The Wimps in the White House
by Steve Payne
says: what if General McChrystal had never taking his eye off the real
enemy: the wimps in the White House? Please note that the opinions expressed
in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
June 23rd 2010,
on this day the newly appointed Secretary of General
Affairs David Petraeus appeared on the White House Lawn to re-assure the
American people that he had ordered Commander General Stanley A. McChrystal
to fly back to Kabul to resume his leadership of the International Security
Assistance Force in Afghanistan.
"The problem isn't what McChrystal thought about his
civilian superiors--and make no mistake, they are, legally, his superiors" -
readers comment. The publication of a
article in Rolling Stone Magazine had demonstrated that civilian control
of the military was no longer Run It
Run it His Way Generalworkable
because politicans had eroded the trust necessary for the team to work
together to achieve our objectives in Afghanistan, declared Petraeus. "Whilst
McChrystal's behaviour did not meet the standard that should be set by a
commanding general, he had nevertheless earned a reputation as one of our
nation's finest soldiers".
clearly didn't know anything about him, who he was. Here's the guy who's
going to run his f*#king war, but he didn't seem very engaged. The Boss was
pretty disappointed"The creation of an all-powerful Cabinet position
would enable Barack Obama to focus on the financial crisis, whilst the
military focused on achieving a successful outcome to the Aghanistan mission
before the intended withdrawal scheduled for summer 2011.
President Obama confirmed that there was "no difference in policy with
General McChrystal because we are in full agreement about our strategy"
and he would not stand in the way of the US Government's decision through
"any sense of personal insult" arising from McChrystal's recorded
statements. The President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai had expressed his hope
that "We hope there is not a change of leadership of the international
forces here in Afghanistan and that we continue to partner with Gen.
To demonstrate the vital importance of continued American presence in the
region, Petraeus was pleased to confirm that Halliburton had been awarded a
no-bid contract to extract a large mineral deposit of lithium worth an
estimated $1 trillion which had been recently discovered in Afghanistan.
June 27th 2010,
newly appointed
Secretary of General Affairs David Petraeus regretfully announced that
Marine Two had been lost over Deerhurst as Vice President Joseph Biden, Jr.
departed the G8 venue.
Bite MeBiden had most recently
been at the centre of a dispute surrounding the Commander of International
Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, Stanley A. McChrystal. The General
had dismissed the counterterrorism strategy being advocated by Vice
President Joe Biden as "shortsighted," saying it would lead to a state of
Thankfully, such an outcome had been averted by a series of meetings on June
23rd which had released the US military from the unworkable constraints of
civilian control. Matters had been coming to ahead since a meeting in Paris
in which McChrystal said (with a laugh) "Are you asking about Vice President
Biden. Who's that?". "Biden?" suggested a top adviser. "Did you say: Bite
June 30th 2011,
on this day the Allied High Representative Dr Marjorie
"Mo" Mowlam flew out of Kabul Airport having completed a hugely successful
twelve-month political development program in Afganistan.
Job DoneDuring the previous
summer, the US military had successfully faced down its civilian masters
during the so-called "Wimps in the White House" crisis. Fortunately, senior
figures in the chain of command had had the intelligence to perceive that by
sharing his sharing his private thoughts with a reporter from
Stone Magazine Stan McChrystal's had made a cry for help. Having been
locked in a negative spiral of events incomprehensible to the military mind,
McChrystal had followed a well-worn route by expressing his rage and
frustration without fear of consequence. Because in the final analysis, with
his brother and sister officers dying on a failing mission, his own future
seemed a matter of little concern. The truth was he had sacrified his own
career to get the mission back on track by creating a political storm back
"Nobody does it like Mo" ~ Tony BlairPresident
Obama recalled McChrystal to Washington to explain himself, but when he
refused to apologise for stating the truth, newly appointed Secretary of
General Affairs David Petraeus sent the General back to Afghanistan to
continue his leadership of the International Security Assistance Force.
Petraeus then sought the right person to lead the broader political
development mission, soon finding that Mo Mowlam was the obvious candidate.
As Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Mowland broke a logjam in the
Northern Ireland Peace Talks by confronting former terrorists in the Maze
Prison, an act of outstanding leadership that had forced Tony Blair to admit
"nobody does it like Mo".

June 28th 2012,
on this day shocking
new evidence that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, combined with ongoing
difficulties in withdrawing US forces from Afghanistan contributed to Stan
McChrystal's unexpectedly strong showing in the South Carolina Democratic
primary, an unexpected outcome which opened the door to a senior position in
the President's second term.
Natural Born CitizenThe General
had famously quit the US military after being fired by Obama for sharing his
private thoughts with a reporter from
Stone Magazine. Recalled to Washington, McChrystal had refused to
apologise for saying what he thought, a candid approach which was central to
his Presidential campaign.
The emphasis that he was a natural born American re-opened the controversial
claim that Obama was born in Kenya, which if proven would prevent his
re-election under the Article II "natural born Citizen" provision and also
the Fourteenth Amendment citizenship clause of the US Constitution. The
issue was first raised during a telephonic interview on October 12, 2008
when Obama's step-grandmother, Sarah Obama told Bishop McRae that she was
present to witness Obama's birth in Kenya.
says the position of Secretary of General Affairs was offered to General
Smedley Butler by the business ploters who sought to silently overthrow FDR
in the 1930s. To view guest historian's comments on this thread please visit
Today in Alternate History web site.
Steve Payne, Editor of
Today in Alternate History, a Daily
Updating Blog of Important Events In History That Never Occurred Today.
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