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This Day in Alternate History Blog
Human Time Line
The Twilight Years
2251 - 2300
2251 The war against the Zargah continues with Operation Endgame. Although the massive battles against the Zargah have ended, no one has forgotten the destruction that the United Federation of Planets (UFP) has recently endured. Even though the rebuilding programs continue everywhere, the scares of the past are readily visible on virtually every planet. Vigilance has become second nature for the United Defence Forces (UDF). The border around Vargary & Drey space have become the most fortified & defended area ever known. As full combat fleets patrol back & forth, BlackStar mines stand on guard in a silent vigil. Furthermore, Indorra stations on Ni’Vil & Evduc continue to monitor space for 100 light years in all directions. Nothing will get close, let alone through the border, without being identified. And if it is a Zargah ship, it will not exist for long. President Nichol De Vilirra tours the UFP. Even though much has been rebuilt, much more still needs to be done. United Health Service (UHS) reports that 500 million refugees still need to be repatriated. Adding to UFP’s problems are the 4 million Zargah prisoners of war. No one knows what to do with them. Although the Federal War Crimes Tribunal has sentenced a million Zargah to death for "crimes against life", many other Zargah were found guilty of lesser crimes. Most are just war prisoners. Considering that a state of war still exists between the UFP & Zargah, they have been languishing in goals now for years. 2252 The UFP continues to debate the Zargah prisoners issue. Public criticism has been slowly increasing, & much of it disturbing. On numerous occasions the issue of executing all the prisoners has been raised. President De Vilirra has no intension of doing this, however, & orders the UFP to move the prisoners to another location. Since life has somewhat returned to normal for the UFP. The war time population of 75 million on Fin has, as a result, dropped dramatically. Now only about 1 million citizens populate the planet. Consequently, there are living quarters & facilities on Fin going to waste. Furthermore, due to its remoteness, Fin is out of the public eye. Prisoner security can be assured as well. It does not take much of an argument by UDF to convince the President to the move. As a result of the turn around in most citizen’s lives, President De Vilirra is re-elected in a tight contest. Another factor was the moving of the Zargah from the various prison camps throughout the UFP to Fin. This tipped the scale in her favour. The small citizen population on Fin ,it should be noted, mostly voted against her. The Cosmic Cup (CC) was hosted by Sierra. It was still obvious that the planet had suffered much damage, but the tournament was successful. Renaissance defeated the Freedom Federation (FF) 2-1 in the final. 2253 As refugees continue to return, social unrest begins on several planets. Although problems had occurred in the past, events were individual & rare. Furthermore, they never had any racial base. Yet on Utopia, events began to develop into violent episodes that were noted to have racial overtones. Humans had always displayed, more than the other UFP races, the occasional display of racism, but again these were slight & uncommon. Alas Utopians who were Human, began demanding the removal of all pre-war non-humans. Some local voices even demanded the removal of Humans who were from other planets. Considering such demands were unconstitutional, such demands increased the tension between the UFP & Utopia. President De Vilirra refused to introduce any such policy, which raised tensions more so. The Federal Police Agency (FPA) took over policing duties when it became obvious that the local Utopian police service did nothing to discourage protests. Likewise, the Utopian police did nothing when non-humans reported acts of harassment or violence. Operation Endgame continued. There was no word from the Zargah. 2254 In the Olympic year, President De Vilirra suggested that the Games be hosted on Utopia. The idea was to counter the racist overtones that had come light the previous year. The decision, however, was a catalyst for even further protest. Even before the first teams arrived, protesters had set fire to several buildings in the Olympic village. The FPA made several arrests, which began further protests demanding their release. Although security was tight for the Olympics, several venues saw violent classes between racist protester & FPA. Some events were cancelled. In a counter-protest, the Lyonies team left the competition early & returned home. The teams from the Coalition of Independent Planets (CIP) & the FF lodged protests to the Olympic Committee & UFP. They, however, stayed. As a result of the problems on Utopia, the crowds were down. It was noted, though, that many Utopians cheered on & had nothing to do with the protesters. Many, when interviewed on CNN & other media groups, stated they detested the racist groups & that President De Vilirra should intervene. To further add to the woes of the racist protesters, Vargargy Prime won the most gold medals, followed by China & Drey. Utopia came fourth. 2255 Utopia continued to smoulder with unrest. Anti-racists on the planet began to voice their protests against the racist groups. Likewise, billions of UFP citizens, Human & non-human, joined in. This did not, unfortunately, stop the racist’s attacks on non-humans on Utopia. Several Lyonies leaders went to Utopia to begin lecture tours. These lectures were mostly for the anti-racist groups & tens of thousands came to meetings. They also inflamed the racists screaming "invasion again!". By the end of the year, when a multi-racial lecture group toured the planet, the extreme group Utopia Only "declared war against the invaders". Immediately a terrorist war began whereby numerous bombs exploded around UFP buildings. Luckily, no one was killed. Racist groups on Duel began to echo sentiments similar to those on Utopia. On Duel, though, due to its unique health concerns such as the Looney Duel Toons, the UHS has special powers to detain any citizen considered to display signs of ill health. President De Vilirra immediately seized on this & ordered members of Duel’s racist groups to be medically detained. UHS asked the FPA for support, where upon several hundred police officers became health officials for the day. About 4 000 of Duel’s racists were thus "medically detained" on suspicion of suffering the Looney Duel Toons. Other than the racists, no one complained over this obvious violation of the rights of UFP citizens. It was the first victory against the racists & stopped the spread of this hideous illness. Most citizens cheered when they heard the news. The first census in decades was held in the UFP. It clearly shows the effects on the population & planets of the UFP from the War. Earth’s population - 7.2 billion. Lyonies’ population - 5.3 billion Eden’s population - 4.1 billion Vargary Prime’s population - 2.6 billion Utopia’s population - 2.2 billion Inloy’s population - 2.1 billion Drey’s population - 2 billion Nirvana’s population - 1.9 billion Renaissance’s population - 1.2 billion Lonclu’s population - 765 million Duplak’s population - 599 million Var’dor’s population - 598 million Sierra’s population - 490 million Evduc’s population - 401 million Ni’Vil’s population - 322 million Saturn Prime’s population - 286 million. Phoenix’ population - 80 million Pacifica’s population - 18 million. Omega’s population - 16 million Australis’s population - 11 million. Duel’s population - 10 million. Locus’ population - 9 million Barrens’ population - 6 million Fin’s population - 5 million Mars, Alpha Four, Earth Moon, refugees, other small colonies & ships population - 514 million 2256 Protesters on Utopia demanded that their planet secede from the UFP. Futhermore, they wanted the alien invaders out. These demands where ignored by the President. In order to get the President’s attention, Utopia Only’s bombing campaign increased. The first of the largest explosions occurred in a pro-UFP shopping mall. Although several citizens were hurt, one seriously, no one was killed. The first death to occur in this business was, ironically, that of a terrorist. FPA reported that a large explosion had taken place in the house of a racist leader. Apparently the terrorist was making a crude explosive device that malfunctioned. When searched, bomb making equipment was found throughout the house. Other racists refused to accept this & argued that the FPA had killed the racist then fabricated evidence. Naturally these claims were rejected for the lies they were. The CC was hosted by Renaissance. The old Military Restricted Zone (MRZ) planets had now become rather popular. Rehabilitated to resemble Earth, they had become major contributors during the War. This reflected in their prosperity afterwards. It surprised no one when Renaissance retained the Cup defeating Nirvana 2-1 in the final. 2257 The presidential elections this year were ugly. Although the racist candidate Lex Border had no chance of winning, his presence was nonetheless, unwanted. Thankfully a war veteran from the anti-racist "camp"on Utopia, Sharon Aristotle, slaughtered Border at the election, while narrowly defeating the peace candidate Lynnous Inlarious from Lyonies. As a sign of unity against the racists, Aristotle requested that Inlarious become Vice President. She accepted. Unfortunately, the UFP elections were violent on Utopia. The terrorist group Utopia Only continued their bombing campaign. At one polling booth, four citizens were killed. Among them included a young girl. Outraged by this news, anti-racists demanded action & an end to the terrorists. In her first act as President, Sharon Aristotle, ordered in the UDF. Utopia Only was crushed in one night. Members were arrested & brought before the Federal War Crimes Tribunal. Its two senior leaders were executed while the others sent to Fin for various lengths of imprisonment. UHS reported to the President that what was achieved on Duel in regards to racism, could likewise apply to the entire UFP. Medical research appeared to indicate that racism was a gene illness that could be treated. Seizing this opportunity, President Aristotle, rushed the Racist Health Act through Congress. Few members objected. It is has the record for being the fasted legislation to ever go through Congress, except the 2175 Member Remuneration Increase Act that President Morris rushed through for pay increases. Within hours of the passage of the Racist Health Act, UHS & FPA personnel began detaining racists across the UFP. Naturally Utopia was the leader in health detainment numbers. Although a few civil rights groups raised political objections, the great majority of citizens were more than happy to see the racists detained & treated for their anti-social illness. 2258 UHS anti-racist treatment continued. Many were cured of their illness. Most returned to their homes to become fruitful contributors to society. One, the former presidential candidate Lex Border, wrote The life of a Racist. It quickly became a literary classic, where it lampoons the racist philosophy of life. Significantly, it became compulsory 7th year reading material in all UFP high schools. Another important decision was made by the UFP Education Department. 50 years had passed since, President’s Chifley’s Light Upon The Hill speech of 2207. The education department made the speech compulsory learning for all primary school children throughout the UFP. This was demanded by President Aristotle who declared that "… we must never forget our purpose in the universe - the Light Upon The Hill - which President Chifley so elegantly described during a most inelegant time." In a sign of triumph over racism, the Unified Olympics were once again held on Utopia. They were a great success. The troubles of the previous Games were not to be seen. Eden won the most gold medals, followed closely by Drey & Utopia. 2259 Innocence, the protected planet within the old MRZ, tests its first Magnetic Space Warp Drive (MSWD) ship. UFP becomes rather perplexed. Its been watching over this planet for centuries, but now it appears Innocence has almost grown up. The final policy decision becomes irrelevant when later in the year, the Innocence scout ship Terra 1, arrives at Nirvana. UDF could have intercepted the Terra 1, but this action was quickly overruled. The UFP diplomatic corps were soon embarrassed when the Innocence personnel explained that they had known about the aliens for centuries. It seems they first became aware of alien existence during the First Battle of Innocence in 2012. The aliens were later confirmed by Innocence’s scientists who observed UDF & UPX vessels spying on their planet. Some regret was felt that the UFP never made contact, but Innocence appreciated that they had to do it themselves. Well, that was not quite true - it was admitted they did get help from the ship debris floating around their solar system. Several Human historians stated "I told you so", but the general view was that the policy followed, albeit bungled, turned out to be the right one. Several treaties were signed & UFP were invited to Innocence. UFP personnel were delighted to discover a rather enlightened & excited planet, whose population welcomed the UFP delegation as family. Indeed they were. By the end of the year, Innocence with its 3.1 billion inhabitants, joined the UFP. Several steps would need to be taken, first making Innocence an "Associate Member" for now, but it was assumed by 2270 Innocence would enjoy full membership. 2260 Having heard of the changes within the UFP lately, particularly of Innocence’s membership, the Zargah on Fin began to raise voices. UFP had basically dumped the Zargah prisoners of war on Fin to get them out of the way. It was partly to help the UFP citizens forget about the war, and partly to protect the prisoners from revenge killings. Most had by now forgotten about them. Meanwhile the Zargah on Fin had built their own communities. Furthermore, educators from the UFP had enlightened the Zargah as to the Galaxy. Families had begun. Importantly all had given up the war & were content as Finites. In the first step for integration, the Fin Zargah were quick to point out the hypocrisy of the UFP leadership. President Aristotle, in fact most, were truly embarrassed by the situation. Negotiations began at once. Although this caused a stir among veteran groups, UHS & UDF research clearly showed that the Zargah on Fin sincerely wanted peace & a normal life. The first step in this process was the official recognition of the Fin Zargah as Finites. The CC was hosted by Saturn Prime in order to get the tourist industry going again. The tournament was a success. Renaissance for the third time running won the Cup defeating Lyonies 3-2 in the final. 2261 For the first time in decades, BigEar identified a signal coming from an advanced civilisation. UPX estimate it is some 500 light years long the rim from Drey. UPX enthusiastically informs the UFP but are greeted with a cool reception. Many remember how the Zargah War started & few wish to endure a repeat episode. Negotiations begin between the UPF & FF. Now that trade has returned to pre-war levels, the UFP suggests some economic reform between the neighbouring federations. The Wazzen-Quotos Union (WQU) get to hear of the negotiations and expresses an interest in the idea. They become included in the talks as well. 2262 Negotiations between the UPF, FF & WQU conclude with a basic open market known as the Free Trade Market (FTM). All markets will be open to the other members with limited restrictions. Travel too will be almost unlimited. Some consider it the first step towards further integration. Although this topic was raised at the negotiations, it was not discussed at length & was not mentioned in the treaty. The presidential elections are a quiet affair. Unlike previous years, there are no major issues. The result surprises no one when President Aristotle is re-elected. As part of the FTM celebrations, the Unified Olympics is hosted by Lill in the FF. The Games are a great success. The FF win the most gold medals, followed by Nirvana & the CIP. 2263 UPX requests that they be permitted to send long distance probes to the unknown civilisation they identified in 2261. President Aristotle gives the go ahead, but demands that all necessary security be absolutely maintained. Furthermore, if this new civilisation is determined to be hostile, there will be no further contact. UDF reports that Operation Endgame continues without any reply from the Zargah. They start to query whether there is anything to gain from continuing the mission. President Aristotle confirms that it is her wishes that the offensive mission must continue until the original objectives are met. UDF approaches NGW to develop an improved BigEar/Indorra machine. They wish to be able to scan with accuracy the Zargah Empire. Furthermore, plans for an advanced Peacemaker 3 missile are also sought. CIP announces that it is interested in joining the FTM. Negotiations begin. 2264 UPX report that their probes have identified a civilisation called the Honshu. Although UPX only know the basics, they consider them to be a relatively peaceful civilisation made up of four planets. UPX suggest contact should be made. UFP debates the UPX findings. Many are still concerned about a possible conflict. Further data that the UPX releases indicates that the Honshu are at about the same level of development as the Avakous. It appears that relatively few combat vessels exist. Those that do are no match for UDF ships. Furthermore, UPX doubts that the Honshu have the technological capabilities of launching an invasion from 500 light years. President Aristotle finally gives permission for communique probes be sent to the Honshu. She also authorises UPX to begin construction of a new generation scout ship class. UPX in turn orders a class leader to begin construction. It will be know as the UPX Babylon. The CC is hosted by the WQU. Unlike last time WQU hosted the CC, no one complains about the tournament. It is a thorough success. FF defeat Nirvana 2-1 in the final. 2265 Negotiations between the CIP & the FTM are successful. CIP announces it will join. Again comments are made about future integration, but this is not mentioned in the revised treaty. After hearing of the CIP joining the FTM, both the Grand Republic (GR), and the Hi-Lang-Ja Republic (HR) express an interest in the new trade association. Both republics have been left behind in the last 50 years. The Zargah War, although not effecting them directly, hit both economically. Both hope that by joining the FTM, their economic problems may be cured. Successful contact is made with the Honshu. UPX is more than happy to announce that their first findings about the Honshu are true. Communiques are exchanged & the Honshu inevitably invited the UFP to visit. President Aristotle is extremely delighted by the outcome of the Honshu first contact. She authorises 5 more Babylon class explorer vessels. Again UPX re-emerges into the public spot light. It has been decades since UPX has been on centre stage. Earth’s population - 7 billion. Lyonies’ population - 5 billion Eden’s population - 4.4 billion Innocence’s population - 3.2 billion Nirvana’s population - 2.8 billion Vargary Prime’s population - 2.7 billion Utopia’s population - 2.5 billion Drey’s population - 2.2 billion Renaissance’s population - 2.1 billion Inloy’s population - 2 billion Lonclu’s population - 789 million Duplak’s population - 611 million Var’dor’s population - 610 million Sierra’s population - 495 million Evduc’s population - 418 million Ni’Vil’s population - 345 million Saturn Prime’s population - 296 million. Phoenix’ population - 103 million Pacifica’s population - 18 million. Omega’s population - 16 million Australis’s population - 12 million. Duel’s population - 10 million. Locus’ population - 9 million Barrens’ population - 6 million Fin’s population - 6 million Mars, Alpha Four, Earth Moon, refugees, other small colonies & ships
population - 65 million 2266 UPX Babylon is launched. It is the latest in UFP technology & design. It incorporates lessons learnt from the pervious Discovery 2 class & the War. Even if the Honshu turned out to be unfriendly, Babylon could well & truly look after herself. Like Discovery 2, the other UFP services are represented. UDF personnel are in large numbers, in fact they outnumber UPX personnel. Its weapons ensure that it could defeat a Victory class battleship, and a large marine contingent ensures that any boarding parties will be seriously contested. President Aristotle only hopes that the Honshu are not terrified by this monster. NGW informs UDF that they cannot develop a device much more improved than is currently available in order to spy directly on the Zargah Empire. They do, however, report that a new targeting system, called Telescope, would greatly increase the identification & targeting of Zargah assets. This can be achieved without any requirement of reprogramming from the UDF. The missile would truly be a fire & forget system. UDF immediately order the new Peacemaker3. The Unified Olympics are hosted by the CIP. Once again they are successful. It surprises no one, when the host team wins the most gold medals, followed by Eden & Nirvana. 2267 Amongst much fan fair, Innocence becomes a full member of the UFP. Although some uneasiness is expressed by Innocence’s population, the transition is smooth & concerns quickly dissipate. The negotiations between the FTM members & HR & GR are successful. UFP even manages to include a " further integration at some future date unspecified" clause in the expanded treaty. Trade, as a result expands rapidly between the FTM members. UPX Babylon makes successful first contact with the Honshu. They are impressed, not terrified, of the mighty UPX ship & warmly welcome the crew. It could not be more different that Discovery 2’s first contact with the Zargah . No one is more relieved than the retiring war veteran President Aristotle. Various treaties are signed, & the Honshu are invited to set up an embassy on Earth. The UFP diplomatic corps immediately establishes an embassy on the Honshu’s home planet. The presidential elections are a rather quiet affair. Although the UPX mission to Honshu has caused some interest, few issues are important. Some UFP citizens raise questions about the future of the FTM, but other than that nothing else takes centre stage. The Vargary candidate Vinc’Vil’Nor defeats the Eden candidate Marg Wang for the Presidency. 2268 Operation Endgame continues. The new Peacemaker3 missiles replace the older versions. Once again 100 missiles are launched every month. No one has any idea what has happened in Zargah space since the operation began. Although BlackStar detonations have been identified, no one is certain whether any targets have been hit. Certainly there has been no communique from the Zargah. UPX Babylon returns to a hero’s welcome. Her mission has been a major success. All of UPX Babylon exploration class ships are now operational. Although BigEar has not clearly identified signals from other civilisations, several appear promising. UPX sends its new ships on nearby survey missions along the UFP borders. UFP, still security conscience, orders caution. The CC returns to its spiritual home, Earth. The tournament is thoroughly successful. One estimate suggests that the crowds are the biggest on record. Furthermore, the local teams do well. Cameroon, amazes everyone, when the African nation defeats Brazil 4-3 in extra time to win in the final. 2269 UDF reports that the Peacemaker3 missiles appear to be making life difficult within the Zargah Empire. The improvements to the targeting system can be thanked for that. Although they are certain Capital still exists, they conclude that a secondary target had been destroyed. The Finites petition President Vinc’Vil’Nor to become citizens of the UFP. Technically they are still prisoners of war, although in reality they have been treated as refugees. President Vinc’Vil’Nor coolly accepts there petition, although he is not overly supportive of them. Many Vargary remember the Zargah occupation days. They were far from pleasant. Negotiations are started. 2270 UDF reports that several of Zargah assets have been destroyed. Speculation, however, continues over the results of attacks on Capital. Some evidence suggests that the Zargah Empire home planet may have been obliterated, but nothing is conclusive. UPX informs President Vinc’Vil’Nor that BigEar has picked up a direct signal from the Zargah. The translation requests a cease fire leading to peace negotiations. President Vinc’Vil’Nor is more than pleased with the communique & permits a cease fire. UDF expresses concern, but puts Operation Endgame on hold. Current Peacemaker3 missiles on missions to Zargah space are selfdestructed. A UFP communique is sent to the Zargah confirming the cease fire, but demand negotiations to begin immediately. If the Zargah do not, Operation Endgame, will recommence on a larger scale. The Unified Olympics are hosted on Phoenix. The local team does well. Vargary wins the most gold medals, followed by Eden & Phoenix. 2271 After exhaustive negotiations, the Finites gain full citizenship in the UFP. They are free to travel & conduct business as any other UFP citizen. Although some ill feeling still exists, very few protest the Finites’ membership. As a sign of good intensions, & as an extra tool in the peace talks, two Finites are included in the Zargah peace talks. Although the talks are still in their infancy, some progress has been made. Negotiations are slow, however, due to the distance. Communiques take three months to reach the other side. Albeit difficult, the time difference allows deep analysis & intelligent discussion. The Zargah are impressed that the Finites have been included in the UFP. Future negotiations are fruitful as a result. 2272 As the Zargah peace negotiations remain positive, UFP removes restrictions on exploration. Immediately UPX begins intensive missions between Lyonies & Innocence in unclaimed space, & between Ni’Vil & Renaissance, again in unclaimed space. It is hoped that several habitable planets will be discovered that can be colonised. The UFP is about to expand. The presidential elections becomes important to the UFP. Several issues, particularly the peace negotiations, are hotly debated. Again the two old camps, war & peace, fight it out. Other issues, such as the Finites, are debated as is the future of the FTM. In a close election, President Vinc’Vil’Nor is re-elected, but only after a pledge for peace. The CC was hosted on Vargary. The local team defeats Eden 2-1 in the final. 2273 As the FTM has been a major success for its members. The UFP is now stronger than ever. Noticing this, the FF indicate that it may seek integration with the UFP. It is not the first time this issue has been raised, & considering the Zargah are no longer a danger, the benefits of joining the UFP out weigh the negative. Furthermore, the FF always recall that their federation & freedom was only due to intervention against the Blurgiss by the UFP. Peace negotiations continued between the Zargah & UFP. Although the two sides remained cautious, neither side wishes for hostilities to restart. It was agreed that a physical meeting occur in order to have instant discussions rather than wait three months for the next communique. A solar system on the 500 light year half way mark was agreed to as the site. For the "physical" peace negotiations, a large space station shall be constructed. The UFP will build their half & the Zargah theirs. In the middle a large negotiations room shall double as the joining section. No weapons are permitted on the station. Each other’s armed forces are permitted one battlecruiser in the system at any one time. Likewise other traffic is limited, but more so for traffic management & station security. Finally each half of the station is run by their respective diplomatic corps. 2274 UPX begin construction of their half of the Peace Station. It will be three kilometres long & be able to house 25 000 people in total comfort. Although only a fraction of this number will actually live on the station, it is understood that numerous personnel are likely to constantly rotate through it. The WQU announce that it, like the FF, wishes to discuss all future relationships with the UFP. This may also included full integration. No particular agenda is set, just a series of discussions for now to indicate whether it is feasible. The Unified Olympics is held on Drey. The difference between now & last time is staggering. There is no sign of the destruction caused by the War. Reconstruction has been thoroughly successful & as is the Games. Drey go on to win the most gold medals, followed by FF & Utopia. 2275 Construction of the Peace Station continues. By the time it is ready to be launched & sent to the negotiations location coded Papa Sierra, it will be the largest space vessel built to date. Although many citizens express concern about the cost, President Vinc’Vil’Nor is quick to remind them that this is nothing compared to the cost of the Zargah War. The President further confirms that the peace talks will be successful. The Honshu express an interest in the FTM as do the Avakous. Although trade has been growing between the UFP & these two distant friends, it is clear that the members of the FTM have significant advantages. Negotiations thus begin. Earth’s population - 6 billion. Lyonies’ population - 4.8 billion Eden’s population - 5 billion Nirvana’s population - 3.4 billion Innocence’s population - 3.3 billion Vargary Prime’s population - 3 billion Renaissance’s population - 2.9 billion Drey’s population - 2.8 billion Utopia’s population - 2.7 billion Inloy’s population - 2.1 billion Lonclu’s population - 956 million Duplak’s population - 689 million Var’dor’s population - 680 million Sierra’s population - 502 million Evduc’s population - 448 million Ni’Vil’s population - 366 million Saturn Prime’s population - 310 million. Phoenix’ population - 109 million Pacifica’s population - 19 million. Omega’s population - 16 million Australis’s population - 13 million. Duel’s population - 10 million. Locus’ population - 9 million Fin’s population - 7 million Barrens’ population - 6 million Mars, Alpha Four, Earth Moon, refugees, other small colonies & ships population - 54 million 2276 UPX dispatches the Peace Station to Papa Sierra. It will take a year to reach the destination, being toed by two of the Babylon explorer ships. Millions watch the departure ceremony wishing it truly succeeds. Negotiations continue between the UFP & the FF & WQU. There are no announcements. There is nothing definite, simply discussions to explore whether any integration is possible. In celebration of the Finites contribution to the UFP, the CC is hosted on Fin. Although the local team is eliminated in the first round, the tournament is a success. Many UFP citizens acknowledge their acceptance of the Finites into the UFP as equals. Eden defeats Nirvana 2-1 in the final. 2277 The diplomatic lead ships of the UFP & the Zargah meet for the first time at Papa Sierra. Although both sides are weary of the other, nothing is left to chance or mistake. Several Finites are present to ensure that no misunderstanding occur. Later in the year the two halves of the Peace Station are combined. After a month of fitting out, the station becomes operational. Negotiations are slow, but progress is deemed satisfactory by all involved. Negotiations with the Honshu & Avakous are concluded. Both will become members of the FTM. This will ensure that trade & tourism will double within a few short years. Although some discussion of integration did take place, due to distance among other things. This issue was dropped & is not mentioned in the revised treaty. As all seemed well in the Galaxy for the UFP, the elections were a positive affair. The effects of the Zargah War were a thing of the past. Prosperity was everywhere. As a result, the progressive presidential candidate Eric Baldwin from Eden defeated Braie Du Plie Eve from Drey. 2278 UPX announced that it had discovered a new habitable planet some 75 light years inward of Australis. It resembles Earth in many respects, except that it was planetary rings similar to Saturn Prime. They name it Twin. UPX also reports that several other solar systems within the Lyonies - Innocence zone appear promising. UFP, after lengthy debate, decides to annex the entire Twin region. They, however, place strict regulations as per entry. Twin will not be opened for colonisation for the moment. UDF & UPX are ordered to establish bases there. Furthermore UDF is order to patrol the new border & the new territory. The United Olympics are hosted for the first time on Innocence. Although new to the various sports & event, the locals put on a fine show. The Games are a great success. Eden win the most gold medals, followed by Vargary & Nirvana. 2279 The UFP & FF make a joint announcement. They have agreed to fully integrate. The new federation will retain the UFP name & structure. Referendums in each federation will be held in 2282. Many, however, are not confident with the results. Peace negotiations continue between the UFP & the Zargah. The first important breakthrough is announced when an official cessation of hostilities is signed. Although the two sides had held the cease fire for some time, officially peace now was in force. The negotiations for future relations continued. 2280 UPX discovers two new habitable planets. The first is about 70 light years inward of Sierra. It is slightly larger than Mars, but has a mostly temperate climate. 65% of its surface is covered by water. In many respects it resembles Australis. UPX names it Bantam. As in 2278, UFP annexes the new planet & the entire Ni’Vil - Renaissance region. UDF is ordered to patrol the new border & this latest addition to UFP territory. Again, like the new Twin restriction zone, entry is restricted. Furthermore the new planet is not opened for colonisation, although both UPX & UDF establish bases on the planet. The second planet is 20 light years from Twin. Although habitable, is it rather arid resembling Fin. UPX names the new planet Akin. UPF immediately applies the same restrictions, in regards to colonisation, to Akin as they have to Twin. UDF installs an Indorra station on the planet as part of their defence grid for the new territory. Thanks to these new discoveries, the size of the UFP has increased by a third. In doing so, its size dwarfs all of its neighbours. WQU particularly notes this, & although not alarmed, they certainly do not want to become surrounded by the UFP if the referendum is successful in 2282. During their negotiations on integration, that they initiated in 2274, WQU suggests that the agreement met by the UFP & FF also apply to them. UFP accepts this & the WQU will also have a referendum in 2282. The CC is hosted by Pacifica. Although the extreme weather ensures all matches are played indoors, the tournament is a success. Utopia defeats Innocence 3-2 in the final. 2281 After hearing that WQU & FF will hold referendums seeking to join the UFP, HR announces that it would like to begin negotiations to explore their possible integration into this larger UFP. They continue that, regardless of the outcome of next years referendum, negotiations would continue until a satisfactory conclusion is reached. UPX discover an Earth like planet 25 light years from Bantam. It is inhabited by a pre-industrialised civilisation of about 500 million humanoids. UPX names it Crafts (the locals call it Dowager). As has been UFP policy in the past, a protection zone of 5 light years is declared. No contact is to be made with the inhabitants of Crafts & only authorised research missions can enter the protection zone. UFP opens Twins for colonisation. After exhaustive research on the planet, UPX & UHS deem it safe. Akin, however, is declared a planetary National Park. This has come about due to the extensive & rich life forms that inhabit the planet. The discovery of dinosaurs was a major contributor to this decision. The problems of colonisation on Utopia, particularly the deaths of colonists to dinosaur attacks & the environmental vandalism that followed, is well documented. Only the UDF base & authorised research bases will be permitted on the planet. 2282 Electoral wise, this year is big. The UFP presidential elections are, however, dwarfed by the integration referendums. In all three sovereign territories, UFP, FF & WQU, the results are close. Many citizens did not know which way to vote in this colossal moment in history. Many arguments ran counter to the pro integration camps. Debate was everywhere. Defence & trade where major concerns. Nonetheless, the referendum was narrowly passed in the three regions. History, once again, had been made. Integration would occur in 2287. In the UFP presidential elections, Wayne Rosso Castilla from Eden narrowly defeated Castro Allen from Renaissance. The new president, after hearing the success of the referendum, offered to transfer the capital of the enlarged federation to a central location. Many on Earth do not like the idea, but everywhere else the offer was warmly greeted. No one, though, knew exactly were the new capital would be. After hearing the capital relocation announcement, UPX suggested that they could rehabilitate one of the dead planets in the old MRZ. It would take 10 years, so Earth would enjoy 5 years as capital of the enlarged UFP. This idea placated some on Earth, but not all. Nonetheless President Castilla authorised the rehabilitation immediately. The planet chosen was D6 previously known as Epsilon. UPX, taking the planet’s old name into account, renamed it Parliament - Upon - Epsilon. Most people simply called it Epsilon. As part of the celebrations over the referendum success, the Unified Olympics were held on Earth. Although there was some derision aimed at President Castilla, the Games were a success. Earth was still fundamental to the UFP, but the UFP had grown beyond Earth’s control. In fact billions more Humans call other planets home than refer to Earth as home. Having said that, whenever the Games are hosted on Earth, the local teams always excel. USA won the most gold medals, followed by Southern Africa & China. 2283 The first assassination attempt in UFP history is made. As President Castilla was about to open Congress for the fall session, Don Hudson, the Senator for the USA, opens fire & thankfully misses his target. Hudson, however, is not as lucky as the President as five security staff shot him down. Senatorial colleagues quickly distance themselves from Hudson, who was publicly against the UFP capital move to Epsilon. Hudson’s actions immediately sobered citizens up. Although President Castilla was unhurt, it brought home to many how objectionable Humans can be. Although objections to the move went on, most on Earth either accepted the reality of the situation or changed their views. 2284 Colonisation on Twin continues. 1 million UFP citizens now reside on the new planet. UPX discovers a habitable planet 25 light years inward of Crafts. Although somewhat arid like Fin, it can sustain millions of inhabitants. Furthermore, it appears to contain scarce minerals & elements. UPX name it Hollows. UFP immediately opens Hollows for mining operations & colonisation. Although the UFP lacks nothing in resources, the rebuilding program nonetheless ensured that reserves throughout the UFP have been reduced significantly. Planets such as Hollows are fundamental for the future. This is particularly so considering the sudden expansion that is about to occur. The CC is hosted by Var’Dor. The local team does extremely well, yet goes down in the final 3-0 to Vargary Prime. 2285 GR indicates that it is willing to open negotiations about possible future integration with the UFP. Negotiations begin, but it becomes clear that there is some resistance to the idea from the FF delegates. WQU remains neutral on the issue, while the current UFP members of Humans, Vargary, Lyonies & Drey are open to the idea. Earth’s population - 6.1 billion. Eden’s population - 5.2 billion Lyonies’ population - 4.8 billion Nirvana’s population - 3.7 billion Innocence’s population - 3.4 billion Renaissance’s population - 3.3 billion Vargary Prime’s population - 3.1 billion Drey’s population - 3 billion Utopia’s population - 2.7 billion Inloy’s population - 2.2 billion Lonclu’s population - 990 million Duplak’s population - 704 million Var’dor’s population - 691 million Sierra’s population - 509 million Evduc’s population - 467 million Ni’Vil’s population - 389 million Saturn Prime’s population - 319 million. Phoenix’ population - 192 million Pacifica’s population - 19 million. Omega’s population - 16 million Australis’s population - 14 million. Duel’s population - 10 million. Locus’ population - 9 million Fin’s population - 8 million Barrens’ population - 6 million Twins’ population - 2 million Mars, Alpha Four, Earth Moon, other small colonies & ships population - 52 million 2286 The negotiations between the UFP & HR conclude. At the announcement that followed, HR stated that they will join the UFP, provided a referendum is passed by HR citizens next year. If successful, 2290 is seen as the date for integration. Following this announcement, the CIP notices that they have been left behind. Until now, they had been the second largest sovereign after the UFP, but soon they will be the smallest. Many in the CIP would have liked to have been part of the integration process from the beginning, but many planets preferred their loose coalition arrangements. Now, however, things had changed. Clearly the UFP was about to become significantly bigger next year & within 10 years the CIP could become a backwater. Although somewhat reluctant, CIP leadership opened negotiations for integration with the UFP. In anticipation of the expansion of the UFP, the Unified Olympics is hosted by the FF on Gollare. The FF win the most gold medals, followed by Renaissance & Drey. 2287 On the first day of the UFP calendar year, the new federation is born. Although still called the UFP, the FF & WQU expands federation territroy significantly. It will take, however, years for the full integration process to finalise, but at least on paper it is official. Confusion somewhat reigns, when it is realised that no one really is in full charge: elections will be held later in the year. Meanwhile, President Castilla of the old UFP is made interim President until the elections. This he wins by a comfortable margin. The structure of the new UFP is no different than the old. The FF & WQU defence, health, legal, education & exploration services are integrated into current UFP agencies. Each sovereign member of the UFP retains local government authority, while the federal government controls & coordinates the bigger picture. Naturally, all citizens have freedom of travel, commerce, employment & property. Likewise, civil rights are enjoyed equally by all. The other election results, that being the HR referendum, are also successful. In fact the victory margin was larger than in any of the three sovereigns in the previous referendum. 2288 Life on the Peace Station has become routine. In fact since the Peace Treaty, the negotiations have slowed down. Nonetheless, talks continued, even though they were more of an informal nature rather than previously. Alas the Non-Aggression Pact was signed without any celebrations. Too much, it seemed, was occurring back at home as the integration process continued. The CC was held by the old WQU. Although the locals were knocked out in the first round, the tournament was a great success. Victory in the final went to the team from Eden who defeated Utopia 2-1. 2289 Transition continued within the UFP with no major problems. Those that did occur, experienced UFP personnel were able to handle. Their years of running multi-racial & multi-national operations ensured that solutions were quickly found. Although old FF & WQU personnel felt somewhat left out, their positions were never threatened. In fact most were grateful for the knowledge & guidance that was shared. Some UDF personnel raised some alarm that powerful technology was being
shared with "foreigners", but no drastic action was ever taken to interfere with
the integration of the defence forces. In fact the WQU had no large military to
warrant concern & the old FF equipment was years behind UFP standard. By the
time the retaining of old FF personnel was completed, no one in the UDF
continued to express these security fears. 2290 HR joins the UFP at the beginning of the year. Integration is simplified by the fact that the HR has no military to speak of. Furthermore, UFP personnel are now well trained in the integration process after experiencing three years already. Some of the HR express doubts, but most as indicated by the referendum, are optimistic about their future in the UFP. UPX discover a habitable planet 30 light years from Hollows. It somewhat resembles Vargary Prime. They name it Var’Dosh’Vil in honour of the Vargary home planet. UDF establishes a base on the new planet & opens an Indorra station. The UFP, as has become standard policy, bans colonisation until research confirms the planet’s suitability for such plans. In celebrating the inclusion of the HR into the UFP, the Unified Olympics are hosted by the old HR. Although the locals do not do very well (actually they win no medals at all), the Games are extremely successful. Eden wins the most gold medals, followed by Drey & Renaissance. 2291 Although negotiations between the GR & UFP have been far from ideal, considering expansion of the UFP has been extremely successful, the GR is, nonetheless, allowed to join following a successful referendum. A few of the old FF planets announce their displeasure, but will abide by the majority decision. The referendum will be held in 2294. UFP agencies & government departments begin the move to Parliament - Upon - Epsilon. The planet has been rehabilitated & modelled on the Mediterranean Sea region on Earth. Numerous species have been introduced to the planet from around the UFP. One Earth species, that an ignorant Lyonies zoologist introduced in 2290, is the rabbit. Although they appear cute & harmless, the rabbits on Epsilon rapidly multiply & become, within a short space of time, a plague. No one really knows what to do with them. 2292 The Presidential elections are hotly contested by no fewer than five candidates. After several recounts of votes, the Nirvana candidate Megawatti Pulltin narrowly wins with literally a handful of votes. The swearing in ceremony on Epsilon, although historic, becomes comic. As the new UFP President begins her speech at the new Acropolis overlooking New Athens, hundreds of rabbits terrorise the distinguished guests. Although no one is injured, billions of UFP citizens are amused at the spectacle telecast before them. Needless to say, the first Presidential decree is to kill off Epsilon’s rabbit population. In celebrating the establishment of the new capital, the CC is hosted on Epsilon. All the games are interrupted with in some way by the rabbit plagues. When news gets out about the President’s rabbit decree, Greenpeace, United Wildlife Fund & other environmental groups express outrage. Protest marches begin wherein millions of UFP citizens decry the rabbit murders. Amongst all this fuss, Eden defeats Gollare 2-1 in the CC final. The decision to kill off the rabbits is strongly debated in the new Congress. Little else gets done, until a solution is finalised. And a solution that appeases all. Earth Congress members point out that in nature, the Fox specie hunts & controls rabbit numbers on Earth. The environmental groups are consulted about the "Fox solution" and they grudgingly support the plan. Besides, Foxes look cute too. Soon hundreds of Foxes are introduced into Epsilon’s environment & go to work. 2293 The negotiations between the CIP & the UFP satisfactory conclude. The CIP will have a referendum in 2295 in regards to integration with the UFP. Although the CIP suspect that the result will be close, they hope that the result will be positive. The Fox solution on Epsilon appears to be working. Although environmental groups continue to express their concerns over the environmental bungle, rabbit numbers are significantly reduced. A few of the other species numbers are also down, but the drop is not significant. It appears nature is doing its thing. 2294 The referendum in the GR is successful. Although the margin is narrow, the smallest margin to date, the GR has voted to integrate with the UFP in 2297. President Megawatti Pulltin is pleased to announce to the UFP the results of the GR referendum. Not all of UFP citizens are, however, pleased. The memory of the defeated Blurgiss Empire is still fresh in the memory of many ex-slave races. Hopefully the GR will clearly display that the bad old days are gone forever. To further celebrate & showcase the UFP’s new capital, the Unified Olympics is hosted on Epsilon. It soon, however, turns into a shambles resembling the CC tournament of two years previous. Foxes are now in plague as they have multiplied in huge numbers. The foxes are all well fed & there are no species to control their numbers. Furthermore, no programs have been introduced to control the fox population. Not only have the rabbit numbers dropped significantly as a result, but hundreds of other species are now on the endangered species list. Environmental groups declare "I told you so", as the UFP government spends more time trying to remedy the environmental problem on Epsilon than on any other issue throughout the entire federation. Many citizens are not impressed. Even though all attention to the Olympics has been lost, Drey wins the most gold medals, with Utopia & Lill next. 2295 The CIP hold their referendum & is narrowly passed. Although not as close as the GR result, several planets of the CIP do vote no. However, since the majority of planets & the overall population voted yes, the referendum is carried. 2299 is considered the earliest possible date for integration. Scientists on Epsilon finally come up with a solution for the fox plague. From Earth, they introduce a virus that will only kill foxes. Although some foxes will survive, their numbers will be significantly reduced. When queried about the increase in the rabbit population, the scientists recommend that the same control method can be used for the rabbits via another virus. The UFP permits the virus solution to go ahead. Environmental groups express their concern about the virus solution, but are well aware the same method works naturally in Earth. There are no protests. 2296 The fox population on Epsilon has dropped dramatically. President Megawatti Pulltin & the UFP government anxiously waits environmental reports on this issue. These reports indicate that the problem is solved, but recommends that the rabbit virus be released as rabbit numbers are on the increase. Again environmental groups express concern, but the virus solution appears the only effective & natural solution. That, however, does not stop Greenpeace pointing out that the environmental mess was all caused in the first place by the government playing around with nature; thus disaster followed. The CC is hosted by the HR. Although the HR are new to soccer, they achieve significant results & make it to the semi-finals. As a result the tournament is a great success. Phoenix defeats Vargary Prime 3-2 in the finals. 2297 The GR are welcomed into the UFP. However, not everyone welcomes them. At several of the functions, it is noted that a few of the representative from the old FF are not present. Although nothing is said by these representatives, their absence is well understood. The Presidential elections are rather ugly. President Megawatti Pulltin is labelled as the nature killer & the environmental community across the UFP single her out for the mess on Epsilon. They throw their support behind the Utopian "green" candidate Gene Roddenberry. Roddenberry wins in a landslide that shocks many political commentators. Although few challenge the new President’s environmental track record, which is indeed impressive, many wonder whether he, or anyone for that mater, can truly govern this greatly enlarged UFP. 2298 The integration process continues. As has happened in the past, most of the integration goes smoothly. A few problems occur, but solutions are quickly found. Some discontent is heard throughout the old FF, but nothing serious occurs. To celebrate GR’s entry into the UFP, the United Olympics is hosted on Blurgiss Prime. A century ago this would have been considered impossible. Today, though, it is. A few protests are lodged by disgruntled old FF citizens, but all teams compete in peace. Renaissance wins the most gold medals, followed by Gollare & Innocence. 2299 The CIP is welcomed into the UFP. It is a significant moment in history. Almost the entire known universe is together in one big club. Although some friction occurs between some races, nothing is overly serious. Trade continues with the Honshu & Avakous. Neither have indicated a earning to join the UFP, but both remain in the old FTM. Only the Zargah continue to keep a distance. Nothing has changed since the Non-Aggression Pact. However, the Peace Station continues to operate & negotiations continue on a daily basis. Although no agreements or treaties are signed, the open dialogue is considered extremely important for future relations. No one wants the Zargah War repeated. 2300 At the end of the Second Age, a new one had already begun. Peace, trade & prosperity exists across the entire federation. No one goes hungry. Billions of citizens from many races work, play & live together free of the confines of hatred. Some remember the evils of the past & that is not necessarily a bad thing. It ensures that the evil will not be repeated in the future. Nothing, of cause, is certain - particularly the future. But the UFP has survived the lowest depths of existence. Old President Alexseyev was right. During the Human race’s darkest time, he predicted that the UFP would survive to become greater than ever. It would have never, however, achieved anything without the Humans being defiant during the darkest hours. As the UFP entered a new age, President Gene Roddenberry, at the closing ceremony of the CC on Earth, reminded the citizens of President’s Chifley’s call to arms in 2207: "…we must be the light upon the hill - which we aim to reach by working for the betterment of all life, not only here on Earth, but anywhere we may give a helping hand." For the record, Italy defeated France 4-5 in extra time to win the Cup.
Human Time Line Glossary (1945-2300)
© 1997-2009 This creative work is the property of David Mark
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