decisively destroyed in the
Yucatan. They quickly resorted back to guerilla warfare, but without any source
of arms, the US assured that their 'surrender was inevitable'.
[The Mideast Front]
Sharon's troubled recent medical history culminated in a stroke which gave
Olmert control of the nation. Seeing Iran at the point of no return, he asks in
February for Iran to completely dismantle its nuclear program. It does not.
Israeli forces attack Bushehr and Natanz, and the US, knowing it is all or
nothing now, responds with devastating strikes on Iranian air defense and
missile capabilities. US aircraft over Iraq begin massive bombardment of the
nation (which declared war when Israel attacked Iran), and US troops are quickly
deployed into Saudi Arabia, where US forces push for Baghdad. SOCOM begins
sending arms to Shiites in Southern Iraq, and soon Iraq must turn its forces
Azerbaijan resigns from the CACG and declares alliance with Turkey, its longtime
ally. Azerbaijan had been lobbying for peace, but when war broke out they did
not wish to suffer under their former friend's boots. Iran's conventional army
launched a counter offensive into Iraq against US forces there, while declaring
the Strait of Hormuz closed to the EU, NATO, and US. In one of the darkest days
for the US, CVN-68 Nimitz is crippled by an Iranian Sunburn missile strike,
along with a Ticonderoga class Guided Missile Cruiser. Retaliatory airstrikes
quickly clear the Strait of most missiles, though the USAF and USN aircraft are
caught in a constant search for launchers farther inland.
Pakistan itself was the sole nuclear power of the 'Anti-Western' side of the new
World War. But most of their military was tied up in a defense against India,
and of their handful of nukes, Pakistan wanted to keep enough to have deterrence
against India, which had declared it would attack Pakistan if they moved against
Israel or set off a nuclear weapon against anyone.
By spring, the US is in a state of total war. America could not afford to fight
this conflict with an air of detachment. McCain warned that "We must not
falter to mobilize every resource availible if it is required in the face of
adversity. We cannot leave when the going gets tough. This war will determine
the future of every American life, whether we want to fight it or not. The only
way America will prosper in this future is if we fight it on our terms."
[April-December 2006]
The war has taken on many names. In America, it is the Third World War. In
the Mideast, it is The Great Jihad. In the crumbling nations of MERCOSUR it is
the War of American Imperialism. The conflict is best decribed as the 'War for
Hegemony': The war to preserve the dominance of the West and those who embrace
it. The war waged between those who want to globalize and those who want to
regionalize. A war, that as of April 2006, the West seems to be winning.
[South American Front]
By April of 2006 Allied air dominance is complete. With the deployment of the
Theodore Roosevelt Strike Group to the South Atlantic, the stalemate near the
Andes is finally broken. Chilean forces split Argentina in half as they drive
towards the capital. By September, Argentina throws in the towel. With the
Chilean Army in Junin and daily bombardment of the 'last stand' at Buenos Aires,
the war for them is over.
In Venezuela, the well-armed Colombian forces continue to pound towards Caracas.
Revolution is rife as US Special Forces lead guerilla strikes against the supply
lines of most Venezuelan forces and provincial capitals. Key oil fields are
seized by the 82nd Airborne and other airmobile units. Venezuela's conventional
army is effectively destroyed by mid-summer, and Colombia refocuses its forces
towards Brazil.
Brazil itself is no easy nut to crack. The largest nation in South America, it
is choked by jungle and crisscrossed by rivers that would cause invasion to drag
on for much longer than any other front. The US and Allied nations began massing
troops for an invasion. It would be a two pronged assault: Marines would prepare
to assault the Central Coast of Brazil, while the US would station troops in a
Uruguay that had recently withdrawn from Mercosur. One key new development in
this was an 'American Foreign Legion': US equipped and lead forces of immigrants
who wanted guaranteed citizenship or work-permits for them and their families.
It was not an unusual development: many a time Mexicans had jumped the border to
fight for the US, this war would be no different. They would be among the first
troops to cross into Brazil.
The assault began in late October when the appropriate amount of troops
necessary was amassed. Two Marine Expeditionary Forces crashed ashore in Bahia,
and met fierce resistance. Forces here were among the most professional Brazil
could muster, well equipped, well trained, and well motivated. It was one of the
bloodiest battles, but once major armor was ashore, and combined with US air
support, the province was taken by the end of the year.
In the South, the US 1st Cavalry and the American Foreign Legion spearheaded the
assault into the fertile Rio Grande do Sul. US forces destroyed any conventional
opposition until Sao Paolo, when guerilla forces from the highlands in the South
began to slow the logistic train. In late November, major elements of the
American Foreign Legion stormed into the highlands with the intent of tracking
down and killing the insurgents based there. In the most casualty heavy event of
the South American Front, the AFL proved their skill as a fighting force and
their dedication to the United States.
With that disruption out of the way, the US was in Northwestern Minas Gerais,
only a few dozen miles away from linking up with the USMC by the end of the
[The Mideast Front]
After the Battle of Hormuz, the Allies were poised to dominate the Middle East.
In the largest tank battle since Kursk, the US III Corps defeats five Divisions
of Iraqi combat troops, including 3 Iranian Armored Divisions. Even the newly
purchased Type 90 MBT (Chinese, not the Japanese of similar designation) is no
match for the Abrams and the air support of the USS Reagan. The US traces a
swath of destruction across the Arabian Peninsula, decapitating the governments
of Iraq, Yemen, and Oman. But as forces push into Iran, the ferocity of the
fighting reaches savage levels.
In Southern Iran, the population reacts to the Ayatollah's declaration of jihad
with bloodthirsty fervor. Thousands of poorly-equipped equipped and trained, but
extremely motivated fighters throw themselves at US spearheads. Embedded
reporters capture scenes of horror: teenagers with Kalashnikovs and other
outdated equipment ripped apart and cut down by .50 caliber machineguns and
airbursting mortar shells; giant splatters of gore on tank hulls from
prematurely detonated suicide bombs; ritual executions of captured Allied
prisoners... In the West they were signs of the fanatic enemy of democracy and
liberalism, in the east they were images of the forces of God against the Great
Satan. Israeli troops received a particular r brand of hate. Bodies that were
captured in fighting were hacked to pieces and strewn outside of stronghold
towns and cities before being flattened by Israeli tanks and artillery.
The war against governments seemed like it would be at an end by 2007, with the
Ayatollah fleeing to Pakistan in October. But things were about to take a turn
for the worse in Saudi Arabia.
The military of Saudi Arabia, along with much of the nation, was disgusted by
the idea of hosting the US in a war against the rest of the Mideast, especially
when the US was collaborating with Israel. The Holy Land would not tolerate
Americans much longer.
On November 2nd, outside Mecca, a group of people calling themselves 'The
Servants of Allah' announced their intentions to expel the foreign invaders who
desecrated Saudi Arabia with their presence. They called for the toppling of the
Kingdom of Saud and a return to a pan-Islamic empire. Much of the Saudi
Military, particularly the SANG units guarding Saudi Arabia's holy sites,
revolted. The rest of the SANG seemed to fall in line after the death of the
Crown Prince from a car bomb attack on an evacuation convoy. It was clear many
inside the Saudi government were prepared to betray the House of Saud, which was
'no longer serving Islam'.
British Forces were actually the first to meet the threat, securing vital
oilfields from those who wanted to cut supply to the infidels. British troops
beat back suicidal masses while the Royal Navy moved to secure the Mandeb. At
the moment, African Muslims were streaming across to 'fight the infidels' from
Sudan, Somalia, and various other African nations.
With the Ayatollah establishing himself in Pakistan, the last feasible
stronghold of the CACG, Indian invasion seemed imminent. Afghanistan had since
been assaulted by a NATO task force. German and Spanish forces assumed quick
control over the nation, aiding Northern Alliance troops into defeat of the
With America to the west, NATO to the north and India to the east, Pakistan was
out of options. The Ayatollah and the nation surrendered. While many Pakistani
people seemed angry, he said it was a sacrifice that had to be made to 'prevent
India and their allies from savaging our nation'. The decision was likewise
accepted by the Allies, who were eager to see China back away.
Of course, China was not without problems of its own. Dozens of Islamist
rebellion movements wracked Xinjiang province, declaring a new Republic of East
Turkistan. The Allies offer to turn a blind eye if China does the same while the
Allies 'restructure' the governments of their allies. China reluctantly agrees.
In Chechnya, attacks intensify, and the Russian Army is put on full alert as
Islamist attacks intensify there. But by the close of 2006, conventional
fighting seems to be at an end.
[South America]
The US war here was short, quick, and amazingly surgical. It would be the
greatest success story for the US during the war. Peacekeeping roles were turned
over primarily to Allied South American nations and US trained militia and
police groups. In Venezuela, the popular revolt that destabilized Chavez results
in many leftist groups taking a lower profile.
Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuelan governments all sign the Treaty of Panama
City, which establishes limits on nuclear development and offensive arms, and
gives the US rights to base troops in small bases in some countries. The US is
careful not to demand concessions or 'humiliate' the nations, hoping to divert
resources from the South American theater to the ongoing violence in the Mideast.
[The Mideast]
Allied forces now had a difficult task on their hands. Seeking to destroy
conventional warmaking capability first, they had left many areas rife with
guerilla insurgencies.
The US would avoid overturning governments, and just monitor elections. Iraq in
particular was becoming a difficult affair to handle. Turkey demanded the
country remain unified, though the Kurds were quietly given a semi-autonomous
state. Many lower level Ba'athists remained in power, though it was expected
Shia muslims would regain power in any future election. In Iran, the Ayatollah
and other theocractic, authoritarian elements of the government were simply
lopped off. In Saudi Arabia, Allied forces would promise democratic elections:
But would make sure that a pro-Western leader ended up in the driver's seat.
Liberalist ideology aside, the West could not afford a radical regime in Saudi
In addition to US-EU Allied troops, Indonesia and Egypt contributed troops. A
campaign was started to integrate Democracy and Islamic values together, though
it would be a long road ahead before anything came of it.
But in China, things were not going quite as well. The Uygur people and their
'Republic of East Turkestan' quickly fell, but the ideas behind it raged on.
Even postwar Arabia looked like an improvement to the Muslims of Xinjiang. In
fact, many Muslims in Xinjiang call for the US to liberate them. The Chinese
government ruthlessly suppresses any sign of dissidence in the region, and few
pieces confirmable knowledge about the rebellion was available until a digital
video recording, stuck onto a USB card smuggled out into Kazakhstan hit the
world media. Hundreds of millions watched in horror as Chinese soldiers
(confirmed by uniform, tactical analysis and the unique Type 95 rifle) massacred
suspected dissidents. Those hoping for a repeat of Tiananmen Square heroics were
sadly disappointed as tank platoons rolled through crowds and demolished
buildings. In late December, the US citizen was caught between a rock and a hard
place. Take an economic hit from a loss of trade with China, or let millions
live at the mercy of the Chinese army?
The condemnations marred the Holiday season as China and India militarized their
[Domestic US]
In face of skyrocketing petrol prices, President McCain called for a 'national
effort' to revitalize the US economy and pursue alternative energy. Many called
it the equivalent of a new space race, to grab a hold of a technology that could
reduce the need for US intervention in the Mideast and elsewhere.
Detroit sees new hope with the possibility of a Chinese embargo (With China
projected to be a force in automaking in the future), and begins lobbying
Congress for funds for their alternative energy development programs, and an
embargo on Chinese goods.
Wal-Mart is horrified at the idea of a Chinese embargo, but can't afford to
speak up. Advertising against the corporation continues, which alone is one of
China's top trading partners. A viral 'counter advertisement' hits the internet,
with a picture of the Chinese massacre in Xinjiang, a Wal-Mart smiley-face
superimposed over a Red Army soldier and anti Wal-Mart slogans. Many like it
soon follow.
[Domestic US]
Mark Warner wins the 2008 election, primarily due to a split among the
Republican party over a Giuliani nomination. Warner promises to keep US
commitment to free trade, but wants to reduce US involvement in foreign wars.
Though the 'wars of hegemony' (as they are now being referred to by many) were
popular with Americans earlier, the Western occupation in the Mideast is quickly
American markets are recovering after the massive spike in oil prices, thanks to
the relatively quick stabilization of Venezuela and the increase in Canadian oil
technology investment. However, many Democrats are still angered by Warner's
fiscal conservatism, and it seems that with both political parties facing major
rifts, the US political system may be due for large changes.
Alternative energy research increases, and the US does have over 150,000
hydrogen and ethanol fueled vehicles on the road by 2010. Ford wows auto-show
voyeurs with a high performance ethanol fueled line it plans to release 'by
2015'. GMC and Chrysler quickly scramble to match the offer.
[American Military/Trends]
Defense spending remains a high priority as the US shifts towards network
centric warfare. With the use of ballistic and advanced cruise missiles in the
Gulf, the US starts up a low-level 'missile defense initiative', with bases
established in Poland, Alaska, and contracts for one in Diego Garcia.
The US also backs down from its trend of 'lighter is better' warfare. Though the
Stryker was successful, the US tank force won by margins that disturbed many.
Intelligence reports of a newly upgraded Type-98 based on Russian 'Black Eagle'
concepts lead to a plan for a new generation of Abrams upgrades by 2010. The
possibility of a new conventional arms race with China seems apparent as they
promise a next generation fighter by 2012.
American investment in infantry is higher than ever. The Force Warrior 2010
concept was seen as a success, and newer, more advanced concepts in body-armor
are being fielded by US occupation troops.
China itself was hit hard by the war. While the US alternative energy programs
were beginning to bear fruit and new oil supplies opened themselves up, the loss
of Iranian oil exports was especially damaging to the Chinese government. As a
result, China stepped up purchases of oil from Sudan, Libya, and Indonesia.
However, as the nations of the Mideast rebuilt with the majority holding new
elections by 2010, China looked on at the opportunity to gain support among the
'Political Islamists', those who wanted revenge against the West. The Chinese
made apologies to citizens of Xinjiang, and offered them greater autonomy.
Though those inside Xinjiang were only slightly comforted, the message it sent
to the Mideast was far more significant.
[Northern Eurasia]
The EU found itself most devastatingly hit by the oil price shock, shifting a
vast portion of its purchases to Russia. Russia itself was providing increasing
amounts of oil to both Europe and China, but tensions between India and China
over Pakistan and oil were forcing Russia to pick sides.
[South/East Asia]
In the aftermath of the war between India and Pakistan, Indian troops held
de facto control over Kashmir. The resulting tensions between the two
governments were enormous. The war also created a huge increase in arms
purchases by India from Russia. China protested as Pakistan was forced into a
corner by Allied forces in the war, and was only more enraged as India canceled
Chinese contracts to explore Rajasthan for oil.
As a 'goodwill gesture', India and Pakistan agreed to a joint pipeline,
but one that hardly served Chinese interests. India was hoping in the long term
to procure oil for its own economic development, often at the expense of China.
[The Mideast]
Elections in formerly-occupied Syria and Iran brought about governments that
were quietly anti-American. They demanded foreign withdrawal by 2012, and the
West was forced to quietly oblige to the governments it had fostered. The fear
of a democracy bringing in more anti-American governments was apparent in many
states, though in Saudi Arabia and Iraq a more negative attitude towards
Politicized Islam.
Many Islamic papers call for a rebirth of the 'Pan Islamic state', but the
governments themselves are not as eager to arouse suspicion. Though strict
military controls have been imposed, the Islamic world continues to unite.
[Domestic US]
The US economy is seeing more investment than ever as the market for alco-ethanol
fuel skyrockets. US corporations agree that nobody can patent the concept (in
order to avoid antitrust lawsuits), but a variety of different engines arise.
Some cars have battery backups while others run on straight-up alcohol fuel.
Many cars are retrofitted to run engines that use both old petrofuel and the new
Warner began to lower farm subsidies on grain as a result of the burgeoning new
market though many said the new demand would be the 'end of the small farmer'.
By 2015 30% of cars on the road had the capability to run on an alternative fuel
Warner secured the 2012 election on a slim margin, briefly uniting Democrats,
when he promised not to veto a plan to partially universalize healthcare. As a
condition, all work would be subcontracted to existing private entities. He also
made a compromise with Republicans to help reform social security and add
private accounts to the system without sacrificing other sections of it.
But with globalization, dormant after the 2006 war on the rise again, new
political alliances were forming. The 'Globalist' politicians, consisting of the
wall-street, fiscal conservatives and neoliberal pro-trade groups countered
against 'Nativists', those who were for the most part protectionists.
In the 2014 mid-term elections the 'United Party' split from the Republican
party, winning a fraction of seats in Congress, though more significantly in the
House. Known more locally as the 'United American Party', the UP promoted
protectionist, socially conservative views, in contrast with mainstream
Republicans who were thought to be too similar to Warner. Budget voting has
become bitter as UP Congressmen in the House struggle against any budget that
slackens tariffs or protectionist policy.
As 2016 looms, Americans are unsure about who will be leading the nation. Rumor
has it that many Democrats are becoming discontent with 'Globalist' philosophy
as well.
In the Mexican territories, virtually every former Mexican state down to the
Chiapan border votes to become part of the US. The directly administered US
territories are confirmed by Senate votes, with the states set to become part of
the Union by 2025.
Meanwhile, US Defense industries find themselves with significant surpluses of
outmoded weaponry. The M8 rifle, the F-22, and various other new weapons have
left millions of US weapons no longer needed. The M16 series of weapons were
sold off into Africa primarily and to other 'pro-US' regimes.
US educational reforms are also pushed heavily by moderates as the US
increasingly opens its markets to foreign sources.
[The Allied Nations Group]
In 2013 Warner proposed the Allied Nations Group, a community of nations that
embraced 'Free Society and Free Trade', basically an extension of the USUK
community. The ANG was officially formed in 2015 with the United States, United
Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Colombia and the Republic of Cuba as
The ANG was for Free Trade and mutual defense, and would maintain 'open
relations' with nations that met their standards. In effect it was a
consolidation against East Asian power.
[The China-Russia-Islam Crisis]
From 2010 to 2015, China was facing ever increasing problems. By 2012 relations
were at a truly low point. Russia and China were at increasing odds over the
issue of relations with the Mideast, where China embraced the Panislamic
movement, Russia rejected it. Soon, the three nations engaged in a power
struggle to preserve influence in the region. China began reaching out towards
former Soviet Republics and Southeast Asian nations, while Russia reached out to
the EU and Japan. This was divisive in Russian politics. Early attempts to make
amends with Europe were met with nativist backlash, and increased crackdown in
Caucasia. As a result, virtually all of the Russian Federal Subjects in the
Caucasus seceded, calling upon Muslim neighbors for aid. The 'Caucasian
Confederation' was also the recipient of huge amounts of Chinese made weapons
being resold from Iran. China claimed it had nothing to do with the matter, but
Russia was suspicious. Russia responded with a full out war in the Caucasus,
with EU sanctions and condemnations in 2014 when genocide resulted. Russian
internal materials were diverted towards the war effort.
In late 2014 Caucasian forces seized control of a Russian special weapons depot
and destroyed inventory lists. By the time Federal forces had dealt with the
attackers, the Caucasians had seized an unknown amount of biological and
chemical weapons.
In 2015, suicide attacks hit an emergency session of Parliament, killing the
vast majority of the members using VX and similar nerve agents. The Caucasians
said the attack was legitimate response to Russian atrocities in Caucasia.
The Russian President declared extraordinary executive powers and, despite the
protests of the world community, gassed most of the major cities of Caucasia,
leaving an estimated 400,000 dead.
The EU, China, and ANG imposed sanctions, though UNSC action was impossible due
to Russia's veto power.
[The Mideast]
Islamic support for the Caucasus was reached for the billion dollar mark in 2015
in both humanitarian and military aid. Oil prices had skyrocketed and many
Mideastern nations enjoyed high profit margins. The notions of Panislamism
reached a new high as Iran, Iraq, Sudan and Yemen united in an 'Alliance of
God'. Turkey, meanwhile, entered into the European Union in 2014.
An Overview of American Politics, 2012 to 2020
In 2012, Mark Warner won a slim majority over Giuliani, it signaled the
death blow for the traditional Republican and Democratic party. Though it
would be awhile yet until the Elephants and Donkeys dropped from the ballot, the
tumult in American politics was considerable.
The primary issue was termed as the Globalists versus the Nativist parties. The
idea of Mexican states joining and growing Asian economies seemed threatening to
many, resulting in the United Party formation in the post 2012 devastation.
The UP was unique because it was not the 'white mans' party that other nativists
favored. Rather, the UP found significant support among those who worked in jobs
of all levels who faced overwhelming foreign competition. The UP enjoyed
significant success in unions and boardrooms alike. The UP also tended to be
more morally conservative, favoring a 'Public Decency, Private Freedom' policy.
It was called the 'American Family's Party', and did enjoy significant blue
collar turnout. Often excessive foreign competition signaled a quick UP
turnover, but if the economy gained a greater market through free trade it could
easily change.
By 2016, politics had significantly reorganized. The Democrats found themselves
torn deeply as many pro-labor elements left for the new vitality of the UP, and
the Republicans fared no better. By 2015, a new political structure had
organized itself: The Enterprise Alliance Party, eventually shortening to
Enterprise Party by 2018. The EP advocated a socially moderate and economically
neoliberal philosophy. They asked for a free market, with porkbarrel spending
transferred to useful areas like Education. The EP advocated energetic,
efficient use of money for education and health programs rather than post facto
subsidies and welfare. As Presidential Candidate (for 2016) Robert McConnell
(note: Completely fictional) said- "We are launching a pre-emptive strike
on poverty in America".
In 2016, the UP won the election with Ross Humbert, when Chinese markets began
attempting to 'dump' goods on the US market. The UP retaliated with massive
tariffs on Chinese products, only further angering the Chinese.
In 2020, Humbert claimed a significant victory, with chaos abroad as evidence
that isolation and protectionism were superior to the interventionism of years
[Miscellaneous US]
The UP continued Warner's efforts to produce new 'clean' nuclear PBMRs,
windfarms, and solar arrays for decreased oil dependence.
The UP also began development of a new missile defense program, using a variety
of new missile and sensor technologies. It brought US global facilities to
almost full capability, capable of intercepting missiles launched from Russia,
South Asia, and East Asia with good probability of use.
[The Demise of the Russian Federation]
As Russian generals raged in the 2014-2016 major operations in the Caucasus
Republic, many pro EU Russian politicians were beginning to express discontent
over the constant sanctions with the European Union, the Muslim world, and
China. As war continued in the Caucasus region, Islamic nations and EU
contractors enjoyed the oppurtunity to replace the destroyed Russian pipelines
with their own.
In 2017 Andrei Pankratev, representative of the Northwestern Federal District,
encouraged plebiscites to form a 'New Russia' seperate from the Muscovite
military dictatorship. Pankatrev declared independence after vote, and set up an
interim government until 2019, when the people of the Confederation of Russia
could vote on their own choice.
Announcing he was tired of surrendering what little goods they had to dictators
who would 'destroy Russia to kill a handful of ‘evildoers', they recalled
their troops and prepared for the inevitable response.
With both possessing nuclear weapons, Moscow decided upon a conventional attack
to try and push for Novogorod. In April of 2017 the Spring Offensive was
launched, sending rear line units against the new Confederation Army. The
battle-weary Russians were burdened by significant logistical foul ups as a
result of the war efforts focus down South. Over the years of chaos, Russian
infrastructure that did not collapse or weaken went into the war effort against
the Caucasian Republic.
Though Confederate leaders and men were not to be underestimated, the clumsy
redirection of already worn forces northward made the Spring Offensive doomed
from the start. Initial gains were strong as aircraft bombed outside St.
Petersburg and other major cities, but soon the Confederation's own air force
made their own victories. Ships in the Black Sea launched cruise missiles back
onto advancing forces, and the attack was stalemated by 2018.
Isolationist America cared little about Russian politics, but the EU did. Polish
leaders praised the new movement, and the EU was even more pleased when
Pankatrev encouraged free-market reforms and trade with Europe. The Union voted
to recognize the new nation, and the Allied Nations Group followed suit in 2019.
In 2018, the EU also began a military assistance campaign, bolstering an
offensive into the Central Federal District in late 2019. Freed of the military
dictatorship (when the generals fled to the Ural region), they also voted to
become part of the Confederation, with the agreement that a convention would be
held on a possible relocation of the capital.
With no clear authority in the west, the Ural district and eastward on, became
the new seat of the Russian Federation. They grudgingly reopened trade with
China on the condition that they would not expand southward into Chinese
pipeline interests in Central Asia, but retained xenophobic ideas. Believing US
expansion into Mexico, EU support of the Confederation, Sino-Islamic support of
the Caucasus as evidence of a new world order conspiracy against Russia, the
Federation clung to the idea of a Russian revival and dreamt of re-conquering
[East Asia]
China continued its call for 'Asian Solidarity', even as the UP was elected
into office. Military buildup continued, with China offering alliances and trade
benefits to those who respected Chinese authority in the region. By 2017, China
possessed 2 'Supercarriers', the Sea Dragon and Swift Storm, each
capable of holding up to 70 aircraft. China's next generation J-12 fighter also
shocked many Western analysts, with Taiwanese pilots saying they were nearly
invisible to turn-of-the-century fighter radar during a potential BVR
engagement. Taiwan began purchasing armaments from the US and EU, despite
Chinese protests.
In 2019 Japan amended its constitution to allow Japanese protection of
self-interest abroad, and responded with its first nuclear-powered carrier in
2020, along with revolutionary new nuclear-powered submarines. To spite the
international community, Japan bought all the reactors from German firms and
made none at home, though maintained stock parts. Japan was still committed to
avoiding the use of 'the bomb', though fewer and fewer were left who remembered
such acts.
[The Islamic World]
Support for the Caucasian Republic grew, and as oil prices continued to spike
higher, Islam turned to the developing world for markets. With rich nations
moving towards alternative energy, Islam diversified its interest, using what
money it had to 'import' brainpower and diversify industry. Homegrown Islamic
defense industry also sprang up in some nations, as Libya, Oman, and Syria
joined 'The Alliance of God'.
[Domestic US]
As Humbert's early second term years unfolded, Americans began to taste the
benefits of a reformed Social Security system, improved education, and expanded
healthcare benefits. But the effects of heavy protectionism and increased
spending and taxing would hit American consumers hard before 2024, setting back
the UP and giving the EP their big break. But for a time, things for the UP were
good. But big business and those who were hoping to take advantage of
globalization were hurt as China gobbled up other markets.
In 2024, the EP rocketed into office as prices skyrocketed on protected goods
and Chinese trade partners retaliated with the US. The EP declared that such a
trade war could help lead to a shooting war in the end, calling upon Friedman's
Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention (Note: In TTL, the book was still written,
though with a focus on Mexico and NAFTA's future) among others. Slyly, the EP
promised not to remove the social security reforms, the education and healthcare
program, but did say it would cut out corporate welfare. In actuality, the EP's
campaign of reinvigorating the sluggish market was almost a self fulfilling
prophecy. As news of Robert McConnell's election and the new EP Senate majority
swept the world, foreign investment skyrocketed. Consumer confidence went up,
and most of the boardrooms of the United States breathed a sigh of relief.
In 2025, the first Mexican states entered the Union, though not in their
original form. Sonora was merged with the Baja Californias. Durango, Chihuahua,
Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas all entered the Union as well, more or less in their
original geographic forms. The populations of the states had significantly
increased due to refugees and old American population flocking to the region for
the low tax rates and business incentives. Though certainly not perfect, the
government reforms imposed by McCain and Warner had done well for the new
American states.
Many anti-American Mexicans unwilling to leave their homes refused US
citizenship, and secluded themselves from the new society. Of course, US law
dictated they could remain there, but would have to pay for any benefits the
United States had added to the area. But eventually, those who did not leave
grew tired of paying the extra cost and grudgingly accepted the US government as
their own.
[Technology and War in 2025]
The United States continued to lead the world in technology in 2025, spurred
on by many years of war and the fear of a rising China. Both the EP and UP
agreed on maintaining high US defense spending, but the disagreement was on how
to use it. In any case, this defense spending had become civilian accessible by
2025. The micromachined armor used by the Force Warrior 2025 development program
was in service by 2020 (primarily in response to guerilla and insurgent warfare
in the 2006 war) had resulted in a variety of new consumer products. By 2025,
these 'miracle materials' were also in licensed use by many other nations in a
variety of fields. True nanobots were still not fully realized.
Alternative energy was spreading out of the United States, and by 2025 was in
heavy use by Europe and Japan. China was still heavily petrol fueled due to its
cozy relationship with many Islamic nations. A joint Allied Nations Group
project promised to put a solar space powerplant array in orbit by 2030.
Artificial Intelligence and computing had expanded in leaps in bounds. Due to
the plummeting costs of nanomaterial manufactures, carbon computers were phasing
out high-end mainframes, with many theorizing that perhaps within the next
decade they would be available in regular desktop computers. The militaries of
the world were the highest buyers of the products, and the beginnings of a
'computational arms race' were in the making as the ANG, China, Japan and EU all
increasingly researched and developed new supercomputers. True AI wasn't quite
there, but what did exist was enough to fool many people into thinking it was.
The technologies of war, the spurs of much of this advancement, were in high use
by 2025. The United States and the ANG was said to maintain the world's 'best'
air force in terms of training and technology. The US made F/A-22G used a carbon
supercomputer, adaptive control surfaces, high resolution, long range radar, and
packed ultramanuverable missiles with extremely 'intelligent' targeting and
tracking computers. But it was rumored the US was researching into even more
radical designs, such as switchblade fighters. The Chinese J-13/Mig-37 was a
close second or third, unique not only because of its Russian Federation/Chinese
cooperation, but the fact that China leads that project. Aerospace was
becoming increasingly regionalized, as India, Japan, and even South Africa's
resurgent economy began to design and manufacture aircraft. It was even rumored
that true mobile lasers would be in implementation soon.
The US Navy had responded to the Chinese threat (now 6 carriers) with an
increase to 14 Carrier Battle Groups, many utilizing new 'stealthy' designs, not
just for carriers but for escort vessels like the Zumwalt and CG-21
series of designs. Chinese submarine technology had caught up with their Western
rivals, but the Virginia upgrades and Australian advances in 'Acoustic Daylight
Imaging' technology stood to turn the balance back in the favor of the West.
The European Union made its own advances with a standardized EU tank design, the
EMBT-1. With British designed armor, a Rhinemetall ETC gun and a
high-performance hybri-diesel engine, it set the standard for world armor. China
itself took from old Russian Black Eagle designs. The United States looked like
their Abrams II would be mounting an electromagnetic gun within the next few
And of course, space was on the verge of weaponization. The US and China had
fleets of high turnaround shuttles capable of boosting cargo or weapons into
orbit, while the US had chosen to refit its ballistic missiles as rapid-response
deployment platforms for satellites or ASAT style weapons. Many nations also
employed space-based radar and sensors, and virtually every major nation or
power-bloc maintained constellations of satellites.
The technological advances of the world had helped a neglected Africa. From
2015 onward, South Africa had experienced an economic rebirth, primarily due to
the collapse of Harare's government and the 'turning point' in the war on
disease through new vaccinations. The funding pouring into the nation went into
the development of nuclear power and other alternative energy sources for the
'cultivation of Africa' program. Desalination plants and new, more efficient
agritech systems allowed South African farmers to effectively feed not only
themselves, but many of their neighbors. Investment in South Africa increased as
their growing technology sector emerged. Without significant Western
intervention, sub-Saharan Africa was 'South Africa's domain'. A modern military
force performed peacekeeping duties, a friendly government gained the trust of
other nations, and massive aid campaigns from the newly-wealthy nation were used
to help their neighbors.
South Africa's success story had attracted the eyes of the world community by
the early 2020s, and China was quick to step in. South Africa began absorbing
Chinese consumer goods, and the Chinese gave plenty of diplomatic backing to the
nation and its allies in Africa. But India pulled a heavy counterbalance, and
soon the two nations were struggling over influence in the South African
government. Other nations were divvied up by the two Asian powers, in the first
time the emerging nations had begun seriously influencing extra-regional
[The Islamic World]
The Alliance of God only expanded as petrol demand slackened from the
big-pocketed Westerners. Still discontent with Europe's influence through
Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Caucasus Republic
all joined in the years between 2021 and 2025. The Alliance of God was not a
true alliance though, like brothers they quarreled within the household, but
presented a united front when faced with foreign threat.
The Russian Confederation began its EU membership process in 2023, much to
the dismay of the Federation. Germany was recovering from their economic slump,
though many European core states were facing increasing problems with angry
Muslim immigrants. The EU was still loosely organized, with a shaky Constitution
emerging by 2022, though it hardly changed the Union's politics.
[The Two Russias]
An uneasy truce rested between the two nations. The Confederation enjoyed a
more neoliberal government, and enjoyed EU support. The Confederation was also
becoming a technology based economy, while the old Federation relied on its
mineral and oil reserves. Interestingly, the Federation became heavily reliant
on Chinese aid and loans, though they did not enjoy the relationship in any way.
The xenophobic Federation government did not check or encourage the actions of
its people when it came to race conflicts. Vladivostok, the new capital, had a
massive increase in crime rate as Russian and Chinese criminal organizations
[Asia and Oceania]
The Chinese and Indian government waged their silent political and economic wars
through client states, and, as previously mentioned, those in Africa. India
surpassed Chinese trade due to UP regulations, but China was eager to reclaim
its spot. One of the major elements of tension was between Japan's growing
military power and its alliance with India. Japan began designing and training
Indian ships and crews for their Navy, providing regional counterbalances to
China's emerging force. In Singapore, the government affirmed a stance against
Chinese political influence, in a surprise move. The new President stated
"Embracing our heritage does not mean we must tie the puppetmaster's
strings around our arms. Singapore enjoys good relations with many nations
besides China, and they are just as important. Similarly, our government cannot
become a means to an end for Chinese interests."
Sino-Taiwanese relations continued to move back and forth between opinions, but
overall Taiwan was increasingly fearful they would be subject to the first new
'hard' use of Chinese power.
In Korea, 2021 marked the end of the DPRK. The Dear Leader died under unknown
circumstances, and the ROK quickly responded with a 'peaceful takeover'. For the
world community, it was a wonderful end to 70 year tear between the Korean
people. Korea quickly began to try and bring the former DPRK up to the living
standards of the South. But Korean politicians were divided on foreign policy.
Should they turn towards China, or stand by their traditional allies? Policy
fluctuated back and forth, but overall Korea was more concerned with helping its
new citizens rather than arming itself as other nations did.
Australia was experiencing a similar political problem. The Australian economy
had become somewhat reliant on Chinese trade, but strategically Australia wanted
to stand with the Allied Nations Group. Australia quietly began taking measures
to decrease their reliance on Chinese trade, trying not to elicit too harsh of a
political response from the full-fledged power of China.
[Domestic US]
The EP continues to gain legislative majority, though UP Supreme Court
Justices continue to give EP politicians a hard time in several business related
cases. However, the EP takes advantage of older appointees open slots to put in
their own members.
American culture has changed significantly. The ‘net revolution’
continues as internet based media-networks begin to present serious competition
to mainstream television based networks. Google Intermedia, a synthesis
of their previous services, can offer media information virtually anywhere they
go, personalized to their interests. All this begins to have a backlash, as the
personalization of news presents every subscriber with their own little form of
bias. ‘What You Need to Know’ has been replaced by ‘What You Want to Know’,
and though Americans are emerging from the new, overhauled education system, it
does present a problem of ignorance. Many are displeased by this, and
program-savvy hackers shower ‘news-bombs’ onto networks when certain reports
seem like they are underrepresented. They come from both sides of any issue.
Popular culture continues to change. Mexican states have brought about a
rapid increase in Latin-American integration. Latin stars and themed movies are
popular, especially when merged with the political re-examination of the
American involvement with Mexico. On the anniversary of the LA attacks, a
Mexican-American filmmaker releases Diez Anos. The film takes a morally
ambiguous look at the conflict between the North and South from the point of
view of a Mexican soldier in the US Army who goes on to lead a unit in the
American Foreign Legion. The film alternates between brutal, stylishly shot
combat scenes and outwardly quiet but well-acted scenes of the tense
relationship between Americans and Mexicans as the Mexican states are
integrated, and ends with the 2006 War in Brazil. The film won Best Picture and
many other awards, and sparked a debate about its view of Hispano-American
relations. Some said the film was a criticism of American policy, while others
viewed it as a tribute to it. The writer said it was merely an amalgamation of
stories he heard and people he’d met, though he said if it was more anti-war
than anti-American, and on other interviews he said he thought American
integration was good for the Mexican economy. Rock music in particular was also
heavily affected by the Mexican States, with many traditional guitar rhythms
finding themselves inside popular alternative rock tunes.
[European Union]
By 2026 the EU’s old core states were losing their vigor. Germany was
slowing down as their socialized systems taxed what few working taxpayers they
had, and France was kept alive primarily by North African immigrants who were
not pleased by new, strict, Alliance of God policies in their area, though
French had previously passed laws making it difficult for immigrants to
completely trump the French natives. The government of France called for a
revival of French culture, a call that turns from one of cultural unification to
one of cultural tension. The interpretation of French pride sways with the
ruling party, but beyond France the EU is seeing new leaders.
The Poles, who have remained staunchly Catholic, were becoming a regional
power. Forging an alliance with the United States early on in missile defense
programs and embracing Western ‘globalized’ trade policy, Poles were the
prime example of Eastern Europe’s rising influence. Standing as a bridge
between the old ‘First’ and ‘Second’ world nations, the Poles also had a
powerful military and industry, based on cooperation with US defense
contractors. In fact, Poland’s entry into the Allied Nations Group was
actually accepted by 2026.
[Allied Nations Group]
The ANG was quickly responding to new threats, becoming a new, globally
accessible NATO. Still bent on promoting Free People and Free Markets, the ANG
accepted Papua New Guinea, Poland, and Panama by 2026. The ANG adopted new
standards, similar to NATO MILSPEC orders. The new US 6.5x40mm caseless round
was adopted by many member nations, and the ANG’s Joint Development projects
were widely considered to lead the world in military technology. They began
their new ‘Valkyrie’ project, to develop a new line of next-generation
aircraft, including scramjet powered spaceplanes and missiles that would ensure
‘allied superiority in space’. China and allies quickly responded.
[The Alliance of God]
The Alliance now encompassed the vast majority (geographically) of the
traditional Muslim world. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and even Jordan joined the
alliance, with negotiations beginning to get Afghanistan and Pakistan into the
group by 2028. The Alliance was also facing increasing internal turmoil as oil
revenue began to slow, with China propagating its new alternative energy
programs to customer nations. With their diversification of industry and
desalinated agricultural programs still coming out of infancy, many were
skeptical about the future of the Arab world.
Of course, the Alliance continued to try and gain favor in Turkey. The influx
of Muslim pride had been countered by an influx of Western ideas and goods, and
soon politics were polarized upon these simple alignments. The government,
hoping to maintain their EU membership by resisting Islamist policies, warned
that it would not allow a fundamentalist party to dictate Turkish policies,
though the strongest opponents were the military.
[Eastern Asia]
Things were beginning to become tense as the Asian nations waged a quiet
technological and economic war. China continued their policy of ‘uniting the
Chinese people’, but there were resisters. China’s new Russian-designed
submarines were caught by Taiwanese and Japanese governments prowling near their
waters, with China denying their existence. Their reason for being there: Japan
had adopted the new ‘Great Shark’ SSN, entirely Japanese designed as a
response to Chinese purchases, and China wanted to take a look. As for Taiwan,
their quick purchases of old AEGIS missile defense destroyers (though upgraded
with new electronics and systems) were reason to worry.
Taiwan, as a result, began to pursue relations with India for the ultimate
defense against Chinese aggression. The pro-nationalist elements of Taiwan’s
military financed much of the project through some government funds and trading
assets from their own connections, transferred through Swiss Banks. Later, rumor
would point to some US involvement.
Taiwan ‘purchased’ from India two thermonuclear devices, which were then
mounted onto a pair BrahMos Universal Supersonic Cruise Missiles, and then
shipped in a routine freighter trip between a Taiwanese company and its Indian
Nobody would know the wiser for six months.
[The birth of American ‘extra-nationalism’]
In late 2026, pro-EP think tanker and historian John Li-Collins publishes Freedom’s
Atlas: 21st Century Policy and the Need to Support Liberty. He
argued that the resurgence of China and the Alliance of God, America must step
in as the defender of liberty. Rather than pre-emptive doctrine, America should
actively prevent the aggressive expansion of its enemies through arms support,
or if necessary, direct military support. At the same time, he called for a new
‘Peaceful Expansionism’ process, to allow other nations to join the United
States if they so choose. With scathing critiques of Chinese and AoG
expansionism and government coupled with calls for an American ‘mobilization
against tyranny’, the book drew a mix of criticism and fervor among voters and
[West Pacific]
Asia’s rising military power, despite some lingering demographic problems,
was continuing to develop their military. By 2027, Japan had completed its third
SSGN, and developed their own form of Acoustic Daylight Imaging on par with that
of ANG members.
After the Chinese submarine incident, the Japanese people were becoming
increasingly suspicious of their neighbors. Japan adopted an old Cold-War policy
used by other nations, it was revealed by a US intelligence analyst. Japanese
SSNs now trailed Chinese missile subs as far south as the South China Sea. ANG
member nation subs were also found in the area in 2027, leading to a new Chinese
policy. Fearing the prospect of enemy subs using the region, on December 15
China declared the South China Sea north of the tenth parallel as their
Exclusive Military and Economic Zone, saying no nation could sail a warship in
the area or conduct oil drilling or fishing without the permission of the
Chinese government. Citing increasing Japanese and ANG presence in the area,
they said it was necessary to defend against Western imperialism.
Vietnam was not pleased in the least. Saying the South China Sea was
legitimate international water, they said they would retain the right to sail
any ships they wished in the area. Taiwan was particularly disturbed, but hoped
China would not instigate war against them. Much of the government was still
unaware of their nation’s nuclear purchases. China granted the Philippines the
rights to the area, but the UN Secretary General said "It does not matter
if China allows every nation to use these waters; the problem is that it is not
China’s place to decide the use of these waters."
The crisis escalated. As Taiwanese nationalism increased, (due to strict
clampdowns on dissident political factions who had told China to back down to
preserve investor confidence) China deployed two Carrier Battle Groups into the
northerly end of the Sea. Vietnam and Taiwan refused to withdraw their vessels
from the area, so China set a five day deadline to put their ships back towards
The stock markets took big hits, especially in Asia as investors frantically
sold their stocks in Chinese, Vietnamese, and Taiwanese companies that could
face sanctions or destruction. China stuck by their deadline, and the President
of the US ordered additional carrier groups to the area.
The deadline, which had been given on December 26, left the world with shaky
hopes for peace.
[Latin America]
The remainder of Mexico between the US and Chiapas voted to become the ‘Commonwealth
of Mexico Sur’, in the same fashion of Puerto Rico.
[Africa/Islamic World]
With Sudan being one of the longstanding Alliance of God members, the nation
had become a focal point for ethnic and religious violence. Combined by AoG
Council pressure and Chinese interest in securing pipelines, the Sudanese Army
began a forced relocation program to designated provinces for Christians. Those
who resisted were exiled or killed.
By 2027, with the Western world unwilling to declare war on the Alliance,
Southern Sudan called upon the help of the silent ally of all those who share
enemies with the United States. The CIA began providing funds and arms to the
fighters, while operating from covert airbases in the Central African Republic.
The CIA gave mercenaries, money, and arms to the new ‘Republic of the White
Nile, though primarily through previously established African groups to avoid
South Africa and the African Union offered peacekeeping troops to oversee the
infant nation for a legitimate plebiscite, but Sudan was still enraged to the
idea of their southern end seceding.
[The South China Sea]
[New Year’s Day]
[Vietnamese People’s Navy Ship Tonkin]
Captain Nghiem rapped his fingers on the cold, metal windowsill of the ship
for perhaps the billionth time. It was just a habit people picked up, and
generally corresponded to boredom. But it didn’t today. Today, as it had been
since China declared the South China Sea hers and the Tonkin set out, it
was driven by anxiety.
The Tonkin was a former Sovremenny missile destroyer, not quite
as advanced as the ones the Chinese had bought and upgraded, but probably the
best destroyer the People’s Navy could afford.
Nghiem wasn’t old enough to remember the last time Vietnam had gone to war,
but his forefathers all did. And it was a defining element of Vietnamese
training. There would be many, they said, who would seek to destroy Vietnam. The
French had tried, the Americans had tried, and the Chinese had tried before. But
oddly enough, it would be the Americans who had the best chance of stopping a
second war. He was probably the first Vietnamese officer wishing American
carriers would show up near Vietnam faster.
He wasn’t a politician. And with a Chinese missile frigate a few miles
away, he didn’t care who had wronged Vietnam in the past, as long as they did
something to prevent war.
Nghiem went through the orders in his head again, and then sighed. A junior
officer perked up, and the Chinese called again, ordering him to turn around.
Telling him he was violating Chinese waters. Telling him they were willing to
shoot. But Nghiem couldn’t do that. He would be executed at home, his crew
receiving a similar fate, maybe his family too.
He could die in dishonor, or as a martyr. Maybe give the Americans or whoever
else was out there to bring in some help.
"Ready the Moskits, and put all defensive radars on full active."
Another message from the Chinese came, asking them to turn off all combat radar
and go to a halt, to prepare for boarding. They were giving him two minutes.
"Sound the general alarm." His decision had already been made for
him, by the People’s Republic. And now he would execute it.
Two minutes marked their passage with the first warning shot, from a five
inch gun. It splashed a few hundred yards portside. Fifteen seconds later,
another one. Fifteen more passed, and a howling shriek filled the bridge of the
vessel. It was a missile, probably sea-skimming, he realized as it dropped off
the radar. A few seconds later it picked up again, this time by the defensive
radars. Tonkin’s 30mm guns burped out rounds to try and stop the
incoming missile, but failed. Nghiem didn’t have time to contemplate why, the
entire ship rocked as several hundred pounds of high explosive warhead impacted
the starboard side at roughly three and a half times the speed of sound.
Nghiem fell into a second of sparkling and colors, and then simultaneously
tasted the metallic taste of deck and blood. One hand at a time, he lifted
himself from the deck along with the rest of the sailors, and excess blood. He
asked his crew if they’d returned fire, and they had. But it was too late.
He was dead before he realized the second had impacted.
[The West Pacific War: Origins and Opening Battles]
The sinking of the Tonkin occurred early New Year’s Morning in
Vietnam. For most viewers, reports on how Indians and Russians and Australians
were ringing in the New Years were interrupted by images of warships, world
leaders, and maps of the crisis zone. The Tonkin had been sunk, and an
unknown Chinese vessel damaged. The Chinese claimed the Tonkin had refused
repeated orders and activated combat radar, and most of its client states stood
by its decision. Vietnam responded with a declaration of war, and began a short
lived bombing campaign into Hainan. More importantly, Vietnamese gunboats and
government-sponsored pirates ravaged Chinese shipping in the area, destroying
dozens of freighters and VLCCs headed to China within the first week. China
responded with a blockade against Vietnam, and cruise missile attacks on the
Negotiation failed because there was nobody left in Vietnam to negotiate
Some blamed China for initiating the violence; others said the Vietnamese
should have known better to retaliate. But within a week of the strikes, Chinese
troops were in Northern Vietnam, in response to purported guerilla attacks.
Taiwan, watching as China became embroiled in conflict and the ruthless
destruction of any foreign vessels in the area, began to ponder secession. China
was imposing heavy duties on Taiwanese vessels in the South China Sea, and
subjecting them to constant search.
In a cabinet meeting of the Taiwanese Presidency, ROC Navy officers announced
their possession of nuclear weapons, of which Taiwan had acquired three more
before the crisis began. Apparently, the Chinese penetration of the Taiwanese
government was complete enough for China to learn of the nuclear arms as well.
China, in one announcement, told the world of Taiwan’s nuclear arms and
asked them to disarm not just its nuclear weapons, but its entire offensive
capability, and prepared several divisions for landing on the island to secure
the weapons.
Taiwan refused. The US offered itself as an intermediary in the conflict,
saying the Taiwanese should disarm its nuclear arms, but should be allowed to
retain its armed forces until the mainland ended their ‘criminal activities’
in the South China Sea. By then, the George Bush and John McCain
were close enough for combat operations to begin in a cross-strait war.
Outraged, China declined to negotiate ‘with our own country’ and remarked
that foreign concern was no more welcome than if China tried to intervene in a
local dispute.
Taiwan decided to refute the idea, and when American CBGs were close enough,
declared independence. Immediately, cruise missile strikes slammed over the
nation, destroying the Taipei 101 building and some ships in port. Taiwanese
purchases of new SAM weapons had prevented a more serious outcome, but the
damage was done. The Taiwanese navy responded with strikes on Chinese vessels in
the strait.
Realizing Taiwan was lost if they did not intervene, the US declared war on
China on January 30th, 2028. The opening engagements resulted in an
embarrassing defeat of PLAN vessels in the region. Sorties by Valkyrie-series
"Peregrine"[1] stealth fighters and hypersonic cruise missiles
crippled or destroyed a pair of Chinese CVNs and sixteen other surface
combatants within the first two days of the Battle of the Strait. China in turn
attacked US supply lines and declared the entire region around the area to be a
Maritime Exclusion Zone while submarines went after US supply ships.
In early February a cruise missile strike hit Guam, hurting US re-supply
efforts. But the carriers remained, and soon the US asked Japan for assistance
in fighting China. Japan agreed, and China promptly responded with a declaration
of war and bomber sorties over Tokyo [2]. Angered by the attacks, the Japanese
Navy responded with an attack on the PLAN Northern Fleet in a series of bloody
battles near the Korean peninsula.
Within the first month of the war, China had lost two dozen naval surface
combatants and a classified number of submarines. The United States lost half
the number, though many of them would be repaired and ready for combat within a
few months (or a year). Japan had lost fifteen vessels, while the Taiwanese had
lost half their navy. All sides had lost a significant amount of aircraft, and
the US had lost its first bombers in combat since Vietnam.
The war was not limited to Earth. American combat space-planes and ASAT
weapons downed dozens of Chinese satellites and Chinese space stations in
military use, and a classified program was underway to refit US space assets and
ballistic missiles to carry kinetic energy components for strikes against China.
Over 10,000 Taiwanese civilians and military personnel were dead, missing, or
seriously wounded due to China’s massive bombing and missile campaigns.
Attacks on Hainan, Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai had inflicted a roughly equal
number, primarily due to precise Japanese and US bombing campaigns. An unknown
number of Vietnamese were dead, and eight thousand Japanese were reported
casualties by the government. World markets were in disarray, and the war showed
signs of only escalation.
[1] The Peregrine was derived from the ANG ‘Valkyrie’ project. The
Peregrine was considered the undisputable ruler of the skies, though they cost a
hefty $250 million dollars during their first production runs. Peregrines
featured switchblade, variable geometry wings with ‘smart skin’ that could
flex for maximum aerodynamics. The hardy carbon shell gave the Peregrine good
RAM and light, durable armor. It had a maximum speed of ‘over mach 3’ with
the right load, and carried much of its weapons within internal bays. It had
hybrid pulse detonation/variable bypass turbofans with 3-D thrust vectoring.
Most advanced of all was the sensor suite. The Peregrine incorporated
Synthetic Aperture LPI radar using newer gallium-nitride based transistors,
giving it a huge advantage in search size and range. Smaller radar modules could
be mounted as aerodynamic attachments, and on many models a small rear looking
radar was attached. Streamlined IR camera turrets and a new helmet design
provided a full field of view.
[2] The Tokyo Bombing raids persisted for the fist three months of the
war. Chinese bombers (ANG Designation: Behemoth) could fly in low using
variable-bypass engines at Mach 1, while still maintaining excellent fuel
efficiency. The bombers carried over 90,000 pounds of armament on full load, and
often dropped bunker-busters into metropolitan ‘superstructure’ arcologies.
These tactics destabilized the local Japanese economies, and would later cause
massive civilian casualties. However, F-9 fighters from Japan’s air force
became particularly effective against the bombers, which often flew sorties
without fighter escorts (Japanese forces destroyed many tankers).
[The War: March]
The Taiwan situation reached a critical point. Though the US had committed
two extra carrier groups to the war, it was becoming increasingly difficult to
keep Taiwan intact. Though no major Chinese forces had crossed the strait,
Taiwan was an island under siege. China launched an E-Bomb attack on Taiwan
later that month. Mixed with cruise missile strikes and precision EM gun fire,
Taiwan’s infrastructure was devastated. Chinese subs resorted to raiding
Taiwanese relief convoys.
In one of the controversial episodes of the war, a Chinese SSN engaged a
convoy outside Darwin. China’s People’s Storm [1] class SSN allowed
the PLAN to reach out in naval engagements never before seen. In this case, a
relief column passing around New Guinea was engaged by the Dark Storm.
The vessel, while not quite up to match with newer Western subs like the
American Norfolk Class or the Oceania Class of Australia, the
Allied Nations Group had left a gap in escorts that the Chinese were able to
exploit. Overconfident about the containment of Chinese submarines, the Dark
Storm sank dozens of convoy ships in its opening strike, and then laid a
trap for three older ANZAC class vessels. The Chinese super-heavy 660mm Little
Predator [2] super-cavitating torpedo was a very effective ship killer to
these older vessels, and soon the HMAS Australia, an Oceania [3]
Class vessel, hunted down and killed the Dark Storm in Indonesian waters.
Indonesia briefly threatened to declare war, though backed down at the prospect
of the assembled Australian fleets turning towards them instead of the Chinese.
The first combat use of ‘orbital bombers’ occurred when the USAF equipped
one of its combat space planes with a unique device. Four retrofitted reentry
vehicles containing mass-area e-bombs were fitted onto a space-plane along with
a series of dummy warheads. US Defense Network satellites clear a path towards
Chinese space, and the spacecraft releases its payload.
Traveling at roughly Mach 15, and precisely targeted by the spacecraft, the
E-bombs passed through as the dummy warheads took a few hits. They exploded over
Beijing, Harbin, and Chinese strategic locations previously unreachable by ANG
weaponry [4].
Plans in the ANG begin circulating under the codenames of Operation MISERLOU,
a plan to force China to throw in its hand. The Cross-Strait situation was an
impasse, with the Chinese massing too many troops for effective US offensive and
the US possessing clear naval superiority.
American politicians feared the war dragging on, and the Chinese government
hadn’t revealed its face since the crisis started. Their presence was limited
to military figureheads who ‘lead the fight against Western imperialism’,
while the real politicians lay dead from missile strikes or in hiding. And there
was always the possibility of these hard-line generals actually being in
charge. In any case, the US demands for China’s unconditional surrender and
Taiwanese sovereignty weren’t going to be met. Allied propaganda attempts to
attempt to incite civil war had thus far failed, and in fact, seemed to be
vindicating the theories and ideas of the Chinese propaganda machine.
MISERLOU proposed bringing total war to China, a commitment of a million ANG
combat personnel to the invasion of the Northern Plain region, cutting the
country in half and using forward airbases to attack the inland regions of
With Chinese amassing troops in the South, the plan might work. But
then again, the PLA possessed over twice that number in regulars during
peacetime, and certainly many more with wartime conscription requirements. It
was a risky bargain, and preparation began, with the hope that war would be over
before then.
By late April, Naval Intelligence reported that they had lost track of a
single Chinese SSGN, and was heading eastward. A handful of US SSNs were tasked
to track down the threat, hoping it would not reach firing range of Hawaii or
the West Coast.
[1] The Dark Storm class displaced 14,000 tons, and was the largest
attack sub of the war. It was not the quietest or fastest vessel, but was very
reliable and packed a massive armament of torpedo and VLS. It was also the first
class of Chinese submarine to incorporate the western development of AHSUM,
supercavitating cannon that could be used to intercept incoming torpedo.
[2] The Little Predator was based on the Chinese-made spinoff of the
German Barracuda supercavitating torpedo, essentially a parallel development of
the Mk 58 SADCAP ‘Pirhana’ torpedo. However, the Little Predator was much
larger and packed more than twice the explosive power of its American
counterpart, and proved quite effective as a ship-killer during the war.
[3] The Oceania class was created in the late 2010s as a result of
growing Chinese sub developments. Roughly the same size as the American
Virginia, it was the first sub to be designed for ADI usage, and the first SSN
ever made by Australia. The primary purpose of the vessel was to hunt other
[4] Both range limitations and the potency of Chinese air defense
networks made striking targets in inland China or Beijing very difficult. Part
of the reason MISERLOU received so much attention was the desire to destroy
inland Chinese industry through forward bases. Though quite successful, the
spaceborne strike policy would not become cost-effective until the development
of Orbital Kinetic Kill Weapons.
China launched a renewed offensive into Vietnam, hoping to draw off US forces
from the Mainland. Over 500,000 PLA troops, supported by armor and brief air
superiority, managed to take the northern half of the nation by the end of the
month. By now, the United Kingdom had entered the war, and had met up with
Australian and New Zealand based troops in the South of the nation. These two
nations fought the first land conflict with China in the entire war. The fight
was brutal and sluggish, with neither side maintaining full air superiority.
Allied troops had increasing difficulty holding off Chinese Type 2025 tanks,
which had a new, advanced ‘Tank-CIWS’ suite that could intercept even the
most advanced man-portable missiles the Allied infantry had to offer[1]. While
the British and Australians waited for their Challenger III tanks to offload,
the Chinese pushed farther southward, though slowly. One marked advantage that
the Allies did posses was the higher proliferation of ‘battlesuit’ type
infantry gear. [2], which, when armor was not involved, gave ANG troops a
significant advantage over their Chinese counterparts.
Later in May, the missing Chinese SSGN was located near Hawaii, and damaged
by US subs. However, it continued farther westward, with its intent clearly to
raid the US West Coast.
Overall, the stalemate continued, though in Guam and Japan massive military
continued for a possible execution of MISERLOU.
[1] The hypersonic CKEM missile could often be intercepted by the
AI-controlled point defense system of the Type 2025, but required a line of
sight. Often the Chinese could use their own sensors to detect an incoming crew
before they could get into firing position.
[2] The British-made ‘Grenadier’ was the most prominent example. Powered
by fuel cells, the battlesuit allowed an infantryman more protection, more gear,
and enhanced sensors that could not be carried by an unequipped soldier.
[Summer of 2028]
The Chinese SSGN crisis came to its climax as the submarine was finally
found, albeit after launching all 80 of its cruise missiles at the US western
coast. Within an hour, the stealthy missiles impacted at San Francisco, Seattle,
Sacramento, and a variety of financial and military centers in California. With
the launch position located, the USS Virginia finally tracked down and
destroyed the vessel.
The strikes inflicted over 5,000 deaths and nearly a billion dollars worth of
damage. A few die-hard UP advocates said this was evidence of the US need to
withdraw, but the EP spun it to increase anti-PRC fervor.
Within the US, the Sino-American community was giving heated debate as to the
legitimacy of the war. Many Chinese on visa in the US were opposed to the war,
though those who emigrated from China for political reasons said the war was
necessary to counter Chinese aggression.
In Vietnam, the Chinese advance was finally pushed back over the old DMZ line
by a combined British-Australian offensive. The Challenger III and new,
stealthier Westland helicopters gave the Allies an advantage over the larger
numbers of troops and tanks the Chinese possessed. However, soon Chinese forces
began harassing the flank and rear of the offensive through Vietnam’s
neighbors of Laos and Cambodia, both effectively Chinese vassal states. In June
the Allies declared war on both, and bombing campaigns began.
As more of East Asia was engulfed in the war, the European Union called for
negotiations, inviting all combatants to Brussels. No major leaders were in
attendance; generally the involved nations sent cabinet members, while the
Philippines, Indonesia, and the Russian Federation sent observers.
China’s terms were simple: Recognize Chinese right to occupy Taiwan, the
Spratly Islands, and anything within 200 nm of Chinese territory as a Maritime
Exclusion Zone no other navy’s ships could use.
America, on the other hand, demanded unconditional Chinese withdrawal from
Vietnam and a rescinding order on South China Sea claims. China would also be
ordered to pay Taiwan for the damage inflicted on its civilian infrastructure by
the indiscriminate Chinese bombing campaign.
Outraged, China then demanded the US and Japan pick pay for the strikes on
China, while the two nations replied that they would if China would be willing
to pay damages to the US West Coast and the home islands.
Both nations used the outrageous demands of others to spur the war effort.
However, in late August, China launched a daring assault on Taiwan that caught
the US completely by surprise. Taking advantage of US re-supply of the CBG in
the area, China airburst E-bombs over the US fleet for nearly six hours while
using its best surface warships to press the attack. China then launched what
was considered a ‘Victory By Numbers’ attack into Taiwan, with the sheer
amount of forces directed towards it enough to make invasion semi-successful.
Though the US severely damaged, the invasion force fanatically attacked the
Taiwanese Army, pushing it back towards the ruin of Taipei.
By September, an encrypted message from Taipei brought about the greatest
fears of all involved. The die-hard nationalists in Taiwan still had several
aces up their sleeves. A radio message to China’s invasion force stated
simply, "If China does not withdraw from our soil within 24 hours; we will
begin use of nuclear weapons against China."
The US tried to get the Taiwanese government to back down, and China decided
to call their bluff. With neither nation possessing information about the
location of Taiwan’s launch platforms, the twenty-four hour deadline resulted
in a launch.
The first target was the Chinese re-supply and staging area in Fuzhou. The
500kt thermonuclear device rode in on a low-flying BrahMos cruise missile, and
completely destroyed the Chinese logistical tail for invasion. The atomic
fireball prompted Chinese retaliatory strikes on Taiwan, albeit with smaller,
‘tactical’ warheads. The nation of Taiwan effectively ceased to exist on the
day of the attack, September 2nd, 2028.
The ANG decided it was time to finish China, once and for all. Japan and ANG
forces began massive naval and saturation bombing of the MISERLOU invasion zone,
including orbital kinetic warheads. Each OKW was a GPS guided DU Tungsten spear
that generated a ~1kt detonation in a small area, the ultimate bunker buster.
Over 100 ‘spears’ would be dropped on China, primarily on its nuclear
assets. Throughout September the US E-bombed the majority of the area, and began
landing special-forces troops. China and US had an ‘implicit agreement’ that
nuclear weapons would not be exchanged between the two nations, many Chinese
leaders theorizing the superior US missile defense program could make their
strike ineffectual, and that the US still possessed enough nuclear arms to
completely devastate China.
However, as the Allied invasion force massed, Chinese leaders were preparing
to run that risk.
[Fall-Winter 2028/2029]
The United States restarted its kinetic bombing program, showering Northern
China and any launchers in range of it with more and more weapons. Artillery
rained down upon anywhere a Chinese weapon capable of carrying a nuclear device
could be found, and soon US fleets in the area began contributing their own EM
guns to the fray.
China launched a last-ditch attempt by firing off nuclear weapons at Yokusuka,
Honolulu, and Guam, tactical warheads. American missile defense was good enough
to intercept the majority of them, though not all. A section of Guam was
completely vaporized, along with the USS Clinton supercarrier and an
escort Zumwalt class outside Yokusuka.
Falling on its last legs before the invasion hit home, China demanded that
Japan withdraw its support from the US invasion or face nuclear attacks on its
major cities, hoping to play on Japanese nuclear fears.
America, however, did not give a kind response. The launch sites of the
missiles were located, and hit with hypersonic, tac-nuke armed cruise missiles.
Variable-yield warheads were used to destroy major Chinese launch facilities,
and the US declared that if China launched nuclear weapons again, the US would
retaliate with full-grade thermonuclear arms on major Chinese cities.
Initial landing forces hit the beach the next day, under the cover of the
largest bombardment in military history. Assets from the UK, Australia, Japan
and the US all pounded down on the areas around the invasion zone. The amount of
debris kicked up was visible from space, and vaporized tungsten and DU clouds
were later found to have posed serious health risks to those who still lived in
the area. US and UK marines secured the first beachhead in Jiangsu, followed up
by the Australian and US armies, along with Japanese support. Under the ‘shield’
of US air superiority, major resistance was not encountered until the next day,
when US III Corps and several units of the Australian army engaged Chinese armor
outside the Shanghai Industrial Area. The battlefield was dominated by armored
weapons. Allied and Chinese tanks clashed at extreme ranges, and Chinese units
without battlesuits suffered heavy casualties in comparison to their comrades
and enemies who did. Chinese troops began adopting a scorched-earth policy,
detonating fuel-air explosives and other area-effect weapons over strategic
locations in order to slow US advance.
Meanwhile, another prong of attack went northward to Beijing. Equally bloody
fighting occurred, until China launched tactical nuclear weapons at a USMC-JSDF
advance force. Each was around one kiloton, but caused a total of 8,000
casualties and forced Allied troops in that front to halt their advance. In
addition, a nuclear device was detonated over Yokusuka itself, with another one
shot down near Tokyo, mixed with a batch of conventional weapons.
As the US had promised, retaliation began. Chinese military bases were
evaporated by over twenty tactical nuclear devices, and detonated a 100kt device
against troops outside Beijing.
The surrender the US had been waiting for finally came on January 20, 2029.
What remained of Chinese government, lead by a coalition of Generals, came to
Manila, along with representatives from all major combatants. China would
immediately withdraw from Taiwan and Vietnam, would rescind claims to the South
China Sea, and pay Taiwan and Vietnam part of the costs its attacks had
inflicted. The ANG would rebuild Vietnam and Taiwan and provide the majority of
the funds to do it.
The West Pacific War killed 2 million Chinese, 650,000 Taiwanese, 16,000
Japanese, 22,000 Americans, 200,000 Vietnamese, 6,000 Australians and 3,000
British. US support for the war averted major fiscal crisis internally, but the
Asian market nearly collapsed, and the price of goods imported from the region
On to Mexican
Intervention: post 2029