Patton Escapes Car Crash
Unharmed by Jeff Provine
says: we're very pleased to present a new story from Jeff Provine's
excellent blog This
Day in Alternate History. Please note that the opinions expressed in
this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
On December 9th 1945,
Please click the
icon to follow us on Facebook.while on his way to a hunting trip in
the German countryside, the Cadillac belonging to General George S. Patton
collided with a left-turning 2.5 ton truck. Patton's driver, Private First
Class Horace Woodring, rather than braking and hitting the truck at lower
speed, briskly turned to dodge, and the two vehicles slammed into one
another's sides.
Woodring and Patton's chief of staff Major General "Hap" Gay both suffered
bruises, but Patton seemed totally unhurt after tumbling sideways.
The accident seemed to follow the course of luck that could be traced
through the old soldier's life. Patton had attended the Virginia Military
Institute and United States Military Academy, competed in the modern
pentathlon at the 1912 Summer Olympics, finishing fifth overall and the
only non-Swede in the top seven. He studied swordsmanship in Europe the
next year, going on to become the youngest Master of the Sword in Army
history. From there, Patton became an instructor, wrote pamphlets, and
helped design the Army's final saber in 1913, later nicknamed the "Patton
"Since he was awaiting reassignment at the time,
that would make him Patton Pending?" - reader's commentPeace soon
gave way to war, and Patton's real career began. He served as Pershing's
aide in the Mexican expedition in 1916 and then became a captain among the
US Tank Corps in WWI. Campaigning for years to acquire funding for armored
divisions for the US Army, but with little success, Patton spent the
between-war years stationed in Hawaii (where, in 1931, he wrote a
defensive plan for a potential air raid) and in Washington, D.C., (where
he led tanks against the Bonus Army on the orders of General Douglas
MacArthur). When WWII began, Patton's arguments for armored divisions
gained clout, and he was promoted to major general to head the 2nd Armored
Patton's leadership would give the Allies massive advantage in the African
and European Theaters of the war. The "Desert Fox" Irwin Rommel was
notoriously concerned of Patton, and the German military would routinely
place their best troops against him, often to no great avail. Patton
pressed his troops through North Africa, Sicily, and France.
While a master on the battlefield, Patton met with great controversy when
bullets did not fly. Hoping to motivate his men, he maintained a powerful
visage and carried nickel-plated revolvers with ivory handles. He swore
constantly, even in public addresses. Patton's belief in the honor of the
military contradicted Eisenhower's easy-going nature and cartoonist Bill
Mauldin's ridicule, both of whom chafed Patton's temper. Most shocking was
the "slapping incident" in Sicily where Patton had hit a soldier suffering
from shellshock and ordered him back to the front. Patton would be
stripped of command for a time, but he would use his time to confound
German intelligence on where the European landing would begin. After
Normandy, Patton would be back in command with the Third Army and helped
in the liberation of Europe.
"Would they have sent Patton to Korea?" - reader's
commentsAs the war came to an end, Patton began to give warnings
about not being able to trust the Soviets. Some 25,000 American POWs had
been liberated but not returned in Eastern Europe, where the communists
were seemingly settling in. Patton suggested that the American Army be
ready for war again to keep Russia in its place while they were low on
supplies. Instead, the Army began dismantling itself for peacetime, and
Patton was reassigned to the Fifteenth Army, which was mainly handling
occupation and historical collection.
After the accident, the Fifteenth Army headquarters was inactivated on
January 31, 1946, and Patton sent his request for retirement to the War
Department, which was approved. According to Hap Gay, Patton would have
resigned if retirement had been refused. The weight of peace seemed too
much for the old soldier to bear. When Patton returned to his native
California, he began a lecture circuit, which provided a great deal of
scandal, and primarily wrote, commenting on his past as well as the
present and future of America. He consistently warned of Soviet expansion,
which gained the attention of political movements.
Patton was invited to the 1948 Republican National Convention in
Philadelphia. He was surprised to be seen in politics and even more to
hear that he had been placed on the ballot. While he campaigned rigorously
after the invite, it was apparent that he had no real hope of taking the
presidency as Dewey had cinched the vote and Patton's infamy preceded him,
not to mention that his military clout was blocked by votes going toward
MacArthur. Instead, Patton returned to retirement, writing to several
friends with the exclamation, "God, give me a war to fight!"
As if an answer to prayer, Patton was called up by Vice President Richard
Nixon to be an adviser in the situation in French Indochina, which was
quickly becoming known as Vietnam. Having watched the turmoil that was the
Korean War from the sidelines in agony, Patton was eager to sort out the
situation himself. Though he agreed with MacArthur's suggestion to use
atomic weapons, Patton was disgusted by his former commander's disrespect
of President Truman. Patton arrived in Saigon and met with CIA advisers,
many of whom had connections back to the old Army OS. Upon his assessment,
Patton shook his head over the situation and said of Ngo Dinh Diem, "I
wouldn't fight for him, even if it were against Stalin himself". It was
clear the people preferred Ho Chi Minh, who was a cunning warrior working
to limit trouble upon the peasants.
Patton wrote an extensive description of the corruption in South Vietnam
and suggested winning over the resistance-fighters of the Viet Minh rather
than trying to fight the Viet Cong and their pro-populace support. The CIA
worked to follow his plan, infiltrating North Vietnam and gaining leverage
as the Sino-Soviet split began to appear in the late '50s and became clear
by the '60s. With the American-backed regime change in South Vietnam in
1958, the short-lived Vietnam War of 1959-60 established firmly the
division between the Communist North and the increasingly western South,
as had been seen in Korea. Containment continued to be the policy of the
United States as it subtly transformed itself over the twentieth century
while Communism would self-destruct by the 1990s.
However, Patton would not live to see his influence on modern events. He
died at age 72 in December of 1957 while touring Vietnam and suggesting
military placements for defense along the northern border despite rainy
weather. His body was returned to the US, where it was buried in Arlington
says in reality EPatton suffered a broken neck from the collision when
the Cadillac struck the front end of the truck. Patton was thrown forward
and hit his head on the partition between the front seats and the back. He
was paralyzed from the neck down and rushed to the hospital, where he would
die of a pulmonary embolism twelve days later. He would be buried in
Luxembourg, at the head of his fallen fellow troops in honor of Patton's
asking that he "be buried with my men".. To view guest historian's comments
on this post please visit the
Today in Alternate History web site.
Jeff Provine, Guest Historian of
Today in Alternate History, a Daily Updating Blog of Important Events In
History That Never Occurred Today. Follow us on
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