Stabbed in the Back
by Steve Payne
says: what if the German Army's 1918 Offensive had succeeded? Please
note that the opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect
the views of the author(s).
5th April 1918: an
armistice on this day marked the end of the Great War. Notwithstanding the
fact that the German High Command had succeeding in playing their
"last card" and won, the gathering right-wing republican forces
would soon topple the Imperial Government. They did so by fostering the
"stab in the back" legend, that the Kaiser had saved his throne
by accepting a loser's peace settlement whilst the German Army was
undefeated in the field.
The defeat of Russia enabled the Germans to field an army of 2.5 million
men on the Western Front. However, 1.5 million Germans had already died
and the reality of their troop strength disguised the inexperience of
the soldiers chosen for a final offensive.
And yet the Western Allies were seriously worried, because the 191
divisions of the German Army were up against their combined force of
only 178 divisions. At this point of decision, Ludendorff proposed the
administration of a knockout blow before the US Army could arrive in
strength. And so on March 21st, German Artillery fired 1.2m shells at
the British Third and Fifth Armies guarding the Somme. Fortunately for
the Germans, a thick fog had appeared, allowing the German soldiers to
quickly overrun the British positions.
And so history would record that it was Ferdinand Foch, the Marshal
of France and Allied Supreme Commander who was forced to confront his
political masters, and urgently request that an immediate armistice must
be organized. The peace settlement that followed effectively restored
Western Europe to its 1914 borders, enabling right-wingers to claim that
the opportunity to overrun France, and gain a victor's settlement had
been thrown away by the Kaiser.
says, considerable amounts of source material have been repurposed
from the source articles Watson, Alexander. "Stabbed at the
front", published in the December 2008 Edition of History Today
Magazine and also Wikipedia.
Steve Payne
Editor of Today in
Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on Facebook
and Twitter.
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