Philanthropic Cock by Steve Payne, Scott Palter,
Raymond Speer and Eric Lipps
says: was the War of 1812 Thomas Jefferson's fault or was it inevitable?
Please note that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily
reflect the views of the author(s).
1806: on August 27th,
the compromised reality of the American Revolution was thrown into sharp
contrast - whilst President James Monroe's High Representative William
Pinkney conducted negotiations in London to renew the Jay Treaty, his
predecessor, the "philantropic cock" Thomas Jefferson was across the English
Channel enjoying Parisian Society with his common law mixed race wife, Sally
Understanding that the infant republic needed at least
two decades of peace in order to survive, George Washington had risked his
reputation as a patriot by approving the original ten-year treaty with Great
Britain. Now, more important than a simple renewal was the need to resolve
differences over the issue of impressment of American sailors from US ships
and neutral trading rights. Because in acquiesing to American independence,
it was now clear that Great Britain's cynical ploy was to give away the cake
whilst keeping the cream.
Agreement seemed possible if not likely, because the British Prime Minister
Lord Grenville and his "Ministry of All the Talents" believed that the US
Navy was partly manned by British deserters who were desperately needed to
fight Napoleon. Accordingly, Grenville ordered Lord Holland and Lord
Auckland to cut a deal with Pinkney. Trouble was, that whilst President
James Monroe approved the treaty, the US Senate rejected it, and the result
was the War of 1812.
The political crisis created by the Senates rejection might of course been
avoided had Thomas Jefferson served a second term, because he would never
have approved the treaty in the first place. However he had claimed to be
exhausted by the complexities of the Louisiana Purchase and the misbehavior
of Aaron Burr.
In reality, Jefferson was hugely frustrated with the development of the
American revolution which had become a more of a worldly struggle for
survival than the building of the egalitarian society that he had dreamt of.
In fact, the American Revolution had stopped, and there was little to
interest a mental giant in business as usual.
Of course Jefferson's frustration had begun at the very outset. Not only had
his bold anti-slavery statement been disgracefully removed from the
Declaration of Independence, he had resigned from Washington's government to
spend more time with Hemings, and later faced the scandal of this affair in
the mainstream press during his political comeback.
But in a larger sense, Jefferson wanted the American Revolution to have the
transformative energy of its French equivalent. Having served as a diplomat
in Paris, he had experienced the freedom of living with Hemings in a way not
possible in the States. Soon after Monroe's inauguration, Jefferson and
Hemings sold up Montecello, freed his slaves and left America forever.
Without knowing it, Jefferson had started the African-American Revolution
which ironically, was a transformative process more attuned to his own
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site. Extract from Wikipedia ~ "the
negotiations were begun on 27 August 1806, and the treaty was signed on 31
December 1806. Monroe and Pinkney knew they had fallen short of their goals;
indeed, when President Jefferson received the treaty in March of 1807, he
did not even bother submitting it to the United States Senate for
ratification. This failure to resolve differences over the issue of
impressment and neutral trading rights contributed to the coming of the War
of 1812".
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