New England Secedes
by Jeff Provine
says: what if New England had seceded from the Union during the War of
1812? muses Jeff Provine's on his excellent blog
This Day in
Alternate History. Please note that the opinions expressed in this post
do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On January 4th 1815,
Please click the
icon to follow us on Facebook.not yet thirty years after declaring
independence from Britain, New England declared independence again at the
Hartford Convention during the latter days of the War of 1812.
With the exception of John Adams, the United States had been dominated
by Virginia planters, almost to the point of tyranny. While no one could
speak ill of George Washington, the hero of the young country, the
policies of Thomas Jefferson and his protege James Madison infuriated New
The political differences were not completely geographical, but the
societies of the North and South formed a great rift. In the South,
Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans held to the ideal "gentleman farmer",
men who could last on their own thanks to rich soil and, of course, slaves
in his employ. Great wealth was held by the elites, who spoke of
representing each man with natural rights while not giving the slave
votes, but counting them as three-fifths for census to bolster their
numbers in representation. Small states such as Rhode Island and New
Hampshire were practically overlooked. They also spoke of minimal
government influence on trade, refusing money for canals or highways, but
seemingly all too happy to promote embargoes that forced up agrarian
prices while decimating commerce.
Trade was New England's lifeblood. While the majority of people were small
landowners and cottage-industrialists, the economy of the region still
tied to harbors. The Federalists favored strong government for improvement
and defense, but economic tampering and declaring war went too far. When
Madison won his second term, the War of 1812 raged, and Canada became
victim to American campaigns. Militias had worked in the Revolutionary
War, and Massachusetts and Connecticut had refused to fall under the
orders of an aggressive War Department, prompting Madison to refuse
payment for defenses. They raised their own funds, prompted by Harrison
Gray Otis, who would be a leading member of the Hartford Convention to
discuss the grievances New England held. It was an obvious example that
New England was prepared to stand on its own.
"A welcome hypothesis to mull over... if only to
highlight the contrast between the complaints & ultimate actions of New
England Federalists and those of the Deep South in defense of slavery a
generation later... perhaps also to underscore how the South actually DID
for so long dominate the federal govt far beyond their numbers... and when
they saw that they no longer could do so, they wanted to quit, not so much
because of REAL complaints, but from fear of no longer ]calling most of
the shots in the national govt." - reader's commentSecession had
been brought up in years past, but the idea had always withered. Dr.
Franklin himself had said repeatedly, "Join or die". However, they now had
great reason to see what became of joining with war-hawks and
expansionists making war on Canada. The Constitution brought forth by
Madison himself read, "...establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare..". The War of
1812 with its invasion was unjust in the eyes of New England, interrupted
tranquility with its embargoes, brought about great danger with British
naval raids, and retarded the general welfare overall. Otis led the call
for secession, and New England voted to do just that.
"Indeed, no 20th Maine to make the charge down
Little Roundtop for a start! " - reader's commentsThe news shocked
the rest of the nation. They had sneered at "Blue Light Federalists" who
stood as pro-Britain and supposedly flashed blue-light signals in warning
of blockade runners and known of New England opposition to the war in
Congress, but this had gone too far. After news came to Washington about
the signing of the Treaty of Ghent and the end of the war in December, the
Federalists became embarrassed, but word of fights still continuing at New
Orleans and in the frontier gave them a point to rally behind. Secession
was made official, and all but a few representatives left the burned-out
Washington, D.C. War-weariness dragged down efforts from the South to
force New England back into the fold, though General Andrew Jackson
repeatedly volunteered to lead a campaign. As Napoleon escaped from his
exile and began anew his wars in France, New England took up alliance with
Britain, which prompted the South to begrudgingly step back.
Tensions between the United States of America and the Federated States of
America continued. Jackson became elected on a platform of invading the
Federation, which had grown wealthy with its investments in canals,
favored trade with Canada and Britain, as well as its improved banking
system, and the War Between the States began in 1830. After four brutal
years of New England's defense through militias and support from Britain,
the United States answered New England's continual offer of armistice if
they could just be free. Jackson proved to tear apart the Union rather
than preserve it, sending the Democratic-Republicans into two parties that
would break up the country further over the issue of slavery. The
Confederate States of America from Virginia to Louisiana broke away in
1860, buffering up against the Republic of Texas. The old ideal of
Manifest Destiny with the pioneers conquering the frontier from sea to
shining sea would eventually be seen, but in the form of six differing
nations after the formation of the California Republic and Deseret.
says in reality secession was discussed but never taken to vote. Otis
considered the War of 1812 to be the death knell for the
Democratic-Republicans and Madison's regime. Instead, the Hartford
Convention called for a series of amendments mandating greater separation of
powers among the states as presidents could not follow one another from the
same one (and only one term per president), limiting embargoes and the
ability to declare offensive war, and repealing the three-fifths count for
slaves. The commissions arrived in Washington to find the victory of New
Orleans and the favorable Treaty of Ghent utterly demolishing their stand,
and the Federalist Party would never recover the political misstep. To view
guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
Today in Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on
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Imagine what would be, if history had occurred a bit
differently. Who says it didn't, somewhere? These fictional news items
explore that possibility. Possibilities such as America becoming a Marxist
superpower, aliens influencing human history in the 18th century and Teddy
Roosevelt winning his 3rd term as president abound in this interesting
fictional blog.
