Hawaii Declared Colony of
by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present a new story from Jeff Provine's
excellent blog This
Day in Alternate History Please note that the opinions expressed in this
post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
By August 25th 1849,
the Hawaiian Islands had increasing connections with the outside world
following its discovery by the Englishman Captain James Cook (pictured) in
1778. Known as the Sandwich Isles for some time, Europeans and Americans
would make visits for trade on the islands and some to create permanent
In 1817, Russians had come to retrieve stolen goods and forced a treaty
upon Chief Kaumuali'i of the island of Kauai to establish three Russian
forts there. More significant, however, were the missionaries who settled
the various islands and worked with natives. As missionaries began to
intersect, their differing dogma caused issues between them. Gradually,
the Protestant missionaries convinced the king to make Catholicism
illegal, causing the imprisonment of Catholic natives and deportation of
foreign priests.
"What happens to French Indochina in this ATL?" -
reader's commentIn 1839, the French came to the island to defend
Catholics' religious freedom. They threatened war, but Kamehameha III
staved off battle with the Edict of Toleration allowing some rights to
Catholics and paying $20,000 in compensation for damages. Still, Catholics
were not given full rights, and, in 1849, French Admiral Louis Tromelin
learned about the persecution as well as tariffs against French goods
while in harbor at Honolulu. Tromelin drew up a list of grievances and had
them delivered to Kamehameha on August 22.
"Hm, good question. I'd think it'd be fairly the
same as OTL. Perhaps less Japanese WWII influence as they turn eastward,
though" - author's responseBy the 25th, there had been no reply to
demands. Feeling that Hawaii must be made safe for French interests,
Tromelin decided to seize control of the island nation. With 140 marines,
cannon, and a few Hawaiian sympathizers, Tromelin stormed the palace and
captured Kamehameha. Riots broke out over Oahu, but generations of plague
and the superiority of European weapons stopped the populace from
overthrowing the French. Tromelin had marginal control for a few months
until reinforcements arrived from Tahiti and France and a more formal
colonial government was established. Following the Crimean War, the French
also legally controlled the island of Kauai, occupying Russian forts.
Gerrit Judd, an American physician and missionary, left for Paris to plead
for the overthrow of Tromelin's action. However, with the testimonies of
Admiral Tromelin and William Patrice Dillon, Consult to Hawaii, France
decided to uphold the conquest. Over the next years, Hawaii would become
an important Pacific port as well as grounds for sugar and fruit
plantations. While American businessmen would seek to purchase Hawaii in
the 1890s, the French would remain stalwart on the islands.
"Given Hawaii's position, would/could whoever held
what's now the US West Coast tolerate France holding it?" - reader's
commentWith the coming of World War II, France would fall to
Hitler, and Hawaii would be under the control of Vichy France. In 1940,
Japan made agreements with the French to establish bases on the islands,
mostly on the Big Island of Hawaii. On December 7, 1941, Japanese fleets
would use Hawaii as one of many starting points for a combined force that
attacked Midway Island, bringing the United States into the war. From that
point, Hawaii would be used as the farthest eastern Japanese military
port, launching submarine patrols harassing the American West Coast.
Americans struck back with the bloody Invasion of Hawaii in November of
1943. Throughout the war, liberated Hawaii served as a key base for the
Americans and other Allies. When the war was over, Hawaii was granted its
independence for the first time in a century, though the Americans signed
leases to continue a small airbase north of Pearl Harbor to make up for
what was lost at Midway.
Today, Hawaii is a secure republic and leader among the Pacific islands.
Its economy is based on tourism from America as well as Japan, despite its
lack of first world comforts because of limited political support.
says in reality, Tromelin only raided Honolulu instead of seizing
control. He destroyed government offices and pillaged a few goods, then
returned to the French fort, leaving by September 5. Hawaii would maintain
independence until 1897 when it was annexed by the United States after the
kingdom had been toppled in 1894.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
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