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scenario was prompted by some of the reading I did for the posting about
Italy failing to unify. One peculiar aspect of that story is that
the second assassination attempt on the life of Napoleon III of France in
January 1858 led to his involvement in the unification of Italy by working
with Piedmont-Sardinia and later withdrawing military support to the Papal
States allowing their absorption into the growing Italian state. The
man who had almost killed Napoleon III by throwing three bombs at his
carriage, Felice Orsini, wrote to Napoleon from prison asking him to
assist the unification of Italy. This may seem very peculiar and you
could think that Napoleon would turn against the movement that had almost
caused his death, but he had been a member of the Carbonari secret society
in his youth, a terrorist movement whose main aim was to expel the
Austrians from Italy and create a unified Italian state. I looked at
the consequences for Italy and Europe and the world more widely in my
recent posting, but it got me thinking about what would have happened if
Orsini had not failed.
Napoleon III was the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte. Following his
defeat in 1815, Napoleon I had abdicated in favour of his son by
Marie-Louise of Austria, also called Napoleon. At birth,
this Napoleon was declared Prince Imperial and King of Rome (a title
assigned to the heir to the empire in the way Prince of Wales is assigned
to the heir to the British throne). Napoleon II was only four at the
time his father stepped down and his claim was not recognised by the
allied powers opposing his father nor by the French government which took
over once Napoleon I had been defeated. Napoleon II lived out his
days living in Vienna under the title of Duke of Reichstadt. He died
from tuberculosis in 1832 at the age of just 21. Napoleon III was
born Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte in 1808; though he never really used
Charles and before becoming emperor was generally known as Louis-Napoleon.
His father was Napoleon I's younger brother, Louis, who ruled the puppet
state, the Kingdom of Holland 1806-10, though had this role revoked and
the territority was annexed by France in 1813 because Louis did not get
the Dutch to bend sufficiently to his brother's desires. Following
the death of Napoleon II and then his uncle Joseph Bonaparte (Napoleon I's
elder brother) in 1840, Louis-Napoleon became the designated heir to the
Bonaparte dynasty. His elder brothers, Napoleon Charles (died 1807)
and Louis (died 1831 from measles; having been fighting for Italian
unification) had died before their part of the dynasty came next in line.
Despite the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, the restoration of the monarchy
was not secure. The Legitimist Bourbon dynasty overthrown by the
revolution effectively from 1789 but formally from 1794, lasted only until
1830 when the Orleans line of the Bourbons took power. The Orleanist
king, Louis-Phillipe only lasted until 1848 when revolutions shook France
as they did much of Europe. In this context, Louis-Napoleon tried to
engineer coups in 1836 and 1840. With the restoration of the
republic, Louis-Napoloen stood as a candidate to become the first
president of France and was elected with 75% of the vote. However,
in December 1851, Louis-Napoleon staged a coup, as his uncle had done in
November 1799 and in becoming emperor in December 1804.
Louis-Napoleon did not wait so long and had himself declared Emperor
Napoleon III in December 1852 a post he was to hold until 1870.
Given that France's last three rulers had seized power or been imposed by
an outside force, Napoleon III was not really out of step with political
developments of the early to mid-19th century in France; effectively 1851
sees the Bonapartist Restoration just as 1815 had seen the Bourbon one.
In addition, whilst a dictator with monarchical aspirations, like King
Louis-Philippe, and to some degree Napoleon I, he seemed to adopt certain
'liberal' elements to his regime. Napoleon's use of democracy to get
him into position before imposing an authoritarian regime was not only
characteristic of Napoleon I, but has had echoes in the assumption of
power by Mussolini and Hitler and, to some degree, Charles De Gaulle who
became President of France in 1959.
Napoleon III seemed to share many of the characteristics of his uncle in
terms of rule. He promoted industrialisation of France, though
something which France did not find so easy later, especially when his
defeat in 1870 led to the loss of the iron ore and coal reserves of
Alsace-Lorraine to Germany. However, railways grew in France and the
classic design of central Paris as is known today was established during
his reign. Though it was not without challenge the modern
functioning French state with a Catholic background but a far more secular
state was strengthened during his period and building on the legacy of
Napoleon I's politco-economic reforms, formed the basis for how France is
run today.
Napoleon III's foreign policy objectives seem to have been as adventurous
as his uncle's but probably less pragmatic. Saying that, he was
ruling in different times with a focus increasingly on overseas empires.
There was continuity in him building on the control of Algeria taken by
France in 1830. He expanded French control in Indochina in 1858 and
1861 establishing the Cochin China as a French colony; the country would
come to control the whole region (what are now modern day Laos, Cambodia
and Vietnam). Napoleon III had French troops fight alongside the
British and Ottoman forces against Russia in the Crimean War 1853-5 and
with British troops in the Second Opium War against the Chinese Empire in
1860. This allowed trade legations in Beijing, free movement of
shipping on the Yangtze river and opened up more treaty ports for foreign
trade. In this way, his policies really did not differ from those of
the British governments. I have already noted Napoleon III's
activities in Italy, assisting Piedmont-Sardinia in defeating the
Austrians in 1859, gaining Savoy and Nice for France, and then handing
over Venetia when France was given this by Austria in 1864 following
French non-intervention in the Austro-Prussian War. That year he
also agreed to remove his troops from Rome within two years though this
did not happen to 1870.
Whilst these policies can be seen as least a victories (though the Crimean
War was not overly conclusive) other foreign adventures went too far.
Like the British, France both supported the Confederate States of America
and (like the British) sold them battleships for use in the American Civil
War 1861-5; primarily, like the British due to concerns over cotton
supplies. British prevarication in recognising the CSA led Napoleon
III to delay and when the CSA felt official recognition was not going to
be forthcoming and expelled both Britain and France's consuls in 1863,
Napoleon III's policy came to nothing. His attitude to the CSA was
in part stimulated by his attempts to establish a puppet state in Mexico;
he hoped a CSA victory would give him a free hand there and allow him to
create a new trans-continental state between Mexico and the CSA.
Backed by Mexican conservatives who criticised the religious policy of the
state Napoleon installed a Habsurg prince as Emperor Maximillian I of
Mexico in 1863. However, defeat of French forces by the Mexican Army
in 1862 and a guerilla war that ran until 1867 thwarted Napoleon III's
objectives. The victory of the USA in the American Civil War in 1865
allowed it to intervene to expel French influence in line with its Monroe
Doctrine of 1823 that no power aside from the USA could have political
dominance (though economic dominance was another issue) in the Americas.
A US blockade of Mexico led Napoleon to withdraw his troops in 1866 and
Maximillian was defeated and killed the following year.
In Europe, Napoleon III was outmanoeuvred by Otto von Bismarck. From
his time in the Carbonari and supporting Italian unification he was
naturally opposed to Austria, probably rightly at the start of his reign
given that it was the main Power in mainland Europe. However, by the
mid-1860s, Prussia had risen fast. France could have allied against
Austria in 1864 but remained neutral. I do not think allying with
Prussia would have brought much benefit. His request for Belgium and
Luxembourg was ignored by Prussia and in fact when he tried to buy
Luxembourg in 1867 (it was still part of the Netherlands but separated
from the rest of the state since Belgium had been created) Prussia
threatened war and again Napoleon III had to back down, giving up claims
to the country. I did not consider these scenarios when I looked at
Belgium not existing. If France had subsumed all of Belgium in 1866
then we certainly would have seen greatest impact in terms of French
industrial development in the latter 19th century and in terms of slowing
or halting the German advances of 1914 and 1940, though ironically
possibly delaying British intervention in 1914. In addition, France
would have had to deal with the Flemish-speaking minority throughout this
period. The purchase of Luxembourg would have made very little
difference, being a strange kind of French island on the German border as
much as it had been a Dutch island up to then.
Really once Prussia was strong enough to defeat Denmark in 1864 and
certainly Austria (and its German allies) in 1866, it needed to pay no
attention to the wishes of any other Power. Napoleon III had
expected the Austro-Prussian War to be protracted rather than last six
weeks and he expected Austria to win. Though given how comparatively
easily France and Piedmont-Sardinia had seen off Austrian forces in Italy
he should have been more alert to the weakness of Austria if not the
strength of Prussia. Not having heeded the lessons of 1864-6, it is
unsurprising that France was defeated by Prussia which invaded in July
1870. Only the length siege of Paris which did not fall until
January 1871 prolonged the war. The main outcomes were the
establishment of the Second Reich of Germany which unified the country.
France lost the economically vital regions of Alsace-Lorraine, stunting
its industrial development until the late 1940s. Napoleon III was
captured by the Prussians in September 1870 and was deposed with another
republic, the Third Republic, being days later. Napoleon and his
family went into exile in Britain where he died following a gall bladder
operation in 1873 he was aged 64. His son, Louis Napoleon was killed
in 1879 by Zulus while serving in the British Army in Natal, southern
Aside from Orsini's assassination attempt there had been one in April
1855. Before that plots against his life had been uncovered in July
1853 and September 1854. The attempt of 28th April 1855 by an
Italian called Pianori led to his execution on 14th May (quick execution
of attempted assassins was another trait Napoleon III shared with De
Gaulle). Another attempt followed on 8th September 1855 about which
I can find no more information. The most famous one was that of
Orsini on 14th January 1858 which led to the execution of Orsini and his
accomplices on 13th March. It might also be worth considering if,
following his feeble coup attempt of 1840 which led him to being
imprisoned for life, in 1846 rather than being able to escape and flee to
Britain he had remained confined,. Though less likely, it is still
possible, especially if his coup had been more successful
that Napoleon could have been executed in 1840.
Execution in 1840; Life Imprisonment
Assuming that Louis-Napoleon had been executed in 1840 or had remained in
prison at least for twenty-five to thirty years, if not life, then he
would be a minor character in the history of France probably very much
like his brother Louis or his cousin Napoleon II. It is likely that
some other strong man would have been elected president in 1848, but
probably would not have seized power in the way Louis Napoleon had the
popular backing and sheer gall to do. Perhaps France would have seen
another monarchical restoration, but given that the Third Republic was
able to limp on from 1870-1940 even with all the political crises and
external threats it faced, I feel the Second Republic could equally have
survived, interestingly making it the only really enduring outcome of the
1848 revolutions. It seems unlikely that France would have become
involved in Mexico and its republican standing may have meant it being
more sympathetic to the USA rather than the CSA despite the need for CSA
cotton. I do not know how the USA would have reacted to French
assistance, though there was a history of it dating back to the American
War of Independence. Given that a lot of what happened in North Africa and
South-East Asia was being driven by men on the spot, it seems likely that
France would have been drawn more into Algeria and Indochina and probably
with the kind of 'liberal' policies Napoleon III adopted, such as
restricting the French zone of colonisation in Algeria.
The policy towards Italy is likely to have been very different.
Napoleon III had personal links to the unification process that it is
unlikely that any other head of state would have had. The
geo-political objectives of the French Republic or even France under
another king, would certainly have favoured a weakening of Austria in
Italy, but certainly not with the extent of intervention that Napoleon III
oversaw. What France would have done with Venetia is an interesting
question. I guess it would have established a favourable republic or
monarchical state there depending on the flavour of its own regime and I
guess this would have gravitated towards Piedmont-Sardinia but perhaps not
as immediately as happened in our world. It also seems possible that
the French government in place of Napoleon III would not have withdrawn
support for the Papal States, so that, as I discussed in my posting on
Italian unification, these may have persisted with all the complex
implications that that would have had. Without the hands-on approach
to Italy by France I certainly think the process would have been delayed.
Would the attitude to Prussia have been different? I doubt France
would have gone around asking for Belgium and Luxembourg especially if
under a republic. However, while a republic or a modern-looking
constitutional monarchy might have felt an affinity with Prussia
especially when it fought Austria, I see no reason why it would ally with
Prussia and even if it had, I think Bismarck would have been no more
grateful than he would have been in our world. Would France have
been better prepared in 1870 to face Prussia? An alliance with
Austria would not have seemed appealing and may have made little
difference anyway. To some degree, across Europe, most
observers expected France to win. Perhaps a French republic would
have fought better, especially given the resistance put up by Paris.
However, given the difficulty the French had in stopping the over-running
in Paris in 1914, even with greater warning of the forthcoming invasion, I
think in 1870 the French forces would have fallen as quickly as if they
had been under Napoleon III. Ironically that defeat, rather than
leading to a return to democracy as in our world, might have then led to
authoritarian rule, so being a mirror-image of our world's experience.
You only have to look at 1940 and 1958 to see how the French state tended
to respond to the crisis of defeat. Ironically no Napoleon III in
1870 might have meant some other dictator in power in France as it entered
the 20th century.
Thus, without the personal rule of Napoleon III there would have been many
similar policies. I think Paris would have been modernised, though
perhaps with different shapes to the clear cannon firing lines that
Napoleon III favoured, but perhaps not too different. What would
have been eliminated were the foreign adventures for personal whim,
certainly the humiliation of Mexico would have been avoided.
However, I see a minimally different outcome in terms of relations with
Prussia. No-one realised Prussia's true strength even after 1864-6
and there was nothing that anyone could offer Bismarck that he wanted
except what he knew he could take anyway. Only something incredibly
exceptional such as the realistic threat of British or Russian
intervention would have swayed his path and even then I think he would
have battled on with his planned approach whatever was threatened.
Perhaps this fact was vital in eventually leading to the Franco-Russian
friendship of the 1890s which was to form the basis of the coalition
against Germany in 1914.
Napoleon III Assassinated
Not having been able to find out much about the assassinations carried out
or planned to be carried out by the other plotters aside from Orsini, I
cannot really comment on how feasible they may have been. It does
seem possible if we taken the Orsini plot as a measure of the scale of
intentions (and, in fact, I imagine most of the plots were far less
feasible than that one) Napoleon III could have been assassinated sometime
in 1853-8. Orsini's three bombs killed eight people and injured 142
others. His first bomb landed among the horsemen preceding the
carriage, the second among the carriage's own horses breaking the carriage
glass and the third landed under the carriage. Any of these could
easily have killed Napoleon III instead. Earlier attempts may have
impinged on French involvement in the Crimean War, but given the
alignments in Europe, I imagine a different French regime may have
followed the same path and just and ineffectually, unless the republic or
some monarch had initiated substantial reforms of the logistical methods
of the French armed forces, something that Napoleon I had always had an
interest in.
Much of what I have said above about France not having witnessed Napoloen
III would also apply following the death of Napoleon III. This means
that whichever of the plots or attempts over that five year period had
been successful there would have been no intervention in Italy or Mexico
and probably a different approach to the American Civil War.
However, if the assassination had been by an Italian, this clearly would
have impacted on French perceptions of the unification process.
While it would not have suddenly turned France to being pro-Austrian, it
seems far less likely that there would have been intervention aimed at
weakening Austrian control in the region and certainly support for the
Papal States would have remained strong. It seemes quite feasible
that at least down to 1914 if not beyond there would have been both an
Austrian and Papal presence in the states of Italy. Ironically, this
would mean France would be a slightly smaller state and Savoy and Nice
would now be Italian areas.
A final aspect to consider is the reaction to a terrorist outrage and I
would point to two examples. The first is the assassination of Tsar
Alexander II in 1881. Ironically Alexander was travelling in a
bomb-proof carriage presented to him by Napoleon III. The first bomb
that was detonated under the carriage killing an escorting Cossack and
injuring bystanders. It was only when Alexander emerged from the
coach unharmed that a second assassin threw another bomb which detonated
at the Tsar's feet. The Tsar died hours later of his injuries.
A third assassin with a larger bomb did not come into action.
Alexander's son, Alexander III who succeeded to him to the throne and
ruled until 1894 reversed the bulk of the liberal reforms that Alexander
II had introduced. Alexander III suppressed separatist movements and
any steps to democracy; he oversaw a highly repressive regime which simply
fuelled the revolutionary movements that were to overthrow his son
Nicholas II in 1917 ending the Tsarist regime. There does seem to
have been a chance that in the wake of the assassination of Napoleon III
in 1858 that France would have entered a reactionary period and the
liberal policies of Louis-Philippe would have been reversed and using the
excuse of a terrorist threat France would have seen a harsher regime,
probably far more clerical in nature too, perhaps overseen by a general.
This probably would have been no less authoritarian than Napoleon III's
regime, but it is likely to have been more oppressive. Whether this
state could have stood any more strongly against the Prussians in 1870 is
a question, but quite possibly it could have done, though perhaps nepotism
and corruption would have weakened it further.
The other example to consider is the assassination of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in June 1914. In this case four
assassins had been assigned. The first two both armed with pistols
and hand-sized bombs did not attack. The bomb thrown by the third
assassin bounced off the Archduke's car and blew up the one following it,
injuring 20 bystanders. The fourth assassin fired using a 9mm
automatic pistol at short-range when the Archduke's open-topped car (most
cars in those days did not have rigid roofs in order to reduce the weight)
stopped in front of him. The Archduke and his wife were ultimately
killed by a single bullet each, the Archduke being hit in the neck by the
first, his wife with the next bullet in her abdomen. They died of
their wounds within ten minutes of the shooting. Whilst the event
was certainly manipulated by the German government and military leaders
for their own use (it was recorded as early as 1912 that they were looking
for such an incident in 1914 to provide an excuse for war at least against
Russia), the outrage certainly encouraged Austria-Hungary to make extreme
demands on Serbia who it blamed for supporting the assassins. Even
without German backing it seems likely that a war between the two states
would have broken out even if Austria-Hungary had simply intended a
'police action' against Serbia. Given that Orsini was an Italian
nationalist leader, it seems very likely that France would have sought
recompense from Piedmont-Sardinia. It lacked strong allies and in
any conflict between France and Piedmont-Sardinia, it is possible Austria
would have taken advantage too, perhaps suborning the central Italian
states if not taking land from Piedmont-Sardinia. Even if France had
not demanded territorial gains (perhaps now taking Savoy and Nice,
probably the Val D'Aosta, perhaps even Sardinia itself) Piedmont-Sardinia
would be humiliated and at least have to pay compensation. Plans for
Italian unification would have been set back by decades.
Thus, taking Napoleon III from French and European history is likely to
have had a number of important if not massive implications for how Europe
developed subsequently. France may have initially ended up with an
established republic with elected presidents, but given the volatility of
the political scene, I believe the danger of some dictator appearing would
have remained a real danger for decades to come. I think an
assassination, rather than the absence of Napoleon III, would have had
broader implications, perhaps setting France up for a more violent
revolution in reaction to its oppressive state at the eve of the 20th
century. Of course, the greatest difference for Europe and further
afield would be how Italy would have developed and it appears that
replacing Napoleon III with either a more liberal or a more oppressive
regime would have led to a different outcome there, with all the
implications I have discussed before. For better or worse Napoleon
III did rule as emperor for 18 years and though he did not achieve as much
as his uncle his impact was possibly more enduring and certainly, without
him, the history of the 19th and 20th centuries would have been different.