Many readers enjoy thinking of questions such as: What would have
happened if Bismarck had arrived in Brest? or would having the Tirpitz
along have changed anything? I too find some of these "what
if" questions/scenarios interesting, even though I personally
don't like to speculate too much, as every opinion can be argued and
it's impossible to reach definitive conclusions. Anyway, I have tried
to display a few of the most common scenarios carefully.
1. Bismarck escapes the British net and reaches Brest on
28 May 1941.
Let's say that the fatal torpedo hit in the rudders did not occur,
and the Bismarck entered in Brest on the following day. After
sinking the Mighty Hood and four days of continuous chase, Bismarck's
crew would have been received as heroes. Possibly even a welcome
greater than that Prien and the men of U-47 received after
sinking the Royal Oak in October 1939. The victory would have
gone without any doubt to the Germans, although their primary
objective (sink British merchant shipping) wouldn't have been
accomplished. Therefore, despite of damaging the prestige of the Royal
Navy and angering Mr. Churchill (who probably would have fired a few
of his Admirals), from the operational point of view, Bismarck's
sortie would still be somewhat of a failure. Moreover, due to the
damage received in the Denmark Strait and the following torpedo hits,
the Bismarck would have had to enter dry dock for repairs. This
would frustrate her prompt return to the Atlantic as the battleship
could not be utilized again for at least the next two months.
Assuming the RAF would not damage the Bismarck again at
Brest, the ship could resume its operations in the autumn, and maybe
try to join the Tirpitz sailing from Germany. Otherwise, it is
likely that Bismarck, together with Scharnhorst, Gneisenau
and Prinz Eugen would retreat to Germany through the English
Channel early in 1942. With all the battleships back at home, the Bismarck
could be then sent to Norway and operate together with the Tirpitz
against the Allied Arctic convoys in 1942-1943. That would have tied
down even more Allied warships in Scapa Flow, but that is another
story and I won't go any further on that.
2. Bismarck escapes undamaged and gets lost in the Atlantic
after sinking the Hood.
Now let's say Bismarck and Prinz Eugen receive little or no
damage during the Battle of the Denmark Strait. They then reach the
Atlantic and break contact with the pursuing British forces. The
German ships could then concentrate on the British convoys. The use of
a powerful ship such as the Bismarck for merchant raiding
offered great promises of success indeed, as she could tie down the
British battleship escorting a convoy therefore allowing the Prinz
Eugen to attack with impunity. Both German warships could have
managed to sink 20-30 ships (Scharnhorst and Gneisenau
sank 22 in two months) and then return home in August. That of course
wouldn't have changed the course of the war, but as the British were
already suffering heavy losses to the U-boats, a "few more
tons" of valuable shipping lost to surface ships could make the
difference and force the Admiralty to take further measures in this
3. Operation Rheinübung: Bismarck and Tirpitz
sail together in the spring of 1941.
As we already know, the battleship Tirpitz had been
commissioned on February 1941, and was not ready for combat operations
in the spring of 1941. On the other hand, it is interesting to note
that the British battleship Prince of Wales had been
commissioned in late March 1941, and spent only a couple of weeks of
trials when she engaged Bismarck in the Denmark Strait. This
ship was far from being 100% battle ready and even had dockyard
workers on board. Nevertheless, she managed to score three hits on Bismarck.
So, it is quite reasonable to believe that Tirpitz would have
added a far greater punch than Prinz Eugen, whether she was
fully ready for combat or not. Moreover, Bismarck and Tirpitz
would have formed a more homogeneous pair such as Scharnhorst
and Gneisenau, and, if one Bismarck caused such a fuss,
it is not hard to imagine what two Bismarcks could have done
operating together in the Atlantic. The Royal Navy would still have
more warships available, but the balance changes a bit as the British
heavy units now have to face sixteen 38 cm guns installed in armoured
floating platforms that can move at 30 knots. In fact, the real
problem for the Royal Navy wouldn't have been the numbers, but the
capability to concentrate a strong, and above all, fast enough
battleship force in the right place at the right time to face the
German warships. The famous motto often applied on Bismarck:
"faster than anything stronger and stronger than anything
faster", perfectly illustrates what the Royal Navy has to deal
with here.
Let's assume things had developed as originally planned for with Bismarck
and Prinz Eugen in May 1941. In order to have a chance of a
victorious outcome, Admiral Tovey would have most likely changed the
disposition of his force and would have reinforced Vice Admiral
Holland's battle group with an additional warship (Repulse?),
while he himself stayed on King George V which would join the
slow Rodney later. So, Bismarck and Tirpitz would
have fought against Hood, Prince of Wales, and Repulse
in the Denmark Strait. Interesting engagement, isn't it? Whatever the
outcome of that battle could be, if the German battleships managed to
reach the Atlantic, then Tovey would have to rely on carrier air
strikes to damage or slow down at least one them. This wouldn't have
been an easy task either as the Swordfish now have to face the AA
artillery of two warships, and as one can imagine a lucky torpedo hit
in a rudder does not occur every day.
Finally, had Admiral Lütjens managed to shake off his pursuers and
reach the Atlantic in condition to wage war on the British merchant
shipping, the situation would be quite different than his earlier
sortie with Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. The Bismarck
and Tirpitz could attack any British convoy, even those
escorted by a battleship. The Royal Navy simply didn't have enough
warships to protect every convoy against two battleships of this kind.
4. The German Naval High Command mounts a combined operation with
the battleships Bismarck and Tirpitz, and the aircraft
carrier Graf Zeppelin in the Spring of 1941.
This is one of the most frequently asked questions among the
public: What if Bismarck had sailed with the Tirpitz and
the Graf Zeppelin? The answer is simple, if Bismarck and
Tirpitz together already offer more than a threat to the Royal
Navy, the addition of the aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin
definitely inclines the balance to the German side. It is not crazy to
think about it. Launched on 8 December 1938, the Graf Zeppelin
could have been ready for service long before the spring of 1941 if
its construction hadn't been suspended in April 1940. Unfortunately
for the Germans this carrier was never commissioned.
Now, let's assume the Kriegsmarine sends the Bismarck
together with Tirpitz and Graf Zeppelin to the Atlantic
in the spring of 1941 to sink enemy shipping. The Graf Zeppelin,
equipped with more than 40 aircraft (Bf 109T and Ju 87C Stuka),
would not only have provided adequate air cover to the battle group,
it would also have been able to launch air strikes on enemy
merchantmen and warships if needed. The German carrier-based aircraft
were far superior to their contemporary British counterparts, and the
Bf 109 wouldn't have had any problem at all dealing with the old
Swordfish and Fulmars, not to mention the big Catalinas. In addition,
the Stuka dive bombers (with up to 1,000 kg/2,200 lbs. in
bombs) could attack and inflict heavy damage on any British battleship
force attempting to intercept the German battleships long before it
could reach ballistic range. An embarked air wing permanently in the
air, would have also helped with the reconnaissance, thus permitting
to signal surface contacts to the battleships and U-boats, and a
greater cooperation of all arms. This would have presented a big
problem to the Royal Navy which most likely would have been unable to
deal with such a powerful task force.
The Graf Zeppelin was the best opportunity the Kriegsmarine
had to turn the balance in its favour (especially in 1941), and not to
put this ship in service was a great mistake. The lack of air support
sealed the fate of excellent warships that were already difficult to
sink without air cover, and that otherwise could hardly have been

The Graf Zeppelin almost
completed. This carrier could have changed the fate of the Bismarck.
5. Operation Rheinübung postponed until the autumn of 1941.
This possibility was actually considered by the German Naval High
Command, although ultimately Grand Admiral Raeder opted not to do so.
In the autumn of 1941, the Tirpitz would have been finally
ready to sail with Bismarck. Now, we have the possibility of Bismarck
and Tirpitz operating together (as in item 3 above), although
this is not exactly the same case since the Royal Navy, too, would
have strengthened its forces in the mean time. Still, the presence of Bismarck
and Tirpitz in the autumn would have been a big threat with
many chances of success, especially if we think that the war in the
Pacific was about to begin and the Royal Navy would soon be forced to
split its units. Although the best choice would have been to send Bismarck
and Tirpitz in the spring, this possibility must also be taken
into consideration.