Battle of Allenstein by Zach Timmons
says: what if the Russian Steamroller delivered on the Eastern Front in
September 1914? Please note that the opinions expressed in this post do not
necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On September 16th, 1914:
two Russian armies (1st and 2nd) smashed the German 8th Army at the
Battle of Allenstein, thus realizing the worst fears of the German General
Staff - a stalemate in the West, and a Slavic steamroller in the East.
Although the French had been pressing the Russians to
speed up their mobilization in order to take pressure off of the Allies on
the Western Front, the Russians stuck doggedly to their pre-war schedules,
with the 1st Army advancing east from Vilnius, and the 2nd Army marching
north from Warsaw, with their objective being either to destroy the German
army or drive it into the defenses of Königsberg, rendering it useless. The
8th Army had no intention of fighting, however; their orders were to fall
back towards the Vistula River, in order to avoid being flanked and wiped
After a defeat at the battle of Gumbinnen, the commander of the 8th, General
von Prittwitz ordered the retreat; however either through miscommunication
or deliberate inaction by their commander, his I Corps never fell back, and
was annihilated at the Battle of Insterburg, with the remnants retreating
into Königsberg. This, combined with a drive around the German right flank
by the 2nd Army, enabled a brilliant pincer move by the Russians at
Allenstein, leaving almost the whole of East Prussia defenseless. The German
9th Army raced east as a stopgap; this, combined with reinforcements from
the Western Front, allowed the Germans to hold the line of the Vistula.
Along with the decisive victory in the battle of Lemberg, Russian morale
soared, and although the Eastern Front would essentially remain on the
Vistula-Carpathian line until the war's end in 1917, Russians wholeheartedly
supported the conflict. A move by Germany late in the war to foment
political unrest in Russia failed badly when their agent, V.I. Ulyanov,
received little support and was quickly arrested and executed on arrival. At
the Treaty of Krakow in 1918, Germany and Austria-Hungary were forced to
cede large sections of their Polish territories, which the Russians used to
create an independent Polish buffer state. By war's end, Russia's industrial
base was one of the largest in the world, and it only continued to grow; by
the time of the outbreak of the second Russo-Japanese War it had surpassed
the United States for industrial supremacy.
says to view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site for
Battle of Allenstein.
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