Germany Agrees to Aid Irish
by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present a new story from Jeff Provine's
excellent blog This
Day in Alternate History Please note that the opinions expressed in this
post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On September 13th 1914,
in a secret meeting in Washington, D.C., Sir Roger Casement (pictured,
left), an Irishman and former British diplomat, met with Franz von Papen
(pictured, right), a German military attaché, to discuss the possibility
of aid in an Irish rebellion against British rule.
Casement had worked as a clerk and consul among British
diplomacy in Africa, witnessing the Boer War and performing investigations
on human rights in the Belgian Congo and Peru. The horrors he saw of
imperialism changed him forever, causing him to work against the notion of
1911, he was knighted for his international work, and he subsequently
resigned for "health reasons". Two years later, he helped found Irish
National Volunteers, aimed at drumming up support for Irish independence.
A new story by Jeff ProvineCasement sought support for the Germans to free
Irish prisoners of war and to form up an Irish Brigade to fight against
the British. Papen, however, had been thinking. The initial push of the
Germans toward France had ended, and a series of attempts at flanking were
"Actually Guns, were Russian which the Germans had
captured in 1914. Casement was quite poor at recruiting Irish soldiers for
his Brigade. The National wing of the volunteers panicked the day before
the rising. Also there was no way of getting German guns from Kerry to
Dublin. One of the Irish leaders got caught walking into a RIC station,
and asking if any ships had been found in the area. " - reader's comment
which is further explored on this article.If neither army flanked the other, ultimately running to the sea,
battle lines would be drawn up and the Western Front could be nothing more
than a stalemate. If Germany were to win this war quickly and with minimal
loss, they would have to fight in places other than France.
"Why would we have had to wait until '46 for
another World War? " - reader's commentWhile sending troops to
Ireland directly was questionable, Papen vowed to send armaments and
officers to train a growing Irish Revolutionary army. In November, Berlin
announced, "Should the fortunes of this great war, that was not of
Germany?s seeking, ever bring in its course German troops to the shores of
Ireland, they would land there, not as an army of invaders to pillage and
destroy, but as the forces of a government that is inspired by good-will
towards a country and a people for whom Germany desires only national
prosperity and national freedom". Casement returned to Ireland and worked
diligently toward the Irish plan of an uprising during Easter of 1916.
"Being in bed with the Germans would have been the
kiss of death---even most anti-English Irish had no use or love for the
Kaiser's regime. Kaiser Bill had all the skill at public relations of the
Westboro Baptist Church. " - reader's commentAt Papen's suggestion,
the German Chief of Staff von Falkenhayn elected to invest armaments and
soldiers into campaigns to interrupt British and French empires. In
February of 1915, India erupted in rebellion, though many of the early
ringleaders were caught and executed. Singapore, Afghanistan, and numerous
French colonies followed. On April 24, 1916, Dublin declared independence,
and Irish soldiers armed with German rifles and trained by German
officers, began the Irish Civil War. London was petrified, extremely short
on men to cover all of the revolts and watching its empire crumble. In
1917, Russia collapsed and dropped from the war; many in Parliament
suggested Britain do the same before they lost everything.
"I'd think the most effective aid would've been the
German officers since their training would keep down panic as well as
not-so-clever moves of asking about ships full of guns; it'd be helpful
like the French and Polish officers got American militia organized into a
real army. As for the delay, my thought was a slower world economy over
the '20s and '30s giving Hitler more concessions until finally going too
far. " - author's responseHowever, also in 1917, the Germans had
pushed too far with diplomatic warfare. The Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico
offering aid if it were to go to war with the United States, should the US
enter the war, roused the neutral Americans into action. They offered up
thousands of fresh troops, and 1918 would prove a miserable year of defeat
for Germany on the battlefield. In November, an armistice was called. The
subsequent Treaty of Versailles attempted to sort out the convoluted state
of the world.
Germany was reduced and punished for its actions, stripped of colonies and
made to pay enormous reparations. Austria and the Ottoman Empires were
split up by their people groups into "Balkanized" countries. Despite being
the winners on paper, both Britain and France found that they could not
quell their uprisings. Many cried for the freed-up armies to move to the
colonies, but as war-weariness and dogged economies dragged through the
1920s, the last of the European empires called quits. Britain and France
formed commonwealths with their few loyal colonies and gave independence
to the others. Civil wars erupted and continued for years throughout South
America, Africa, and Asia as well as in Ireland, which was diplomatically
separated between North and South in 1928.
The United States, seemingly the only "winner" of the World War, returned
to neutrality and economic abundance as it gave resources for Europe to
rebuild over the 1930s. Fascism, strong government tied to renewed
Nationalism, grew in the wake of the shattering of empire. New bids for
domination from Japan, Germany, and Russia would launch another World War
in 1946 with the invasion of Scandinavia after Austria, Czechoslovakia,
and Poland had already been dominated.
says in reality Papen could not be convinced to aid Ireland more
directly than a promise of liberation should the war bring Germany to the
Emerald Isle. Roger Casement was captured just days before the Easter
Uprising and executed for treason some months later. The battles during the
week of Easter 1916 in Ireland would be bloody, and the rebellion would be
ultimately crushed as 16,000 British troops arrived in Dublin. Some 20,000
German rifles and 10 machine guns were given to the Irish by the Germans,
but they were scant in comparison with Irish needs and no German officers
came to offer training for the newly developed weapons.
To view guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
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