Crazy Heads by Steve Payne & Alfred
says: what if the Soviet Union was still in the Axis camp when the
Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour? Please note that the opinions expressed in
this post do not reflect the views of the author(s).
In 1939, approval for the
fateful decision to bomb Azerbaijan's oil fields was granted by the Prime
Minister and his Minister of Naval Forces on this day at British General
Intelligence reports unambiguously confirmed that Stalin's supply of
Baku's oil had been transferred to the Nazis in a secret protocol of the
Soviet German Pact (pictured). Twenty-five million barrels of oil per year
would be sufficient for Hitler's Panzers Division to conquer Europe, and
therefore the strike order was transmitted to French Air Forces in Syria
without delay. Trouble was, the operation was bungled, and the oil wells
and refineries in Baku and the northern Caucasus escaped with minimal
damage. Allied military leaders were forced to revert to the inferior Plan
B, in which British submarines would seek to prevent the transportation of
oil in the Black Sea.
"Crazy heads that were thinking more of how to
destroy Baku than of resisting Berlin" ~ Charles De GaulleThe "the
possibilities of bombing and demolition of Baku" were first raised in
Paris by the US Ambassador to France, W. Bullitt. The French Government
ordered General Gamelen and Admiral Darlan to work out a "plan of possible
intervention with the view of destroying Russian oil exploitation".
Ambassador Bullit informed US President Franklin D. Roosevelt that Daladye
considered that aircraft attacks against Baku would be "the most efficient
way to weaken the Soviet Union".
It would prove a costly mistake. In postwar statements, Charles De
Gaulle would later claim that "crazy heads that were thinking more of how
to destroy Baku than of resisting Berlin". He was right. Forced into the
conflict after Pearl Harbour, the US would find itself at war with the
combined might of the German-Soviet-Japanese Axis powers.
says this alternative history is based on an original idea by Alfred
Montestruc on the Yahoo! Discussion Groups and explored on the
Azerbaijan International web site.
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Steve Payne
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