Save the Pope! by Steve Payne
says: what if Hitler had proceeded with a variant of his plan to kidnap
the Pope, capture and loot the Vatican? Please note that the opinions
expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of the author(s).
In 1943, from Liechtenstein
where he was receiving the protection of the Third Reich, Pope Pius XII
issued an offer to the Western Allies to serve as a peace mediator in
forthcoming negotiations.
"It must be reasserted that Hitler, kept at bay by
the Allies, like a beast of prey pursued by a pack of hunters, was capable
of absolutely any hysterical act of crime" ~ Nazi Ambassador to PopeThe
text of the declaration made it clear that Stalin rather than Hitler was the
enemy of the Church, emphasising that the Holy Pontiff was understandably
keen to prevent Europe falling into the hands of the Soviets after an Axis
There was some logic to this position, because Rome
itself was now in the hands of the Communists who had seized power when
Marshall Badoglio and King Victor Immanual III had fled the city following
the ouster of Mussolini.
A rather different story emerged after the war. Soldiers of the 8th Division
of the SS Florian Geyer Cavalary had launched a night attack on the Vatican
disguised in Italian uniforms. Troops of Herman Göring's panzer division had
then surged into the Vatican to "rescue" the Pope. Various documents had
also been seized, enabling the Füehrer to establish leverage over the Pope.
One of those documents would cause the Vatican much trouble long after both
Hitler and Stalin were both dead.
original content has been repurposed to
celebrate the author's genius © Kutzman, Dan. "A Special Mission: Hitlers
Secret Plotto Seize the Vatican and Kidnap Pope Pius XII" (2006). The slogan
"Save the Pope!" was the suggested of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. To view
guest historian's comments on this post please visit the
Today in
Alternate History web site.
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