Nat Turner Begins his Slave
by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present a new story from Jeff Provine's
excellent blog This
Day in Alternate History Please note that the opinions expressed in this
post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On August 21st 1831,
on this day at midnight Nat Turner and his trusted followers arose and
marched out of their quarters. They went from plantation to plantation
further, freeing other slaves as they went.
Nat Turner, born October 2, 1800, in southern Virginia, was a bright slave
who had repeatedly received visions from God command his life. When he had
run away from his master at the age of 23, he returned having had a vision
showing him to do so. A persuasive speaker, Nat often gave services for a
black Baptist congregation, earning him the nickname "The Prophet". In
1828, he received one of his most powerful visions. He described the
experience, which was written later in a book by his lawyer Thomas Gray as
hearing "a loud noise in the heavens, and the Spirit instantly appeared to
me and said the Serpent was loosened, and Christ had laid down the yoke he
had borne for the sins of men, and that I should take it on and fight
against the Serpent, for the time was fast approaching when the first
should be last and the last should be first ". It struck him that he was
to lead a great insurrection to bring down the machine of slavery.
"Better than the real world" - reader's commentA
solar eclipse in February of 1831 showed him that the time for his
rebellion had come. While he and his fellow conspirators had planned to
liberate themselves on July 4th, illness and logistics had delayed them.
On August 13, atmospheric interference (which could have been debris from
the recent eruption of Mount Saint Helens) made the sun appear a rich
bluish-green. Nat realized that his first interpretation of overtaking of
the whites was not what he was meant to do; that was why the insurrection
was unable to take place on the fourth of July. Instead, he was looking
for a land of blue water and greenery to match the vision. Otherwise, the
sun would have been blood red.
Seeking guidance, Nat remembered the story of Moses and his exodus to the
land of milk and honey. The fight against the serpents of the desert had
merely slowed down the Israelites, much like the whites had kept back the
black slaves. Fashioning a rough copper snake and attaching it to a rod
matching that of Moses, Nat put forth his plan to lead his people out of
bondage. He chose the direction of Northwest, across the mountains and
Ohio valley toward the Great Lakes, perhaps even to Canada.
"the great fear [of whites of the south] was of
another Santo Domingo" - reader's commentsAt midnight on August 21,
he and his trusted followers arose and marched out of their quarters. They
went from plantation to plantation further, freeing other slaves as they
went. For protection, the slaves carried with them knives and axes, though
a few had firearms. At Nat's direction, the slaves fought back only when
whites tried to stop the growing army of slaves. Several white masters
were left beaten, but none were killed (some later died of injuries).
For two days, the slave revolt grew until a white militia was organized
and place roadblocks in the way of the singing, marching slaves who sought
their freedom. Nat halted his people and attempted to preach at the
whites, though only a few words could be heard over the jeering. Someone
opened fire, missing Nat, but causing panic in both crowds. The armed
blacks charged, overwhelming the outnumbered whites, who dispersed after a
brief struggle. Swearing revenge, the whites spread the word that the
blacks had attacked so that US Army troops were called up throughout
The slaves crossed the Shenandoah Valley into western Virginia before the
Army caught up with them. Artillery, horsemen, and eight hundred infantry
(many of whom had come from as far away as Norfolk, where the USS Natchez
and the USS Warren were anchored) attacked the camps of the slaves, and
the exodus was stopped. Dozens of slaves were killed, hundreds returned to
their masters. A few, including Nat Turner, managed to evade capture in
the wilderness. Most of those escaped into Ohio, but Nat turned back,
realizing that even Moses had not been able to go into the holy land.
Instead, he returned to call for the release of his people who had been
The call was answered by immediate arrest. Nat was convicted as a murderer
in a well publicized trial that approached a kangaroo court. He was
hanged, flayed, beheaded, and quartered, the archaic punishment for
treason, which inflamed abolitionists throughout the United States.
Several small slave revolts sparked through the South, but they were
quickly put down.
More effective was the writing of Nat's lawyer, Thomas Gray. His book gave
the firsthand account of Nat's exodus, including descriptions of life
under slavery. It spread even across the Atlantic, where it became a
bestseller among the abolitionists of Britain. The intelligence of black
men was proven, and, after the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833, Britain
began putting diplomatic and economic pressure on the United States to do
the same.
The South struggled to shake its black badge of slavery led by President
Andrew Jackson and wealthy slave owners. However, the damage had been done
to its reputation, and increasing pressure not to buy slave goods caused
economic depression. Southerners called for relief from the Federal
government, which was enabled through President Polk's signing of the
Manumission Act of 1846, freeing the slaves and giving compensated value
for each slave. After the Mexican-American War ended in 1848, many of
these African Americans moved westward in what modern scholars call the
Southern Exodus, recalling thought of Turner's Exodus.
Despite the end of slavery in the United States, racial tensions have
continued even to the point of attempted secession of the New Mexico
territory that caused the short American Civil War in the 1880s. Along
with Native Americans, Asian Americans, and other minorities, it would be
another century before leaders were able to establish equal rights under
says in reality, Nat Turner kept with his plan to attack and kill
whites, slave owner and poor alike. Panic spread through the whites of the
South, and reprisals caused the deaths of an estimated 200 blacks (56 were
formally executed by the state of Virginia, plus many killed by the US Army
and militias). Nat escaped until caught in a hole covered by fence posts on
October 30. He was hanged, flayed, beheaded, and quartered, but the major
aftermath of his rebellion was the legislation of laws prohibiting education
for blacks as well as restricting practices of assembly and religion for
slaves. The next thirty years of slavery would be among the worst seen in
the United States. To view guest historian's comments on this post please
visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
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