Marshal Petain & The Orleans
Regime, Part Five
by Raymond Speer
says: what if Marshall Petain continued the fight from Orleans? muses
Raymond Speer. Please note that the opinions expressed in this post do not
necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
The Ultra Revelation |
The Year 1941 |

On March 4th,an
ULTRA memorandum intercepted by the British is given to Prime Minister
Winston Churchill. That intercept reveals that Premier Petain of France has
sent Pierre Laval on secret missions to the Germans and has prepared a deal
whereby Germany ceases the war with France and evacuates that country.
Germany under Hitler would then prepare for a "reckoning" with the Russian
Winston Churchill had been slow to trust the elderly Marshal and his
arrogant young staffer, Charles de Gaulle. For that reason, the British
had not shared with their French ally news of the Bletchey Park breakthrough
and British continued and routine interceptions of German communications.
Assuming their communications were wholly secure, the Germans were
completely candid with each other. For instance, the text of the message
about Petain stated:
"Churchill is overly enthusiastic for the War and is squandering his
national wealth so Britain will be utterly dependent on American loans in
what ever is preserved in the future.
"The Marshall hopes to surprise de Gaulle by a arrest in the evening and an
immediate transfer of Army command to generals who will allow Germans to
depart France with no more bullets being fired. Also, British airfields will
be raided by loyal men and the British warplanes kept out of combat.
"France shall support Germany in any conflict that Germany may find herself
and France shall use all her best efforts too persuade its ally, Britain, to
likewise make a reasonablle peace with Germany."
At an emergency Cabnet meeting that evening at 6 PM, Churchill briefed his
Cabinet members on the ULTRA revelation without naming the source.
"Are we absolutely sure of this?" asked Foreign Minister
"It is from our very best source," Churchill informed him.
"Marshal Petain plans the arrest of de Gaulle this month," said Churchill,"
and Hitler's descent on the Soviet Union is likely to happen in May."
The Minister for Education, R E B Butler, stated aloud that as Premier of
the French Republic, Petain had the legal authority to quit the war.
"I mean, legitimately,what can we do? If they want to
surrender, we cannot keep them fighting."
"If Petain wants to appease Hitler on eve of a great loss to Russia,"
observed Churchill," the old man had left leave of his senses through
senility. We are like the bankers who prevent him from giving his dance hall
princess a cheque for a million pounds."
says this is my fifth installment in my Marshal Petain & The Orleans
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