Boxers Defeat Foreigners in
by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present a new story from Jeff Provine's
excellent blog This
Day in Alternate History Please note that the opinions expressed in this
post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On August 14th 1900,
a grassroots movement had been building for years among the Chinese to
throw off the chains of imperialism that had been eating away at their
country. The Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists (or "Boxers")
served as a secret society training in martial arts around the laws of
commoners not being allowed weapons.
Spurred by economic turmoil, flooding, opium abuse, and weak central
government bowing to foreign powers, the Boxer Rebellion began after the
attempts made in the Hundred Days' Reform fell under the coup of Empress
Dowager Cixi.
As early as 1898 but primarily in 1900, Boxers from the north spread their
wake of destruction, burning Christian homes and killing foreigners.
Fleeing in distress, foreigners of all kinds gathered in protected
compounds in the Legation Quarter of Peking (Beijing). Boxers, now joined
by Cixi's troops upon her declaration of war against all powers, took up
siege of embassies and cathedrals, attacking wherever a weak spot was
The international community balked. Eight nations formed an alliance to
put forth nearly 50,000 troops from Austria-Hungary, France, Germany,
Italy, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Marching from
Tianjin (where a previous army had been bogged down, also awaiting rescue)
75 miles away under 110 degree weather and minor military harassment, the
force arrived in Peking on August 14. There was minimal resistance, and
the international forces began to wonder if the stories were blown out of
proportion. They raced into the city to be the first to liberate the
Legation Quarter, falling out of rank and order.
Then, the Qing army and Boxers began a counterattack. Boxers emerged from
hidden sites all over the city, sweeping into the disarrayed soldiers,
killing and stealing weapons. Initial casualties were massive on both
sides, but the Boxers had vast superiority in numbers. Qing soldiers
formed up a siege of their own city and progressed inward, crushing any
foreigner the Boxers had left behind. After two days of cacophony, only a
few foreign soldiers had survived, ones who had managed to escape into the
compound inside the Legation Quarter with the other holdouts. Using
foreign field guns, the Qing were able to smash their way inside on August
16, and the killing was completed.
Shock spread over the world. Many called for an end to imperialism in
China as too dangerous, but most agreed that the civilized world could not
stand for such barbarism (or such defeat). The Eight-Nation Alliance
regrouped with more formal declarations of war, and the Chinese World War
lasted until 1909. The nations carved up China into occupied zones, Russia
gaining much of the northwest and Japan the northeast, while the others
had smaller spheres of influence to the south. Five years later, the Great
War would break out, and Japan would make great strides in conquest of
German colonies as well as Russian territories yielded by the new
government after the Russian Civil War.
Now supplied with oil, coal, and metal resources from China and Siberia,
Japan grew into a powerful force in the western Pacific. They became
increasingly expansionist, but also wary of what an alliance of European
powers could do. As Nazi Germany began its assaults in the Second Great
War, Japan sat out the war, watching as the Germans, Italians, French,
British, and later Russians and Americans (who entered upon the sinking of
a US-flagged cargo ship in 1942) tore themselves apart.
When the Soviet War began in the mid-1950s, Japan felt ready to join with
the Allies against the Communist threat that had already given signs among
the less fortunate in their militaristic imperial regime. American atomic
bombs ended the war in 1960, and Japan collected more holdings in a new
occupation of Siberia. Since then, they have worked to increase their
ability harvesting resources in the frozen wastelands, using technology
that many accuse of raising carbon dioxide levels worldwide. After a great
deal of international political pressure including suggestions of embargo,
Japan yielded to the Kyoto Accord limiting pollution.
Even under restrictions, Japan continues to be the world's second largest
economy (just $5 trillion behind the United States) with many of its
factories in Japanese China.
says in reality, there was no counterattack by Chinese forces. By the
time the army of the Eight-Nation Alliance had arrived in Beijing, the
rebels and soldiers alike had seen that they were outgunned. When the
international army took the city, weeks of looting followed that disgusted
the world. Empress Dowager Cixi was pressured into signing the Boxer
Protocol, punishing the rebels, and paying billions in reparations. The
weakened monarchy would continue to weaken, eventually falling to revolution
in 1911.
To view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
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