The Fall of Gloriana by "the Reverend" Robbie Taylor
says: what if Aaron Burr had formed a breakaway southern state? Please
note that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the
views of the author(s).
In 1807: former US
Vice-President Aaron Burr flees the young country he helped to found in
order to escape conviction on charges of treason. Burr, along with a few
hundred followers, establishes his own republic in the former French
protectorate of Louisiana. He names himself president, but acts much more
like a king. Many Americans who had been on the Tory side of the revolution,
on hearing of Burr's new Gloriana, immigrated.
Gloriana by Robbie TaylorAlthough never large, Gloriana
proved to be a thorn in the underside of the American nation as it tried to
spread west, constantly harassing the Americans who attempted to settle in
the Louisiana Purchase or move through it to Mexico and parts west.
In 1823, President James Monroe decided that he could not
leave office without handling "this minuscule king, this traitor, Aaron
Burr," and asked for a declaration of war against Gloriana from Congress.
The declaration passed swiftly, and Americans across the east coast signed
up for the attack on Gloriana. Burr, seeing what was coming, tried to ask
Mexico and the native nations around him for aid, but they all refused. The
summer of 1823 saw the first border clash between Glorianans and Americans,
and the Americans won handily.
They pushed on swiftly, and the warm weather of south
Louisiana allowed them to keep moving through winter and seize Burr's
capitol of New Orleans. Burr himself fled and tried to rally what few
Glorianans remained loyal to him at Natchitoches, but a disaffected
Glorianan shot him on the way, putting an end to the small nation forever.
By the time spring arrived in Louisiana, all the
Glorianans had been repatriated into the US, and Burr's legacy was utterly
says please note that content was substantially repurposed from the
source article on the
History Channel. To view guest historian's comments on this post please
visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
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